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JCon last won the day on May 6

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    Section 234

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  1. I saw the coin toss and the kickoff. All seemed to be on time.
  2. Farhan is going into the HOF. What a joke. An embarrassment to the legacy of true media.
  3. Streveler? I remember him from the Cardinals and Jets. He'll probably get a spot on this team.
  4. The second in a row that was cancelled?
  5. I thought they had a Vezina winner in Edmonton?
  6. Curious to how fast Ford can get up to speed. A year of PR is not the same as playing each week. Although, he was out of camp early. So, even further back?
  7. Don't wear a helmet because it won't protect you from hits below the shoulders. Don't wear shoulder pads because it won't protect your knees.
  8. So, you can't put on the guardian helmet because not all hits are to the head? Top level, Dr Booch.
  9. No, that's exactly what it addresses. When that sudden impact happens, the guardian cap absorbs the impact and slows the impact down. I was briefed on this with the Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage. I sat there while experts in the field explained all these mitigating factors. I'm not arguing with someone who's worried about how it "looks".
  10. Saying the guardian cap does nothing is not a fact. That's an opinion not based in fact. I get that people don't like the looks of it, but that's a pretty immature reason not use it.
  11. There have been a few that have pointed out Biggie's decreasing impact and high salary for a couple of years. It wasn't bad when he took a discount. I just want to see competition at TC. If Biggie wins the job, then good on him. I just think it's time for succession planning.
  12. Eventually, everyone falls off. Is Bighill a top 5 (or 10) LBer in this league?
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