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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Getting out of IGF is so slow anyhow, I don't know if we would notice the difference. If we win, we won't care but if we lose, we may join them on the picket line! -------------------- This strike may have a longer horizon. The administration has been trying to change how the professors are being evaluated. So far, UMFA has blocked the changes but this could be the big one. Both sides are dug in.
  2. Nope, can't hear anyone from 233. He's in row 3 and I sit almost directly in front of him in row 1. For the most part, the "accused" is okay. He just sounds obnoxious and should really just keep the volume down. No one else wants to hear his opinion on why the Bombers play poorly. But it's a sporting event, so it's expected. And, he rarely swears. If he did more frequently, I would politely ask him not to. We all rant and rave in 234 but we keep it to a conversation level amongst those around us. He does not. All in all, it could be far worse. I probably get more agitated by it when the Bombers are losing (or when he badmouths Westerman).
  3. No, I'm in 234. For the most part, we're a pretty quiet section. We get loud for the defense and chat amongst ourselves but we don't rant and rave. That is, except for this one individual. He's mostly just trying to get attention but sometimes he crosses the line with his language. I try to ignore it, so that my son does not pick up on it, but sometimes it gets bad. Saturday, was one of those days.
  4. Still an RFA? Holy macaroni... He must have arbitration rights. So, what does that mean for the Jets? They can let him walk to the KHL and still hold his rights when he gets back? Or is that it?
  5. I'm not sure what was worse, the play on the field or the blowhard in my section ranting and raving the entire game.
  6. Thanks but I'll just punch myself in the face half a dozen times. That will be less painful.
  7. I think the one thing that saved Burmi was his defensive play. I'm not sure PoMo can afford to have him in the line-up anymore. I think Burmi sits until he's moved or forced into action through injury. Of course, I can never predict what the Jets are going to do.
  8. Oh boy, this game could go south really quickly. Hope Myers is back for this one.
  9. Yeah, not many people take time off before going to med school but ALL complete and undergrad before going to med school. She wouldn't be in med school out of high school.
  10. He's been given a chance. I'm not sure why, a few games later, he deserves ANOTHER chance ahead of better players.
  11. If he's better than Chiarot, he hasn't shown it this year.
  12. Yeah, I'm not sure where the gf "excuse" came from. Seems convenient. But, we don't know. I'm not sure that having to live in Columbus is worth the premium that CBJ is paying Risto over Lindholm. Similar taxes, I think. But, for a lot of people, LA/Anaheim would be a better place to live.
  13. Slow down... Med school is still 4 years and, depending on her area of practice, that's another 4++ years for residency. 9 years before this becomes an issue (assuming she starts med school next year). Though, just because Trouba makes $5+M per year, that does not mean she does. We don't know what she wants to do or where she can go to school.
  14. Trouba does not want to play in Canada and certainly not in Edmonton.
  15. That's not what Dreger said. He said that the Jets are still prepared to offer a 6 year $33M deal. The Jets have not made an offer because the Trouba camp won't accept one.
  16. This isn't about money because Trouba's camp won't even listen to an offer. I'm not even certain they would listen of the Jets promised him a spot on the right. Of course Trouba's camp would never admit to that.
  17. And they've got him locked up at a very good price. Anaheim is not trading Lindholm.
  18. You're clearly more knowledgeable than any NHL scout.
  19. No. I mean, what does he provide that we don't get in Connor? I think we need a centre called up.
  20. I completely understand what you're saying. I would add, it depends a lot on who's throwing to you. Nicholls (great guy, great guy) has struggled to hit receivers on the run at times. So, if a receiver is forced to come back or wait for a pass, it could affect YAC. I can also see where this statistic can be important, with the given limitations. A team like the Bombers, who often throw short and rely on the receivers to make first downs with their legs, would see some value in this statistic.
  21. Denmark has consistently had issues with yards after the catch. TDs or not, it's been a knock on him for a long time.
  22. They should put Laine, Ehlers and Armia on a line together?
  23. But they didn't lose you see. They won because it means that they may finish lower than Montreal and secure a better draft pick. Rider math.
  24. The Ballad of Armia... We will sing it for generations... Papa, tell me again about the time Armia singlehandedly ripped the Stars from the sky.
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