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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Okay, let's look at Chevy's drafting... There are some really excellent picks in the first round and, for that alone, he deserves tons of credit. I don't think he's really made a mistake with his first round picks. Sheif - when others had him ranked much lower, Chevy saw the elite number centre he could be. Morrissey - after just missing out on Domi, he reached to grab Morrissey. "Everyone" had Morrissey as a deep first round pick but Chevy knew better. I think he was right. Connor - Wonderfully fell into his lap. Trouba - I think he was picked where he was suppose to go. Roslovic - remains to be seen but he seems like a future number 2 centre. Stanley - wait and see. Laine - Bust. Now, who has Chevy drafted outside the 1st round that will make a lasting impact. Lowry - what a solid pick. They knew he could move from the wing to centre. And they were right. Petan - great pick. Whether he makes it as a regular NHLer still remains to be seen but you can't complain about taking a chance on an undersized, skill guy. Who else?
  2. I was just commenting on the hit, unrelated to your post. Sorry, that wasn't clear.
  3. This sentence makes my head hurt. It was barely hit and clean all the way.
  4. I thought the MOS extension would be done by now. Not much movement elsewhere in the league yet but doesn't it seem odd that this isn't a done deal, allowing him to make decisions on his coaches? Then decisions on players?
  5. 1st 11 seasons? There were only 11 seasons.
  6. It's not as engrained as everyone believes. I lived there. I remember the telethons to save the team. I remember years where no one in the province cared about the Riders. If they lose, for a long time, it will be the same. As it is anywhere with losing clubs. They're not immune to it. They have a solid, wonderful fan base, but a lot of "fans" are only interested while they're winning.
  7. You don't think it should just go to the coach who wins the GC every year but think it should go to Campbell because he won the GC? That's a contradiction. In what year would the coach winning the biggest game of the year, the Grey Cup, not win the CoY award then?
  8. I guess we'll see. If he can't get a lot of his free agents to re-sign, he may have to go back to free agency. But I suspect he'll get a lot re-signed. And now that he has some top players, he can look to add depth to push those starters.
  9. A few more seasons of losing football and you won't see many green jerseys.
  10. I agree it was a binge but Walters has targeted and signed some top free agents over the past few years. As mentioned MOBomberFan, Bryant and Moore were signed previously. There's no reason to believe, in my mind, that Walters will not be trying to fill some holes. Of course, there are fewer holes to fill now.
  11. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/hey-winnipeg-jets-time-take-next-step/ Interesting article that raises some of the concerns and opinions that are shared on this board. Before this season started, I would have been happy to see this team progress and make some serious in-year strides. Now, I think this team can and should make the playoffs. It won't be easy and they're not a playoff team yet, but I think they should be given what we've seen.
  12. But if you're Walters, how do you convince Coombs to come here? Back-up RB and versatile Jack-Of-All-Trades? That's not to appealing.
  13. Let say Coombs remains available... where does he fit?
  14. Except of course for Harris. Oh, and Medlock. And Dessler. And Smith. And Shologan. And, oh yes, Cummings.
  15. Just a joke. Just kidding. Confirmed: Hervey to Toronto as new GM.
  16. With its comparably small but growing audience, the CFL can take chances where other traditional leagues cannot. Yes, 10 Million people tuned in for the game on Sunday. That's almost a one-third of the country. That's pretty small. (Or, another put it another way, 9.99 Million more people watched the Grey Cup than ever purchased a Rheostatics album)
  17. Yes, Reilly, with his whopping TWO starts with BC showed his domination. 4 TDs and 2 INTs. Collaros. 8 starts. 14 TDs 6 INTs. 98.4 QBR. I wonder if they stopped at the Hall of Fame on their way to Edmonton/Hamilton? By comparison. Willy. 4 Starts. 9 TDs 5 INTs. Fans are so deluded.
  18. I don't trust anything that Rod or the CFL puts out on officiating. Bias confirmation. I don't blame the refs when they call lots penalties and don't praise them when they call only a few. As long as they're getting the obvious ones correct, in particular when in front of them, it's all good.
  19. Our own "NFL Films" that's dedicated to preserving the footage and telling the story of the of CFL.
  20. Better write Calgary off now too. (And, the more I've had time to reflect, the more I realize how it wasn't that bad of a call. Still bad though.)
  21. GAA? Ewwwww. The un-fanciest of all stats except +/-. But are we comparing different eras now too?
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