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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The CFLPA should wonder what's going on as well.
  2. BC has no run game so Bombers are just coming on every play. Why would BC run play action when we don't respect their run game?
  3. LaPo would have shut down the passing game by now & Collaros would have been stuck at 180 yards.
  4. I don't think we'll get to 500 but 400 would be nice.
  5. When was the last game we had over 300 yards passing?
  6. Just saw a close up of Sukh Chung. **** him.
  7. We're screwing the pooxh on offense.
  8. Yes to honour his late mother who preferred he be called Michael.
  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ****... Mourtada
  10. Collaros smiling & having fun. Nice to see after all the hardships he's had.
  11. Yeah, WTF is he out there for? To get hurt even more???
  12. That fumble will just piss him off.
  13. Who's Duke? Ellingson?? He's not leaving Edmonton.
  14. Don't mouth off at the back of the room.
  15. Man, special team players are courageous. #MikeMiller
  16. He still doesn't have it in a cast. Just ice.
  17. Crap, he almost missed that chip shot...
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