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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. He'll be playing elsewhere. It might be Hamilton if both Massoli & Evans leave.
  2. Anyone ever see that interview Jim Rome had with LA Rams QB Jim Everett back in 1994 where Rome kept calling him "Chris" or "Chrissy" (referring to tennis star Chris Everett). This is what happened... Cody might snap like Chrissy did here. This interview made Jim Rome famous & he's now the highest paid sports announcer in America. Not the greatest audio quality...
  3. Maier won't stay. He'll sign elsewhere. If he wants to back up Mitchell then he might as well sign here backing up Collaros. BLM should be the one to leave. If Wally was the GM & head coach, BLM wouldn't be back. Wally cut Allen Pitts after a thousand yard season so he could sign another slotback who was younger & cheaper. Wally was cutthroat.
  4. I'm hoping for you as well. We who live in Alberta have no idea what that moron is doing. I hope everyone can get a booster much sooner rather than later. If the unvaccinated (the ones that refuse to be vaccinated) get sick they should be triaged & sent home. Why should they get treatment & others don't & they die. It's time for this bullshit to stop.
  5. My first game I ever saw was in August 1969. The Bombers beat the Riders 16-14. I remember running on the field & Ron Lancaster walked by me among other players from both teams. I was in awe as all those players on the field were all heroes to me. Back then, we didn't have NFL football on TV. We saw a couple of games a week. Only Toronto, Montreal had NHL teams & the WHA was still 3 years away. The internet was still 20 years away from existing. I went to 3 or 4 games a year until 1974 when I got season tickets & had them until 1990 when my wife & our family moved to Calgary. Now, I'm excited to say I bought two seats in Section 227 with a 3 game flex pack. for 2022. I'm back, baby!!! Three games is a big deal to me. I'm excited!! Hopefully see some of you guys in 2022!!
  6. Yeah, that bond is amazing when you look down the bench at your teammates & suddenly you're filled with confidence that you won't... CAN'T... lose. That you'll all come through at the end. Powerful stuff. When Zach says he loves his teammates, he really means it.
  7. Thanks bearpants. Nice of you to say that. Appreciate it.
  8. Who was the guy who was in love with Chris Streveler in a creepy kind of way? He kept calling him Big Chris.
  9. Khari coached young qbs in Calgary at a Multi Sports training facility for a couple of years after he retired. He told me then that he wanted to be absolutely certain he didn't want to play anymore before he would pursue coaching opportunities. He did want to coach at the NCAA or CFL level & he was just biding his time. Meanwhile, my son learned from him as a high school qb. He was a great guy. Most former pros are btw.
  10. I used to chat with Khari's Dad on facebook years ago. Khari knew I was as well. He told me Khari's story. He was a very nice man. We had some interesting discussions as I recall. And they wonder why they've only won 4 Grey Cups... Lol.
  11. Nate ran for the hills. Here is exclusive footage of him in training.
  12. He got laid out pretty good in the Western Final.
  13. But he sure loved his fantasy cuff links & stick pin.
  14. I think the NHL will cancel participation in the Beijing Olympics. I'm down with that anyway, Covid or no Covid. Screw the CCP.
  15. After what is happening with the Omicron variant, I'm just glad the CFL was able to get the full season with minimal disruption. We might be seeing pro sports leagues shutting things down or not allowing fans into games to watch.
  16. You guys all know me. I want everyone to know that I truly do appreciate all of you here. Just want to say thank you for allowing me to be part of this group.
  17. That's interesting. Twenty two years without a championship affects the psychy of a fanbase, Look at us before we won in 2019.
  18. Yep. No sympathy. Like Kevin Glenn breaking his arm in the Eastern Final. Then a hapless Ryan Dinwiddie takes over. Rider fans laughing at us. I love the pain we've inflicted on other fanbases. Revenge is sweet!
  19. No, the play on the line would be the difference. I drove in all the way from Calgary to see that game. That was absolutely horrible. That was when I knew in the off season things would be blown up & they were.
  20. Greg Battle in the middle with James West & Ty Jones on the outside. Best linebacking corps in the CFL hands down at the time. You both always stood up for those guys right from the start & never backed down when the majority of posters (myself included) wanted them fired. You were right & holy .... we were wrong. Props to you both for never giving up on them. Thankfully Wade Miller didn't either.
  21. Here's an interesting stat. The Bombers won their 4th Grey Cup in 1958 which was 63 years ago. The Riders won their 4th Grey Cup in 2013.
  22. I said this exact same thing to my family. The 1988 Grey Cup. Almost the same scenario. The pass tipped in the air & intercepted both by DT Mike Gray. There still was 1:45 left to play & those last few seconds were absolute torture. My reaction was the same when we won. Complete relief followed by happiness!
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