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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. This is good news. I hope they put him away.
  2. WTF is going on in this thread? Just a quick glance at the latest posts... the flu is worse than Covid-19 and this coronavirus was man- made....? Please stop with misinformation guys... those were all fox news talking points back in March. Wear a mask, don't touch you face, wash hands and practice physical distancing. My favourite story is when the flu threatened to over run the Hospitals in Texas, those were the days.....the flu is worse than Covid-19.... get out of here.
  3. A major no to this! DO NOT open that border up until they get their **** together.... We have flattened the curve, I don't want anyone from THE global COVID-19 hotspot to cross freely here.
  4. "At this point.."? that's been his MO from the very beginning- He opens his mouth, **** spews forth, and his base eats it up.
  5. Not sure what you were watching, but I remember being rather impressed with the amount of people wearing masks during those protest. The only place where I saw a smattering of poeple in the protest not wearing masks, was on fox news.
  6. Is that using a soapy cloth or their tongues? Maybe those people cheering on trump wearing a mask (it's almost like when a parent cheers on a child when they poop in a toilet, Yay lil' donnie!") have yet to see this pic of the "very stable genius" 3 mins after donning a mask.
  7. Roger Stones has some serious balls... "No, a pardon implies that I am guilty- give me the commutation, it looks better."
  8. Makes sense. I would feel ashamed and foolish if I voted for trump in 2016... I would have probably doubled down myself.
  9. Good read. Simple and factual.
  10. I love it. If it was me though... I would have painted the BLM the other way for aesthetic reasons, but I can live with it as is.
  11. Good reassurance from Neal Katyal :
  12. Yup- LP are awesome. Here is a great article in Politico on why they are so effective:
  13. Good God, please let this happen... this would be some next level irony and some serious schadenfreude that I will be partaking in.
  14. Scott Adams sounds like a ******* narcissistic ****** bag. I HATE his pod casts...
  15. A damning thread with a litany of examples that trump hates his military. I knew it was bad, really bad... but never knew it was this BAD. How self proclaimed patriots can vote for this ****** is ever more of question than before...
  16. This is one of the many reasons for the BLM movement. Equally despicable and terrifying
  17. Racial inequality in the USA? This is probably not going to help. "Zero of Trump's judges at the highest levels ― on the nation's appeals courts and the Supreme Court ― have been Black."
  18. File this one under... holy crap
  19. "All Americans are entitled to equal justice under the law and due process. " Oh Yeah, like so many other defendants that pleaded guilty (TWICE) and the POtuS steps in to have the charges dropped. Happens all the... never- FFS...
  20. I thought this might be the thread for this: What an idiot.
  21. Oh boy. I hope this is a sign of things to come. I so very much want the knives to come out from his past supporters...
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