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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. You are right, it wasn't implied- it was just plainly stated. You literally said that.
  2. "I won't even bother explaining how wrong you are and will simply look at the GIF above and picture you looking like this whenever you feel triggered."
  3. A now Iconic Picture of Athena of Portland: That's a POWERFUL image.
  4. I don't think you are a racist, most people here don't either- but you could be a bit more "tuned-in" as your First Nations, Black and White post showed. I think we can all agree that being a little more informed is never a bad thing. What's wrong with righting a wrong and making reparations when one is in a position of privilege and has the means to do so? Many of the privileges we have are because we inherited them from the wrongdoings from the past. Rail roads, land, slavery- all of it to build this society and the comforts you and I enjoy... so why not make amends? There's a reason why it's "Catch a tiger by the toe" and not it's original verse... They call them licorice babies now for a very good reason... The game is called telephone now and none says "Not a Ch......n's chance " anymore. First Nations... well there is still a ton of things that need to be done there. We progress and correct things as we go- as it should be, I don't see this as any different- evolve.
  5. Pro-tip: Right click the image you want to post, select <Copy Image Address>, go to post and past the image address by either <Ctrl + V> or right clicking the post and select <Paste>. Have fun!
  6. I am curious about those freedom and liberty voters and libertarians who support trump and how they feel about this:
  7. Ouch... this pretty cringe worthy...
  8. Here is a quick glimpse on what is going on: And more good news! They are taking the show NATIONALLY!!!! /s
  9. Can someone from Oakville explain this one to me please? I read, re-read and still having trouble wrapping my head around the “Nazi monuments” in Canada.
  10. It's pretty crazy what the USA has turned into:
  11. Dovetails nicely with centralizing all covid19 data to the WH...
  12. And people still support this guy? He is literally pocketing supporter's money that is raised for his re-election. The grift goes on.
  13. Looks like they got started, memory hole in full effect.
  14. This is good news. I hope they put him away.
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