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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Calling a North American indigenous person Indian may not be the same as using the N word, but it's by no means acceptable and never should've been. I mean, FFS... It was incorrectly used based on a navigation error and assumptions by colonial imperialists several centuries ago and persisted into the late 20th century. It can absolutely be taken as a racist term, based on the fact it was used out of ignorance from the beginning. If not that, at the very least it's highly derogatory. IMO, using that term isn't like using black or white, either. The equivalent of that would be calling an indigenous person red because it's based on skin tone.
  2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/mars-missions-2020-1.5647214
  3. This seems like a bit of a reach. Where have you read or seen anything that makes you jump to that conclusion? Has anyone within the federal gov't hinted at such a stance? I haven't seen it. The renaming a CFL team and the CFL as a league itself requesting federal assistance are wholly separate issues. I don't think a single team renaming itself will determine whether or not the CFL gets financial aid from the feds.
  4. Well, just ask a couple of his ballwashers...
  5. In his statement, however, he also said his not being offended by the term does not mean the team should keep its name. He does think the discussion should take place and those affected should be consulted. Needless to say, it is by no means a cut and dry issue.
  6. https://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/eskimo It mentions Cree. It makes no mention of Dene. What's pretty obvious is you being wrong. Actually, it's blatantly obvious.
  7. What does your ability to speak Cree have to do with you saying it's a Dene term?
  8. I thought the reference to "eaters of raw meat" was debunked some years ago and was actually believed to refer to "people who tied/wore snowshoes." (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Eskimo-people, https://www.uaf.edu/anlc/resources/inuit_or_eskimo.php) Granted, the latter seems far less offensive* but when you consider the term "eskimo" has been removed from usage by governments in which the arctic regions operate, I don't think it's unreasonable to float the idea of a professional sports team ceasing usage of that term to name itself and choosing something more acceptable from a sociocultural standpoint in the 21st century. * offensive is a relative term, IMO, and is subject to the experiences of that particular individual or group
  9. This is excellent. Now we wait to see him lash out at those two on Twitter... If he hasn't already.
  10. Coach gets his share for sure but there were still a ton of veteran players on that team who should've known and acted better leading up to that game. Too many fat heads and a collectively complacent attitude cost them a chance at a championship. Win as a team, lose as a team.
  11. 10/10 for hyperbole. Here's what empire means: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/empire
  12. Historically, that's a tough one... So many douchecanoes from which to choose. But active players? It's an easy one: Simoni Lawrence. I can't stand his cockiness and lame chirping, and so watching him during and after Grey Cup 107 was some of the best schadenfreude I've experienced in ages.
  13. Another tweet that has aged like fine wine.
  14. Your assbleed over Trudeau in this thread is nothing short of comical. The CBC has been alive and well for decades and that hasn't changed since the Liberals won the election five years ago. Trudeau isn't charge of **** as far as CBC goes but if you truly believe such nonsense, you'd have to make the same ridiculous claim for Harper when he was PM. CBC doesn't change its stripes when power changes hands. As for your whining about bias, have a read: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/ CBC may lean slightly left but its reporting accuracy is high and that's ultimately what determines the quality of a news outlet.
  15. https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2020/06/22/the-arctic-circle-hit-101f-saturday-its-hottest-temperature-ever/#42716b1a4eb6
  16. https://3downnation.com/2020/06/21/former-xfl-football-executive-believes-houston-roughnecks-could-beat-any-cfl-team/ Them's fightin' words.
  17. When was that? The Garbage Oldboys Party has been devoid of anything but corruption, coddling the 1%, and trampling on people's rights for decades unless they're privileged, rich, straight, white Christians hell bent on defending mUh LiBeRtIeS.
  18. Nice to see he's still getting some mileage out of that Sharpie.
  19. Begs the question: what was discussed on that flight home? He looks utterly dejected for what seems like the first time in years. And it's a great look on that orange pustule's stupid face.
  20. He's absolutely lost his mind. And it's so fun watching him go completely off the rails in unhinged lunatic fashion.
  21. It really isn't, though. Religion is not an essential service. I get the importance of religion to many people but deeming religious services or attendance of a place of faith as essential is simply ridiculous. And presenting the premier with some petition to allow for such services that basically fly in the face of restrictions in place is just a demonstration of ignorance of those who either don't understand science or refuse to acknowledge its importance during this time, not to mention completely baseless entitlement. These men of god ought to find an alternative way to do their work, instead of wasting a politician's time with frivolity like a petition.
  22. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kovrig-spavor-china-espionage-1.5618674 Only took 18 months... I'm sure they're legit charges, too. **** the PRC.
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