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Everything posted by JCon

  1. So, he's obviously going to miss the games against Edmonton and St Louis too. I don't really see the problem, though?
  2. Yeah, I remember Nicholls coming, later in the season, to a whole new system on a down team. He wasn't 'worse' than Willy. Franklin is a huge gamble. But I think it would be a bigger gamble for the Esks to trade him. I don't know why they would (unless the deal included a first overall pick, an all-star HB, and another pick). No one gives that stuff up! I don't know if Willy was overpaid. Hindsight is 20-20, and Walters built the contract on incentives. I think it was the appropriate deal based on what was known at the time.
  3. I don't remember any coach saying it wasn't serious given that he could have lost his life and was in the hospital for a while.
  4. I interpreted your comment the exact same way - that coaches not named Buono were given 1-year contracts. Of course any HC could be fired at any point. If the market demands 3-year deals, that's what you get. Walters doesn't get any special consideration when negotiating with MOS just because coaches get fired before their deals are done.
  5. I don't think they're bias, just incompetent. However, I don't agree that removing reviews will lead to an improvement. Reviews were implemented due to poor refing, not because it was going so well. I think you can do both, improve the review process and improve refing.
  6. I just started watching this. I'm 7 episodes in. I wasn't certain where they could go, after the opening episode covered so much of the early history of the Medellin Cartel, but they've really slowed it down covering the key developments. What a great show!
  7. I think there should be a time limit on reviews. I also think the coaches should have to have throw the challenge flag within 10 seconds of the either the play ending or a penalty being called. I believe they need to keep the PI reviews until the refs get better.
  8. Interference takes place when a player obstructs, blocks, screens or charges towards an opponent, with or without direct contact, in such a manner that prevents the opponent’s approach to the ball carrier, potential ball carrier or the ball. Blocking is identified as the act of creating interference with contact. Jorden was going towards the ball. DB was not.
  9. Which challenge? The one where Jorden was clearly knocked down in the end zone, near the ball, right in front of the ref that required the replay booth to make a call? That was the most egregious of the blown calls. It was right in front of them. Horrendous. Then there was Van's "fumble" that they called. Despite the fact that there was no one near him when he landed and clearly landed on his arm, which caused the fumble, the refs, who were probably not watching at all, called it a fumble. I mean, it was loose, so it was probably a fumble, right? Those two stand out the most, where the refs made, clearly, the wrong call and have zero excuse for making it. No one obstructed their view and it was in the play. I have no problems where it's really close. But when it's so obvious and they've completely missed it? Those are happening several times per game. The coaches need the challenge because the refing is so poor. So, so poor.
  10. I remember when King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was eulogized by Harper. It was same tone deaf language, praising all the good he had done. Both are reprehensible comments. I wish our PMs didn't speak for all Canadians when sending out condolences.
  11. Which would be nice, if you could see the entire game first, then decide what you want to challenge. But given the obvious calls that the leagues best refs missed yesterday, I think the current system is best.
  12. I don't understand your comment. Taxes are imposed with a consistent set of rules. I don't have a problem with them imposing the rules. My point is that the refing is very inconsistent from play to play, week to week. The quality of refing is very low in the CFL. The poor refing is not incidentally because it can have, and has had, a direct impacted the result of the games.
  13. The refing is so bad, it's making the product unwatchable, IMO. The CFL doesn't get it and is happy to just apologize each week for the most egregious errors.
  14. The Bombers even cut down the amount of seating that they were going to have. Prices were very high but I really wanted to attend. Didn't want to risk any Rider fans sitting in my seats!
  15. Okay, I thought you were saying that the Jets should be like the Pens.
  16. The Pens have Crosby and Malkin. First overall, generational type player and another, 2nd overall top tier player. Of course we could also ignore the fact that they weren't in the playoffs for 5 years in order to get those high picks, right?
  17. I'm surprised they didn't fix it in the offseason. But the NHL is stubborn. They could learn something from the CFL, who are prepared to make changes mid-season (mid-week), if it's the right decision.
  18. We played well in Philly and in Minnesota. I think we'll play well in Nashville and hopefully will find the back of the net.
  19. I think it's the Pacific. Nevada is in the same time zone as California. Those, along with Arizona will be their closest rivals. And, you would have a lot of games starting at 5pm local time, whenever they're playing Winnipeg, Minnesota, Chicago, St Louis, Nashville and Dallas. 6pm for Colorado. I think that's too many 'early' starts.
  20. I think it's fair to debate Dubnyk the goaltender. I also think it's fair to discuss scoring on the Jets. I would like to see Laine up top with Sheif and Ehlers. I don't understand why PoMo constantly wants to juggle the lines. This team played poorly on Saturday and then Sunday but I think they were good against the Flyers. Keep putting the pucks on the net and the goals will come. (Especially against that sieve, Dubnyk )
  21. Okay, Dubnyk had a .918 SP last year. Slightly above his career average.
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