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Everything posted by BBRT

  1. Just saw the highlights (or low lights if you are a Corn-husker Fan) of the Iowa-Nebraska game. Followed up this morning and saw that Mike Riley (the guy that took the Bombers to the Grey Cup) and the HC at Nebraska was fired either late yesterday or early this morning. Got to wonder where he might end up?
  2. Same Here - Want to Win it for Ricky and yes BLM is a ********** (fill in the blanks).
  3. I do not think just replacing Hall is the sole solution - however I believe it is the first step in the right direction. Finding a suitable replacement would be the next step - Replacing Hurl at MLB with a real MLB would be next followed by a significant upgrade in our receiving corps. But first things first - Hall needs to be replaced immediately after Grey Cup at least IMHO.
  4. Agreed ! The only thing I can think of is that Maas thought it was a 6 point difference not 7. And if so he needs to step aside if you can not even remember the dang score.
  5. just a couple of comments Refing a little suspect IMHO Chris Jones - make up your mind on who your QB is and stick with them. Kevin Glenn (as much as I like him) - showing his old self Man would it be great to have a MLB like the Riders and Argos have?
  6. I do appreciate your opinion - you and I have been around a very long time I would guess. Just have to agree to dis-agree! But in any event sitting here in Calgary and not even going to the Stamps games (I gave my seat to my son-in law) will just watch both games and hope the Stamps game get over before "Walking Dead" is on!
  7. Despite all the negativity here against the Riders - still pulling for KG to get a ring. The funny thing (living as I do here in Calgary) I would root for anyone other than the Stamps! And after living in the Peg for 10 years and visiting Regina a number of times (clients there) I believe both fan bases are very similar. And just to add some fun to the game can you imagine the chuckles around here is the Riders won the cup and all the comments around their H.C.? Wow!
  8. I would sort of like to see Kevin Glenn get a Grey Cup Ring - just too bad it would have to be in Rider Green.
  9. In a good mood today I see! I am leaning toward the Esks - I agree with other posters regarding BLM - I don't think he is 100% and I like the Esk's chances in this one.
  10. Sorry gotta go with the Riders on this one. I think all of "Mo" is with them at this point in time. Hate to say it but think a Rider vs. Stamps or Rider vs. Esks Grey Cup is a better match than having the Argos in it.
  11. Amen! but as stubborn as MOS is, I can see it happening.
  12. looks like this thread has been hijacked with Medlock discussions (is Nasty Nate still around) - Would like to get it back on topic which is the playoffs. IMHO the Riders have a great chance to do what no cross over team has done - Win the East. I think they are 1) for real and 2) have a good chance to beat the Argos. As for the West can not help but think that Calgary is just laying in the weeds getting ready to lay one on the Esks. Therefore I am predicting a Rider -Stamps Grey Cup! What do others think? And IMHO what ever Medlock does or does not do does not belong on this thread IMHO.
  13. This is my feelings as well. I rate MOS an Average HC - LP - above average OC - Hall - F- as a DC and the front office with a "C-" over all. Saw some progress this year but IMHO minor in nature. To get to the next level requires a new DC and some talent at the obvious places along with ensure we do not lose to many of our key players to free agency etc. I would give the entire organization from top to bottom a "C" at best.
  14. Yes I was mostly happy with what I saw this year. Bring in a legit DC and a legit MLB and throw in a few Import Wide outs and I think we will be OK provided we can keep the core nucleus around for 2018
  15. I hate "what if's" also but even with a 100% healthy team I don't think we win. If for no other reason that a Richie Hall defense still gives up 400-500 yds even when healthy.
  16. I did not watch the game - just could not watch it knowing what to expect from a Richie Hall defense. All the trends were there based on past performance by the defense. Bombers trending down - Esks trending up. One thing that someone posted on another post really resonated with me, something to the effect that did not matter what anyone said on forums like this - just did not matter to the folks that run the Bombers - and probably true. As much as I hate to say it - the Riders have a better plan in place than the Bombers do. I have no love for their GM etc. but he seems to understand how to build a team. Not sure Waters and Company do so. I may watch it tomorrow but would rather not put myself through the aggravation etc. In any event Bombers had a winning season and maybe that is all we can ask for these day.
  17. Agree 100% Much rather take our chances with the Riders. Reilly just scares me at times. I think we match up better against the Riders.
  18. I agree - but not sold on Richie Hall still - but the DL played their best game of the year. Not sure what happen to the Stamps OL they have been pretty good all year but not last night.
  19. Just from a revenue perspective I would rather see the Riders here. It will be a sell out! Not so probably with Edmonton. From a win perspective I would rather face whatever the Riders bring to the table than face Reilly. As someone mentioned you can control him all game long and then he beats you at the end with a long throw. I think entertainment wise I would rather see the Riders in town and all the build up etc.
  20. I think Ground and Pound is what Calgary will do with their 240 lb back. Sam Hurl will have cleat marks up and down his font getting in the way of Messam - who by the way he will not stand a ghost of a chance of stopping. Gave my seats away as I am heading out to see Jersey Boys instead.
  21. That would work for me! Save money or airfare! Calgary weather is for snow starting actually tonight and lasting all through the week and into the weekend. I live in Calgary - have season tickets (super red) and am going to see Jersey Boys instead!
  22. If, Ands and Buts were Candy and Nuts! Other teams overcome injuries to key players - we can't. End of discussion.
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