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  2. You can love the code of conduct and recognize that a player celebrating on the field has nothing to do with it. I’ll absolutely make fun of players who do crap like that, on my team or not, has nothing to do with culture though.
  3. yes, 20 minutes in the film room should give them all they need to know. CoFaj is indeed a one-trick pony.
  4. Also need to let the new DL guys know how Fajardo loves that blind spin move when being pressured. Drives me nuts when he gets away, knowing that he was going to do that.
  5. If Montreal shows up with the same scheme with max protection for CoFaj I hope that our new D coordinator can read that quickly and make adjustments, rather than just throwing the house at it and failing continually, as we saw in the GC.
  6. That’s an interesting point. I think having the guys like biggie and ba around even if they don’t play the rookies should be up to speed.
  7. "It’s easy to understand why so many people are bullish on the club given that its veteran core from last season remains mostly intact" I am taking just a glimmer of hope that we have not done anything stupid or disastrous in the preseason and are very close to having THE right people. Yes I'm putting it in the Negatron phraseology. Stated in its opposite, I think we done good. We are down to very few "aging – out" problems and they are easy to identify. As for all our newbies it just feels like this is the most changes we have made in half a decade. The only identifiable huge problem we have is our kicking game. I don't think we can "handle it internally"! We gotta go find some one, (or two, or three.) I expect Montréal will be more ready to go on Thursday night then we will be. At least we will have well rested enthusiasm! And we have a score to settle…
  8. Today
  9. Will be interesting.....just not a lot of experience in this opening day D-lineup
  10. That change doesn’t have to do with Mac though. That change is on its own.
  11. Yesterday
  12. U just assuming Kramdi is there...And even so...Cole took reps there last yr...I get it you think Kramdi is the bees knees...but Wilson..Gauthier...Cole trio where Gauthier is more situational and rotated in and out is far superior to Wilson in the middle...Cole at wil and Kramdi at SAM...unless averagely adequate with 2 out of position guys is your idea of ideal Peas in a pod u two thumbs upping and agreeing lol
  13. Idk how it’s surprising that the same people who booed James wilder for getting 5 yards on 2nd and 10 then flexing do the same to Mitchell doing the exact same kind of thing. That type of action isn’t a strong fit in a good culture.
  14. In contrast to O'Shea wishing for more penalties and turnovers.
  15. I like the alouette attitude here, compared to what the bombers did on Friday night: TSN: " I don’t like to say the (pre-season) scores don’t matter, because when the scoreboard is on the objective is to win. But it’s also to get better every week. I feel today made us better as a football team,” Alouettes coach Jason Maas said. “We’ll correct the things we need to, but the things we pride ourselves on is try not to take too many penalties and not turn over the ball, kind of bit us a bit tonight"
  16. This is exactly what i was thinking but didn't want to internet fight about it...
  17. Agree......him (and Woods) were "disruptive"
  18. How...Gauthier for Bigs...that's one roster move
  19. I mean, that’s still 2 moves to cover one spot.
  20. man I want to see the Bombers crush the Al's right into the ground next week. Payback time!
  21. It shows 9 or 10 starting CDN, but I am fairly confident that with the guys we kept and the looks of it we will see a fairly heavy rotation on defence. We have a lot of import DL, and a few more import LB kept around. I for one could care less if the game one roster shows 10 or 11 CDN starters, and heck don't care if they all are on the field for the first respective side snap....as long as we rotate and keep guys fresh especially the front 7 on defence. I was rooting for Chris Smith and Kody Case, but it seems both got nicked, maybe we see one or both back. Mosses had the resume, but has had an injury history and rumor is he is injured again, so...maybe nothing or it could be his body just telling him it can't do it?? Petrishin has now been cut two CFL TC's, again maybe something we don't see with him.... On ward and upward and let's focus on how to best make life very difficult for Fajardo even with all those pesky CDN's......
  22. Yeah, he’s likely the most athletic guy on the team. His 4.7 40 is probably faster than a couple of our wrs/dbs. Yeah seems likely. But we will see what the week 1 roster brings. I think it’ll be bridges.
  23. Ballyhoo? I havent heard that one since I was knee high to a grasshopper.....gadzooks
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