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Everything posted by mfranc

  1. Burris slinging down field tonight.
  2. Burris with the under thrown ball.
  3. The Redblacks could use Jackson tonight given the way Burris has been playing!
  4. This one could get ugly real quick
  5. How many American football fans are going to choose the CFL over NFL? A lot of expats will appreciate the coverage.
  6. Brackenridge is really solid at safety and has more name recognition.
  7. This was odd. The Ottawa writer was completely out to lunch not even knowing what position players played.
  8. The LDC was on ESPN. It is always awesome when entertaining games are showcased on ESPN.
  9. Personally I love the 8 or 9 guys in the box strategy for the Bombers.
  10. I don't think you'll see him scratched in the near future. Both guys have been playing well for sure.
  11. What are the wins and losses? Just curious because they may have something to do with it.
  12. I thought I read somewhere that he wasn't going to be taking another contract in TO....I'll try to find the linkIf Milo exits Toronto I suspect its either head coach in Montreal or OC in Wpg. Let the Als have Marcel B. - O'Shea and Milanovich would be kegs of dyno mite...... that said, still need significant personnel upgrades. Milanovich is pretty unlikely to take a coordinator gig at this point in time. Montreal does seem like a good bet. Yeah no kidding, he'd get a head gig no trouble if he left Toronto. Winning as a head coach will do that for a guy. There is a pretty good chance that BC will be looking for a head coach next season as well. Benevides has got to be on the hot seat given this is their Grey Cup hosting year.
  13. The rule book says the home team can't use electronic devices and large speakers to create noise. I don't think the other part about the crowd making noise has ever been enforced.Pretty sure piped crowd noise was used often at BC Place. Not sure if they are still doing that or not.That was years ago. And they aren't doing it anymore.Lol, cool. I remember in 2007 it just about broke into a battle royal leading up to the playoffs. Wally got into with Rider colour commentator Carm Carteri and everything. Good times! Let me guess Carteri was being an idiotWhen isn't Carm being an idiot? Wally was a little over the top regardless.
  14. For sure. Also, the Toronto team bidding for the Bills is a long-shot at best. They are literally "Living on a Prayer."
  15. There will be no Bills in the Toronto. That ship has sailed.
  16. The rule book says the home team can't use electronic devices and large speakers to create noise. I don't think the other part about the crowd making noise has ever been enforced. Pretty sure piped crowd noise was used often at BC Place. Not sure if they are still doing that or not. That was years ago. And they aren't doing it anymore. Lol, cool. I remember in 2007 it just about broke into a battle royal leading up to the playoffs. Wally got into with Rider colour commentator Carm Carteri and everything. Good times!
  17. Toronto will be okay but need to be in a more appropriate facility sooner rather then later. TV audience alone in the GTA shows an interest in the CFL that should lead to 25-26K fans in the stands.
  18. I thought I read somewhere that he wasn't going to be taking another contract in TO....I'll try to find the link If Milo exits Toronto I suspect its either head coach in Montreal or OC in Wpg. Let the Als have Marcel B. - O'Shea and Milanovich would be kegs of dyno mite...... that said, still need significant personnel upgrades. Milanovich is pretty unlikely to take a coordinator gig at this point in time. Montreal does seem like a good bet.
  19. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the Redblacks are interested. If Matthews is all about the money he will be in Ottawa. Hope he learned from Vega... (loyalty and not the money). If Desjardins is looking for a guy who is maybe better than Matthews, trade for Williams from ticats... that guy will surely sign there for the $$$. Williams is likely to wait until next year as he will be a free-agent and he unlikely has little interest in making peanuts playing for Austin.
  20. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the Redblacks are interested. If Matthews is all about the money he will be in Ottawa.
  21. The TiCats may be more willing to move one of the veteran/ higher paid guys rather then Gill. They'll want a combo of veteran savvy and youthful potential but somebody will be gone.
  22. The rule book says the home team can't use electronic devices and large speakers to create noise. I don't think the other part about the crowd making noise has ever been enforced. Pretty sure piped crowd noise was used often at BC Place. Not sure if they are still doing that or not.
  23. Unfortunately for O'Shea, it's not up to him who Walters brings in. Although I'm sure they talk about who they'd like, it's Walters final decision. Most head coaches have a lot of influence in who is brought in.
  24. There isn't a team in the CFL that looks unstoppable. Clearly the Stamps have played the most consistently well-rounded game but they are hardly steamrolling teams and have, at times, looked very beatable. Personally I don't think Edmonton are any better then the Bombers or Lions and could see the Esks taking a bit of a slide. Needless to say every game in the West is important.
  25. Eskimos are massively overrated. Their defence is pretty good but their offence truly stinks. That sounds like a better description of the Riders, & I don't just say that b/c you're a Riders fan. Relying solely on the run won't work, imo, against the Stamps or Esks. Their passing game has to improve to beat either of those teams. The Esks offense hasn't been that bad. Not great, but not terrible either. Passing has been there whenever it has been needed. Compare the Riders passing against the Redblacks to the Eskimos (or Calgary for that matter).
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