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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The first years I had 2 Bomber season tickets & I just graduated high school, I took a very pretty girl I liked as my date to the game. I explained the rules of the game to her, who the qbs were & other players on the two teams on the field. I was giving her a blow by blow play by play explanation of the game as it went along. At halftime, I asked her what she thought. She said she liked the Bombers home uniforms. But she said she had one question. I said sure, go ahead. She asked, "Who's playing???" The guy in front of me one seat to my left just shook his head & started laughing....
  2. Beer makes me pee. And I do enough of that as a sober senior, thank you very much.
  3. Okay, thought they may have been kids. My son who lives in Calgary (35) is coming over with his wife. I was going to suggest coaching your kids in football but they might be a little too old. Lol. My 31 year old son in Seattle will be watching on ESPN with his wife.
  4. Trestman was fired by the Argos, (Popp actually told him) after a year. Popp the following. You know that Bluto or are you questioning me saying they were the most successful duo in Als history? I think they were but maybe I'm wrong.
  5. Rum & Coke. The best drink in the winter months. My son & daughter in law coming over. He too, is an Eagles fan. I just worry the Bombers will come out with too much over confidence & lose like the Stamps did to the RedBlacks in 2017. They can't take anything for granted. Just play hard every down.
  6. Why do you think I dislike Randy Ambrosie so much? He's all talk, no action & the **** that comes out of his mouth makes no sense. We've had 3 years of his garbage. He is fricking clueless. He couldn't lead a pack of Hyenas to a dead carcass on the Kalahari Desert in broad daylight.
  7. Great for the Edmonton Deer In The Headlights to try to create a distraction on GC weekend. What a douchebag of an organization they've become.
  8. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip. Lol.
  9. They'd work within the cap. They have integrity & wouldn't lose any of that even if they went to the Argos. Popp & Trestman, the most successful GM & HC duo in Montreal history both went to the Argos & it was a disaster. In other words, everything came together here for Walters & O'Shea. Same with the other guys in Montreal. Doesn't mean that same success will be dupicated in Toronto.
  10. I believe I've mellowed as well. Must be the side effects of the three Covid shots I've had. IBeing a senior, 'd rather go to the bathroom than fight.
  11. It'll never reopen. Someone will buy the property & build homes or a shopping mall. I used to go to Fun Mountain when I was in my 20's three or 4 times a summer. Great fun. Single ladies... Wet & Wild in Lockport had crazier slides but both were cool. Bygone days now, sadly.
  12. I always felt that Bill Frank & Chris Walby were the two most dominant tackles for the Bombers & the CFL. But Stanley Bryant is in a league all his own.
  13. My wife & I got our third Covid shot yesterday. We're both feeling good. No after effects.
  14. Which means he's not that good if the others around him aren't. So, he adds little, if nothing.
  15. Chugh would be a backup on our OL. He wouldn't break into the starting rotation.
  16. What a joke by TSN. Just disgraceful. The CFL Awards relegated to their You Tube channel while they replay the Western Final on their main channel & have Sports Centre on the rest. TSN is a joke of a network. They don't give a rat's ass about the CFL. Biggest difference in kicking between the NFL & CFL is the fact kickers in the NFL have to kick the ball off the ground while CFL kickers use a tee. That's huge. Don't get rid of punting.
  17. I watched a documentary of the Dallas Cowboys when they won 3 Super Bowls in the 90's. The key was their offensive line. They were the best in the NFL during those years. They were nicknaned The Great Wall Of Dallas. I think we should nickname our guys The Great Wall Of Winnipeg Or as a tribute to the 1972 Bomber team. The Hogs. Charlie Harrison, Chuck Liebrock, Bob Swift, Bob Lueck & Bill Frank all loved that name & they were a close knit unit because of it
  18. Back in the 80's I once saw someone throw a bottle out of the upper deck at Canad Inns or Winnipeg Stadium as it was called back then. I had season tickets in the lower grandstand on the East Side in Section V. Somehow the bottle made it to the sidelines just behind the players bench smashing as it hit the ground so no one got hurt. I just remember the collective gasp of the fans as that glass missile fell out of the sky. That could have killed someone if it hit a fan or player on the back of the head. Everyone looked up & we could see people standing & pointing so security knew who threw it. The person was taken out of the stands by security. People that throw objects need to spend some time in jail to think about their actions, face a heavy fine & a lifetime suspension from Bomber games.
  19. I liken offensive football to a car. You can have a fancy paint job, expensive stereo system & all the cool bells & whistles. But if the engine doesn't start you go nowhere. The OL is the engine that drives the car. It goes nowhere if it's broken. The other bells & whistles are the receivers & running backs.
  20. Sukh Chungh over Desjarlais? Chungh gets thrown around on pass pro like a rag doll. Otherwise some good selections.
  21. The difference is Zach has a great OL playing in front of him. He wouldn't have had that in Saskatchewan.
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