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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. One of the more surreal images I have come across:
  2. Sure thing, but they should have risked it instead of propping up "Punch-Drunk" Biden as their "champion"...
  3. I don't know how I feel about this- I mean they voted this ****** in, in the first place... they should probably share some of the blame- he came exactly as advertised.
  4. Damn- It's pretty crazy to see this sort of thing
  5. Interesting development here: Add in the PMCs which are apparently "Barr's Army" We get this:
  6. I would hire this guy in a heart beat.
  7. This is the mindset of a few of these police officers...
  8. Yeah... too bad Bernie is out now. I think if he would have stayed in the race, he would have a tremendous surge and would have become the Democratic Party's nominee...
  9. True. I just wished he would have enacted better change when he had all three branches. Still miffed about his drone policy and how he handled Flint. But yeah- he's a genuinely good person.
  10. Whoa.... whoa... whoa... the hell?
  11. What an ass Hard to imagine...? Don't get me wrong... I wasn't a huge supporter of many of Obama's policies, but he was all class.
  12. Totally agree. The entire time I am watching these protests... I kept thinking of the Michigan protest against the stay at home orders- there is a stark difference in how each group was treated... Armed protesters storming the capitol in Michigan and nothing... nothing... George Floyd protesters... unarmed and peacefully protesting boom, crack down. What do you think would have happened if the Black protesters were armed to the teeth like these assholes?
  13. Today, I learned that Honey Bees actually hack nature if they are hungry... When bumble bee queens emerge from hibernation, they need to gather pollen and nectar to start their new colonies. If they wake up too soon, there may not be enough flowers in bloom. Now, researchers have discovered the bees have a way to order some fast food: They nibble holes in leaves, spurring plants to blossom weeks ahead of schedule. Many questions remain about the details of this strategy and how it evolved. “It’s certainly surprising,” says Lars Chittka, a behavioral ecologist at the Queen Mary University of London, who was not involved. “We’re only at the beginning of exploring this phenomenon.” Researchers at ETH Zürich chanced upon the discovery when they noticed curious bite marks on leaves while studying how bees respond to plant odors. They had added bumble bees to a research greenhouse and observed them cutting holes in the shape of half-moons. What was going on? At first, the researchers thought the insects might be feeding on fluid from the leaves, but the bees didn’t stay long enough to get much. Nor did they appear to be taking any part of the leaves back to their colonies. A key observation—that bumble bees from colonies with less food were more avidly damaging the leaves—suggested another goal. The researchers wondered whether the damage triggered the plants to flower sooner, providing pollen to the hungry pollinators. After all, some plants speed up their flowering when they are stressed by disease or drought because these threats provide an incentive to reproduce sooner. But no one had ever shown that a pollinator can stimulate flowering. “I thought it was a long shot,” recalls Mark Mescher, an evolutionary biologist at ETH Zürich who co-led the research. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/hungry-bumblebees-make-plants-flower-early-cutting-holes-their-leaves http://www.indefenseofplants.com/blog/2020/5/25/bees-bite-leaves-to-induce-flowering
  14. You didn't read the article I reckon....
  15. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/investigations/kare-11-investigates-records-show-arrests-mostly-minnesotans-as-george-floyd-protests-riots-continue-minneapolis-st-paul/89-73f3e0e8-0664-41d5-8d3e-4467d04da7cb https://www.justsecurity.org/70497/far-right-infiltrators-and-agitators-in-george-floyd-protests-indicators-of-white-supremacists/ Right-wing extremists and accelerationists The demographics of a largely white, young, and destructive group fit more with a movement known as accelerationists than Black Lives Matter. The accelerationists, if you have never heard the term, are an extreme subset of white nationalism whose goal is to bring about chaos and destruction. The basic tenet of accelerationism argues that since Western governments are inherently corrupt, the best (and only) thing supremacists can do is to accelerate the end of society by sowing chaos and aggravating political tensions. “Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms,” Zack Beauchamp explained. White Supremacists pretending to host a protest to honor Floyd George on Facebook to whip up violence in San Diego were posted on the BLMSD social media warning people not to go and that it was a white supremacist organized rally. People attending demonstrations remarked on the fact that the demographics were wrong, in places like Oakland where the majority of the destruction was perpetrated by young Caucasian men has inspired not just people on social media but reporting in the mainstream media to properly question whether this is a form of infiltration by outside extremist elements.
  16. You did. And you are. You might as well just called them thugs already...
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