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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Here is a pretty good thread about Barr and his lawlessness:
  2. America under Biden would be vastly better than 4 more years under trump... leg shooting comment or not. Biden was never in my top five candidates for dem nom, but a ******* potato would be a better POTUS than trump. Biden is not a strong candidate, but- here we are. a ******* potato...
  3. Until he nukes a country to wag the dog... What is ******* batshit crazy- this is a scenario that becomes more plausible each day...
  4. Damn... here's more: A little background: https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/1488 "1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the "14 Words" slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The second is 88, which stands for "Heil Hitler" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet). Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs. As such, they are ubiquitous within the white supremacist movement " Who would have thought that following modern american politics, one would become versed in nazi imagery and symbolism...
  5. That's pretty low bar. sorta like: "He's not as bad as hitler."
  6. Let him compete. if he can get the job, let him have the job- I fail to see how this is silly.
  7. "Another welcome improvement: cross-platform support, with multiplayer supported between players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Squadrons will also be compatible with VR headsets on PC and the PlayStation 4 for players who want even more immersion."
  8. wow... and brietbart readers refer sjws as snowflakes...
  9. Here is more: https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-release-date-trailer-cast-timeline/amp This will be refreshing and nostalgic at the same time: "One of the biggest departures for Strange New Worlds will actually be a return of sorts. Since 2017, new Trek series have focused on heavily serialized seasons in which each episode must be watched in order to avoid being totally confused. Strange New Worlds is poised to return to stand-alone, episodic stories, a type of sci-fi storytelling that defined The Original Series and The Next Generation."
  10. "No transparency — In a stunning move" ? Yeah... absolutely no one knew that this was exactly how this was going to shake down... "stunning" is probably not the best choice of word here. Grifters goin' to grift.
  11. not sure if this is actual news, but fox seems to think that a white nationalist quitting racing because of the confederate flag ban is newsworthy... aww no, poor klansman. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/nascar-trucks-driver-says-hes-leaving-sport-after-new-confederate-flag-policy "Ray Ciccarelli, a NASCAR Truck Series driver, announced on social media Wednesday that he plans to quit the sport shortly after the release of new guidelines that include a ban on Confederate flags at races."
  12. Interesting article from the Nat'l Guard POV: "One of the D.C. National Guardsmen said he was worried that a lot of the goodwill that the Guard has built up with local Washingtonians because of their coronavirus response and annual Fourth of July celebrations was in jeopardy. “Within the span of 30 to 40 minutes, all of that washed away because of political stuff,” he said. Osterholm said the Guardsmen were ill-prepared for the hate directed at them by the protesters, which was reminiscent of the anti-military sentiment during the Vietnam War. The shift from being viewed as heroes during the coronavirus pandemic to villains suppressing citizens’ right to protest happened overnight, she said."
  13. Oh Hey... a letter dissing shiny pony for attending a rally... by a con leadership candidate... And you are a fool if you'd think she wouldn't slam shiny pony if he would have stayed at from the protest. Also, not sure what you are trying to accomplish with bring race into it- it is purely a political stunt by Dr. Lewis- there was no mention of race. Furthermore, people on this site were suggesting that you were racist in another thread- you shouldn't give them any more ammo by both using alt-right snarl word to slander people who are against racism.
  14. It gets crazier: And even crazier...
  15. My question... why is it only 1%?
  16. Here is a edit that truly matches the tone of that clip:
  17. Nice break down over trumps bible humping op.
  18. You can't compare what happened in the before times... it's a totally different field this time around. Voter suppression is going to be HUGE in this election.
  19. Interesting article on what may happen come November elections and what signs to look for.
  20. There you go Punch drunk Joe- do it via twitter. 👍
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