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Everything posted by dmillerywg

  1. I would say he is done period you can't injure your throwing shoulder 3 times in 2 years and keep playing at a high level. Its too bad and hopefully I am wrong Lulay is a great QB and good for the CFL...
  2. It seems that Vega has been banged up all year he seems to have started well but he hasn't been a factor for a many games now. This will give him time to heal up...
  3. Which part of our run defence distresses you the most? The fact that they gave up 196 yards ? or that it led to one TD being scored on the defence? The reason teams run the ball is to kill the clock, SASK won all 3 games vs us mainly because we couldn't stop the run regardless of what O'Shea says... Yes other factors contributed ( blocked FG for a TD ) but running kills the clock and gives the other team less time to score points.
  4. I'm beginning to think Neufeld is not going to be the long-term solution the Bombers hoped for. He hasn't played half the games this year. Can someone provide an accurate diagnosis of what perpetually ails him? Was part of the trade condition that Neufeld won't dress vs SASK ? My guess is he will play the remainder of the year without missing any more games...If so he will have only missed the SASK games.
  5. they can move k.jones or stephan to the pr. Stephan is injured AGAIN...
  6. This is should be about Wild not Washington, Wild looks to be out for a while hopefully its not too long, as for Washington yes he is very talented he just needs to mature with the mental side of the game IMO but he is a very valuable member of the team for sure. Lets hope we don't miss Ian too much in the next few weeks.
  7. Ian Wild has been great for the Bombers, as for Washington love his effort and athletic abiltity but his head has been hurting the team, 3 bad fumbles, many dumb penalties and a blown assignment on the SASK TD, not sure how you don't cover your zone in zone coverage ?
  8. Agreed hopefully it was nothing serious but from the Willy Sack , Fumble , missed holding penalty , Wild injury that was a very bad sequence of plays and turned the game in SASK favor....Wild has been our best Defensive player this year IMO, I am starting to tire of Washingtons mistakes inspite of his great athletic abilitiy Washington is doing more harm than good in most games between his dumb pentalties , fumbles and missed assignment for the TD last game I think its time to sit him down for a game or two...
  9. I agree with the Dunn comments above I liked him last year but this year he is under performing. I would like to see a stronger player at the WIL position.
  10. What about calling JT Gilmore (rumor is he is in Winnipeg visiting his GF) he can play linebacker as well as DL and he is 6'3" 275 they could sub him in when Messham comes into the game. It still make me wonder what the bomber where thinking when they passed on Messham but on a positive note Volney actually looked good on his 2 plays. Maybe they should use him more ? Volney seems to run harder that Grisby ...
  11. The Bombers lost Ian Wild after the first Allen TD, on the play Heenan rapped his arm around Wild and prevented him from making the tackle and it looked like Allen lower his head on Wild, after the convert I didn't see Wild on the field after that. TSN showed the play and pointed out that a penalty should have been called on the play. ( yes another example of how poorly the game was officated ). My concern is how is Ian Wild doing since he is arguably our best defender and our defence seemed to struggle after that.
  12. Agreed not sure how Kuale gets in when Vega doesn't ? It seems to me that Ian Wild didn't play after he got banged up on the Messham TD I don't recall him playing after that.
  13. its much harder to stop a team on the last drive with the game on the line when the QB starts running and they go from 2 downs to 3 downs. Oshea should have tried to go for it on 3 and 1 and if successfull the Bombers probably win the game...
  14. Dis-Agree if the Bombers didn't make it then SASK was up in the game and would be much more conservative and with 3:00 remainging we have an excellent chance to get the ball back with a chance to win the game. The correct call would be to go for it on 3 and 1 ... And if we make it ( the first down we have a much better chance to win the game ) I am sure that M. OShea will be re-thinking that one... We lost the game when Washington decided he didn't have to cover the deep man in zone coverage. I like Washingtons athlectic ability but I am getting tried of his mistakes he has taken the most dumb penalties on the team and that combined with his fumbles and tonights mistake I haven't been impressed with him so far this year. I would give Markett a chance I thougth he looked excellent in TC...
  15. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ That sucks. Why would O'Shea remove Kromah when the run D looked so good last week? Cuz if you asked O'shea he would say that Kuale has played well this year. Final answer. Well O'Shea also implied that Alex Hall wouldn't be an upgrade on DL either. I am thinking that O'Shea is not immune from playing favourites. I would try and sign Hall and then let the best players play I think we a thin at DL this year especially since we always seem to have someone nicked up. As for the Run Defense I would be more worried about play action pass if I was the Bombers since SASK ran so well last time I am sure they are adding some wrinkles for the LDC so I would be working on that as well as stopping the run...
  16. Grisby has great speed and is an excellent rec out of the backfield my concern is he is going down with just a touch most of the time.
  17. Zach Anderson was banged near the end of pratice today ( Tuesday ) hopefully it was nothing serious it looked like upper body and he walked off the field.
  18. Yes I looked and didn't see any stats for Portis but he does look impressive in practice he has a strong arm as well. All 4 QBs this year have Strong arms, and Portis is very mobile but he is a bit light to take any pounds at 6'4" 205
  19. The Past 2 games we have been getting held badly and the Refs are missing the calls vs SASK at a key point in the game Brendan Labatte got away with a hold that had me shaking my head he was locked up with his man and saw a player coming free and reached out and grabbed the player around the neck to prevent the pressure coming up the middle. Not sure how he got away with it but it was a great effort ! As for the Toronto Game I didn't watch it that close but it seems that they got away with Many close calls/holds. The way our D is designed we need to be fast to the ball and if the Refs aren't making the calls it really hurts us.
  20. Agreed one game doesn't mean much but I think that Januarys play has dropped off the past year. I would like to see Jones get a chance at some point not sure he will do any better but he was good down the stretch for us last year.
  21. January didn't have a very good game last game either...
  22. I would like to see Jarvis Jones get another shot not sure why he hasn't yet. Jones did seem to get off to a slow start this year and struggled a bit in the pre-season however he did play well in replacing January last year on 2 days practice. And in looking at Jones he looks to be the most physicaly imposing OL we have he is large and not carrying as much extra baggage (fat) as the others with the execption of Knapp but Knapp is too light to play Oline IMO.
  23. Yes but no team in their right mind would trade a Canadian for an American on the oline. Unless of course its a third stringer or some picks. I see the merit in the trade I just don't see how you could pull it off because as good as January is most teams have better players them him. Agreed and January is getting up there in age, not sure if he upgrades may teams, January has done well for the Bombers I would say his best attribute is his leadership
  24. Knapp and Howard are back in their regular spots so we won't see Howard at RT this week according to CJOB sports report...
  25. I would rather see Knapp on the Bench, I haven't decided about Howard yet but to me Knapp is built like a TE and plays Tackle Like a TE Poorly 285 lbs is one hell of a TE.... Knapp is playing cuz of his athleticism... I think he can be a pretty effective player... perhaps he could afford to put a few of the pounds back on that he took off in the winter... My Concern is he is getting pushed back to the QB the past 2 games so he is too light and / or has bad technique. Even as bad as Boatman was last year at least he didn't get pushed around. I would rather see Javis Jones Play RT Please don't compare Knapp to Boatman. Knapp has had both good and bad games so far. Boatman was the same except for the part of the good games. Only comparing the results they have completely different styles but at least players had to go Around Boatman they are going Through Knapp... Knapp can run like no othe Lineman in the CFL but he has to be able to Protect the QB much better than he has been ! It would also be nice if Wiley was at practice during the week. Wiley away again working with high school offensive linemen at US camps? Nice. Wiley is never away for an entire week... I don't know what his schedule is ( Wiley's ) but I have been to 4 practice over the past 2 weeks and I have yet to seem him ? It seems to me he is more of consultant that a coach with the trouble the bombers have had the past 2 weeks protecting their most important player it would be nice to haver hiim around that is all I am saying...
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