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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. I thought there were multiple 3 star picks now. Don't the Jets get all 3 at home if they win?
  2. The story so far... -Season is half over -Helle freezes over -Stafford on a roll -Pardy/Postma STILL on the team -Beyak back
  3. The most important game of the year is a win for our team. Anyone else think that Schief tipped Chairot's shot and then it was tipped by the Pred.
  4. St. Louis got to build new stadium already?
  5. Story so far... -Jets lost 7-0 last time they were in Nashville -Game time 7PM -Scribes calling it most important game of the year...so far -Helle to start -Beyak still missing
  6. Well it's been 20 years but the reason they both left was due to lack of stadium quality. I'm not familiar with any new stadium in the area. Is there one?
  7. http://www.stlouisrams.com/news-and-events/article-1/Rams-File-for-Relocation/436f56d8-b5c0-4e0a-a3b2-a8bf22408c30
  8. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwieselman/making-a-murderer-burning-questions-answered#.fkzMwO2nx
  9. Buffalo was not looking to win trades, they were looking to get #1 pick.
  10. In the paper today(think so) they brought up the Wheeler/Stuart trade. Is that better then this considering well I never heard of the guys Boston got in return
  11. There is one thing for certain we can all agree on. If you ever get arrested in that county do not hire Len Kachinsky as your lawyer.
  12. Goaltending, penalties, Lowry. Not necessarily in that order.
  13. Ehlers has sort of replaced Frolik anyway has he not?
  14. Thought Frolik was relatively young at 25/26.
  15. Yeah bad game for Chiarot. He is the #6 dman but still. Speaking of the #5 dman...what's happened to Stu? Is Chairot draggin him down? I know peeps hate Stu around here but he's not hit anybody lately. Nah, more like middle of a road trip with 2 losses to go. This is weird cause Chevy would prefer long term deals.
  16. http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/joss-whedon-confirms-hes-done-with-marvel-movies
  17. Thats the season in a nutshell. The 3rd line dont make any sense.
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