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  1. Past hour
  2. Woods and Samson were added to the active roster over the weekend. Doesnt guarantee they will be playing however.
  3. Same here. I expect mostly across the board position for position swaps on the AR.
  4. WJ is still impactful, when he has the proper supporting cast. But with his dependence on them and his tendency to get lost roving/playing for PKDs, I don't think he should be a top dollar guy. Also having his family here full time I don't think free agency would have the lure it once did for him, not to mention he isn't getting younger. I think the 285 for lawler that was re negotiated down from I think 315, is still too much. My biggest concern with him is staying on the field. He's a beast other wise, though the offence really seems to go from relying on him to forgetting about him. I don't think buck has done a good job of integrating schoen and lawler at the same time. He's certainly what we need more of, especially with how much football he should have left in him. Buck is still young for coaching life, being 42. This is his 4th year as an OC full time though, the inconsistency in things like running, schemes, adjustments, and route concepts worries me.
  5. Well Fayed on for Haba...Smith for Mitchell...no need to drop anyone else....Also Woods for FOX will be 1 for 1...why we dont have another end here....or even a muti technique interior guy is odd....but not surprising
  6. It does seem depressing with the state of our roster but I’m going to try and not read too much into it … day one of the practice week has always been a mess. Just seems like so much hesitation to make actual different making moves. For example, I appreciate that we brought back Smith now that he’s healthy but Mitchell should’ve been gone at the same time. I think Fayad will be good too but seems foolish to bring just him in.
  7. No new punter but Castillo did punt a couple of times. Bridges will be playing. Might be starting with Nichols not practicing today.
  8. Think Fayad and Smith will be on. Mitchell and someone else will be off, likely Bridges or Ayers.
  9. If Murphy is in Schoen's place I'm assuming that Schoen is probably just a maintenance day
  10. dare we see a fake no....after 7 yrs of no creativity....hmmmmm Mitchell in all reality should be gone if Smith is ready....he is the better returner...a true running back and is legit as a reciever...plus prob one the fastest guys on the team nice for him....but why not johnson?...in regards to recievers not named Schoen..Demski..Lawler...Woli..Wheats....and Clericus...he's the one with most polish and pro savy...another in long line of poor decisions...I guess tenure trumping talent ...again when u have no depth....no DE whatsover on any list to plug in....only 2 legit DT's (Admas and Woods...both rookies) you are relegated to that...again...sad state of affairs with roster and personell again...plain stupidity...put a legit RB in there who's a threat...and has world class breakout speed...if you need to swap Clericus for Wilson, as you would prob get more overall value out of him....and switch your ratio....as adding another to defense would do nothing to make us better, if we dont have to have 2 always on field there
  11. These updates are getting me to think it’s going to be the status quo again this week. No urgency to change things and get better. The arrogance from the coaching staff..
  12. I'd like to have this problem in a Bomber related sense sooner than later.
  13. I wonder if a new punter is being brought in. Sheahan has been holding.
  14. Augustine is taking most of the reps with MCI in the back up role. Johnny seems to be fine, he just looked to be working out the stiffness in a leg earlier. Smith was taking part in the individual drills but not the 12 on 12.
  15. we definately have larger money allocated in some bad spots...I'm fine with Stan's....as well as WJ's....But BO's...ZC's....Biggie's...BA's...whatever Kolo and Thomas make is a waste as neither has upside or future...Even Kramdi's money could been better served elsewhere and for what he gives could been an entry level deal. Lawler and Schoen....to me thats par for course for top 5 to 8 receievers in league, and those 2 really are top 3....Lawler just been unfortunate with last yr's lil hiccup and injury this yr, I don't fault him for going all out, and playing with emotion and heart....team needs an influx of that...and we lose a lot with him on shelf beyond his obvious talent
  16. Team is going heavy on linebackers again with lots of 3 man lines.
  17. Never been a fan of having the punter hold. Let a QB do it and leave your self options. Watch if augustine can't go they will start MCI LOL. Who is taking the rb spot in practice?
  18. No changes to the oline. Murphy getting lots of reps with the starters in place of Schoen.
  19. The Wall of Honour signage on the East side has been removed.
  20. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/14/red-lobster-canada-to-ask-court-to-recognize-stalking-horse-bid-ok-sales-process/
  21. Mitchell and Chris Smith were both fielding field goals. I dont see MCI on the field - he's with the receivers today.
  22. Today
  23. Augustine looks like he's a little banged up. Streveler is doing the holding for field goals so far today.
  24. Brady's not practicing, but he is doing some running. Kyrie Wilson isnt practicing. Schoen isnt practicing.
  25. I got way beyond tired of the flat brim and curving it by hand just bent or broke it so I did some research. Had to come up with something, I have over 100 of them, couldn’t have them all looking like a mess lol
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