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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. It'll never reopen. Someone will buy the property & build homes or a shopping mall. I used to go to Fun Mountain when I was in my 20's three or 4 times a summer. Great fun. Single ladies... Wet & Wild in Lockport had crazier slides but both were cool. Bygone days now, sadly.
  2. I always felt that Bill Frank & Chris Walby were the two most dominant tackles for the Bombers & the CFL. But Stanley Bryant is in a league all his own.
  3. My wife & I got our third Covid shot yesterday. We're both feeling good. No after effects.
  4. Which means he's not that good if the others around him aren't. So, he adds little, if nothing.
  5. Chugh would be a backup on our OL. He wouldn't break into the starting rotation.
  6. What a joke by TSN. Just disgraceful. The CFL Awards relegated to their You Tube channel while they replay the Western Final on their main channel & have Sports Centre on the rest. TSN is a joke of a network. They don't give a rat's ass about the CFL. Biggest difference in kicking between the NFL & CFL is the fact kickers in the NFL have to kick the ball off the ground while CFL kickers use a tee. That's huge. Don't get rid of punting.
  7. I watched a documentary of the Dallas Cowboys when they won 3 Super Bowls in the 90's. The key was their offensive line. They were the best in the NFL during those years. They were nicknaned The Great Wall Of Dallas. I think we should nickname our guys The Great Wall Of Winnipeg Or as a tribute to the 1972 Bomber team. The Hogs. Charlie Harrison, Chuck Liebrock, Bob Swift, Bob Lueck & Bill Frank all loved that name & they were a close knit unit because of it
  8. Back in the 80's I once saw someone throw a bottle out of the upper deck at Canad Inns or Winnipeg Stadium as it was called back then. I had season tickets in the lower grandstand on the East Side in Section V. Somehow the bottle made it to the sidelines just behind the players bench smashing as it hit the ground so no one got hurt. I just remember the collective gasp of the fans as that glass missile fell out of the sky. That could have killed someone if it hit a fan or player on the back of the head. Everyone looked up & we could see people standing & pointing so security knew who threw it. The person was taken out of the stands by security. People that throw objects need to spend some time in jail to think about their actions, face a heavy fine & a lifetime suspension from Bomber games.
  9. I liken offensive football to a car. You can have a fancy paint job, expensive stereo system & all the cool bells & whistles. But if the engine doesn't start you go nowhere. The OL is the engine that drives the car. It goes nowhere if it's broken. The other bells & whistles are the receivers & running backs.
  10. Sukh Chungh over Desjarlais? Chungh gets thrown around on pass pro like a rag doll. Otherwise some good selections.
  11. The difference is Zach has a great OL playing in front of him. He wouldn't have had that in Saskatchewan.
  12. You mean Mourtada? The way I view Ambrosie is he's all talk but does nothing. In the end, the CFL may make minor changes but virtually nothing will get done. I don't believe anything he says. It's all BS.
  13. Jake Ireland was an equal opportunity referee. In other words, he screwed every team equally. He had no favourites. He was just a brutal ref. So, he retired & they rewarded him by making him a replay official so he could keep screwing every team equally.
  14. He lied about being vaccinated. He told NFL officials as well as those from the Packers that he was when he wasn't. No idea wht they didn't demand to see documents supporting his statement. If that was Cam Newton he'd be suspended but Rodgers wasn't. I liked Rodgers but he totally lost my respect.
  15. Cody Fajardo is human. The man is sensitive about criticism & it affects him. He's neither a robot without feeelings or evil just because he plays for the Riders, We have some posters here (including myself) who have issues with mental health. We understand what it's like to suffer thru depression, anxiety & self doubt. I can sympathize with Fajardo feeling down about being criticized on social media. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Fajardo's not as great as some Rider fans would make him out to be but not as bad as some here say he is. To me, Fajardo's an above average qb who with the right personnel around him could qb the Riders to a GC victory. He would be wise to go off social media altogether if he is negatively affected like he appears to be. I know this goes against the grain here but I'll never criticize anyone who is struggling like he was at that presser yesterday.
  16. Fighting for freedoms? If you get the jabs you can go anywhere. All antivaxxers are fighting for is further isolation. As far as anti social behaviour goes, I don't see a lot of vaxxed people going around demonstrating for their freedumbs or being assholes on social media. They mind theor own business & get on with their lives as best they can during the pandemic by masking up, respecting other people's space & getting vaxxed. People like Chris Sky & the 2 wacked pastors (Pawlowski brothers) in Calgary deserve all the scorn they get. I have little time or sympathy for antivaxxers that whine, ***** or complain. I was in Seattle & Portland visiting family during the American Thanksgiving holiday weekend. People everywhere were wearing masks & respecting one another by trying to social distance the best they can. Just like here in Canada. I was expecting to see people not wearing masks in public as it's the US but that wasn't the case. We were in a mall in Portland called Washington Square. It was super busy as it was Black Friday. There wasn't anyone who wasn't wearing a mask. Most people just want to get back to the way things used to be & are willing to do whatever they can to get it that way.
  17. I do think one would have had to live in a cave the past 20 months to be uneducated. The problem is that people seem to believe in conspiracy theories & that Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Military Industrial Complex... Big ANYTHING is out to get them. There's enough dummies out there that are easily swayed which is unfortunate. No surprise when there are people out there that still believe the Earth is flat.
  18. So, when I wear a mask & get properly vaxxed, I'm somehow selfish because I made that decision? Do tell. Please explain how that's selfish when I'm looking out for you & others? You brought up sides, not me. What's my side?
  19. Yes, just players that have to travel. Ain't it great? Jeez.
  20. Is that what you think? That we just brainlessly follow orders blindly like zombies when it comes to the Covid vaccine? To me, it's commom sense. Why would I expose myself to a virus that will make me sick or even kill me at age 66?? Why did you get it? Seems like you fell into step to get the vaccine. Know what? I'm getting a booster on Friday. Like I said, players that don't get vaxxed next year won't play period.
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