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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Well... looks like it's official policy to enable white supremacist.
  2. If the Democrats take the senate and retain the house... yeah change will come.
  3. trump is a symptom of the issues... voting him out won't change that. Still- ****** needs to go.
  4. Here is another angle... check the thread- he has a few angles
  5. A moment of levity is needed...
  6. Well... this didn't age well...
  7. Wait what? Kenny did what now? He pretty much kept his platform promises? Yeah- that is pretty much what people who voted for Kenny were going to get... dude came as advertised. I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone bemoaning these steps if they voted for him... it is pretty much on brand for Kenny. Weren't you one of those people that voted out Notley because she was a socialist?
  8. Oh HSit... that is spot on... You are probably right on the money with that...
  9. Oh Barr... you never disappoint...
  10. So much this. thanks for that.
  11. Makes sense... he's not a conservative.
  12. 40 people arrested in the Minnesota riot have ties to white supremacist groups and are all from out of town and the district.... https://www.courthousenews.com/minnesota-officials-link-arrested-looters-to-white-supremacist-groups/
  13. Hey Look! No one is talking about the more than 100,000 USA citzens who died of Covid-19 as a direct result of how mishandled and bungled the response was... Mission Accomplished...
  14. That is true but misleading. The population of the USA is comprised of (as of 2016) 61.27% of White people, 17.79% of Latinos, and 13.31% Black people. So yeah, there should be more White people shot by cops. The ratio should be roughly 6:1 - it isn't. It's closer to 2:1. In 2017, 457 White people, 223 Black people and 179 Hispanic people were shot and killed by police officers. That does not reflect the 61.27%/13.31%/17.79% ratio at all... there is a HUGE discrepancy in police shootings.... And yeah that is true- most people are swallowing the narrative that it is Anti Fa and angry leftist that are starting these riots.... that aint the case, no matter how much Barr is not willing to accept the truth that it is actually white nationalists being subverted by russian propaganda. I wish I was being sarcastic- but I'm not.
  15. Yeah... I don't know... I don't recall a police officer gunning him down... or kneeling on his carotid artery until he passes out and then dies... yeah. **** her.
  16. NIce reminder that there are more good people than bad actors.
  17. https://www.courthousenews.com/minnesota-officials-link-arrested-looters-to-white-supremacist-groups/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=minnesota-officials-link-arrested-looters-to-white-supremacist-groups Makes sense... And Barr continuing to do trump's dirty work and act as a russian asset.. ffs...
  18. So... time to flag the white house Twitter account? Dafuq?
  19. Jesus... What the actual ****... "When the looting starts, the shooting starts." - The POtuS.
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