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Posts posted by USABomberfan

  1. kelownabomberfan, on 28 Jul 2014 - 2:19 PM, said:


    kelownabomberfan, on 28 Jul 2014 - 2:19 PM, said:

    I guess I'm wondering too which receiver do you try and box up to try and limit the hot read damage?  Andy Fantuz? Samuel Giguere? Or Bakari Grant?  For some reason I'm thinking Giguere.

    When it comes to hot reads, Rod Black agrees with your assessment of Giguere.



    Well, let's just hope it's Cuthbert and Suitor for this one then.

  2. This is a game that crazy as it sounds, I'm more concerned of than I was going against BC this last week.  I knew if we could shut down or contain Arceneaux, we had a better chance of forcing some mistakes out of Kevin Glenn and we did just that.  And I knew if our O just stayed within it's gameplan and stayed patient enough to figure out the BC defense we also had a shot.  Course Mr Hajrullahu also had a bit to do with that as well, but still pretty good.


    This Hamilton team is one that I think you gotta toss the record out the window with and for good reason.  Their 1-3 record doesn't tell the story entirely correct.


    They had to open up their season with 3 games on the road in brutal places, Regina, Edmonton, and Calgary.  That's pretty much getting thrown into the fire right away.  And 2 of those games they almost won despite losing Collaros, and that is saying something.  Plus being 1-3 isn't something new for these guys (see last year), and with the East still anyone's to take, they'll be wanting to just start with 1 win at a time to do so.


    My concern with our team is that this is that they're young and for many of these guys, this success is something that could go to their head if they aren't careful.  It's awesome to see wins early here, and you want that to build a team's confidence, but you also don't want them getting too overconfident.  I tend to think that part of the collapse of 2011 in which we started 7-1 and finished 3-7 with, was that the guys didn't know how to handle that success, and in some cases got lazy with it.  Part of that was on Lapo, but at the end of the day the players do gotta treat every team as though they are the best, and it will be on them Thursday to get up and play these guys like they are the best.


    I think what you do here, is try and force LeFevour to stay in the pocket.  If he's forced to stay in there and scan the whole field around from there, I think he'll struggle due to his limited arm strength.  If he gets outside the pocket and scrambles around to throw, he definitely could hurt the D.


    On O, just keep feeding that ball to Grigsby, and he'll wear down the TiCat D I think.


    I'm interested to see what happens with this QB situation in Hamilton as the year moves on.  Obviously the TigerCats spent the bucks on Collaros, but if LeFevour becomes the hot hand and generates the prime of their O, you stay with him right?  If that happens, I'm wondering if they trade Collaros to BC at the end of this.

  3. Yup, this is how you do it, these guys aren't that hard to beat, you just gotta know how to do it and who to single out on offense and defense.


    1.  Take Arceneaux out of the game.  It's no surprise BC's offense did nothing until he came back.  Kevin Glenn locks into this guy, so limit him to no catches and half of BC's offense becomes defunct and they will be forced to give Harris 60 carries in the game, he's not able to handle that load.


    2.  Pull O-linemen downfield to block Adam Bighill, so long as he's taken away from RBs and receivers, you can run plays down that way and start beating their linebackers on screens and slants through the middle.  That would be my way of attacking the Leos, run a ton of slant patterns at them in the middle of the field, just bump Bighill out of the way.


    We get back on track in this one, winning 35-21



  4. Let's not forget something here.


    45 points vs Toronto, that's a lot.  No team, no matter how good their O is, plays on that kind of level week in and week out.


    36 vs Ottawa, 34 vs Montreal - Still very good and a lot more than what we consistently saw week to week last year, we maybe would get about 7 points when a team was actually playing, and then end up getting some garbage time points when all was said and done.  So far this year, we've actually come out striking against first string defenses and playing some real football.  This last game aside, I think our O has done about all we could ask of it.  Gonna be in for another challenge vs BC but I'm not terribly, keyword terribly, worried about it.

  5. Brandon, on 19 Jul 2014 - 10:31 PM, said:

    Yet smith tossed for 300 and 3 TD against is


    Our defense has some issues.  I mean, I wouldn't say they've been terrible, maybe even slightly better than last year's, I don't know, but they've struggled at times around here.  They didn't give up a ton of points, and 7 of Edmonton's came off of that interception return td, but they allowed Edmonton to stay on the field an awful lot and didn't create all that many opportunities for the O.


    That being said, how Smith played against us has no effect on the upcoming game.  Gonna be up to our O to get back on track to help our D out.

  6. SmokinBlue, on 18 Jul 2014 - 11:20 PM, said:

    The jfg play was 100% on willy, he had all day to throw to a receiver that was 25 yards wide open and still missed his mark. He rushed the throw and did not put enough air on the ball.

    Matter of fact all game he was slow at reading the field and played way more scared than necessary. Kind of looked like the bombers(offense) already believed their hype and spent more of the week partying than practicing.


    1.  Or perhaps he just faced the CFL's leading toughest defensive line to date and was moved around in the pocket a lot more in this one?  Not to mention I believe he may be one of the league's most sacked QBs now?


    2.  Pretty wild speculation and I'm not buying that one.  Just because you have a bad week in the CFL doesn't mean you didn't prepare for the game.  Could have a great week of practice, but have the wheels come off at game time.  And you could be disappointed in a week of practice or feel it was underachieving yet execute great on game day.  For us, I believe it was the former.


    You just take the lump, realize you don't win them all in this league, move on, and prepare for BC.

  7. tracker, on 18 Jul 2014 - 10:48 PM, said:

    It also impresses me that one of the bigger lacks we have at the moment is a sticky-fingered game-breaker receiver like we had in Uncle Miltie. Kelly has had his moments, but not consistently and Nic Moore has not lived up to his advance billing. Maybe one will fall into our laps after NFL cut-downs.


    So you don't think Geroy Simon throughout his illustrious career had his bad games of drops?


    Guarantee you he did.


    The whole team including the receiving corps just had one of those nights.  I think they go back to normal next week.  Maybe not 100 plus yard games, but better production overall I will bet.

  8. Mark H., on 18 Jul 2014 - 2:02 PM, said:

    All of that aside, there were several key plays that turned this game in the Esks favour.


    1. The Grigsby giveaway


    2. The Feoli-Gudino drop 


    3. The Moore fumble


    4. Several Reilly runs that should have been sacks


    5. The FG that hit the upright


    If those plays are made, we may be talking about a win.


    Seriously...if 2 and 3 are both TD's...how much complaining would we be doing about MB's offensive scheme?  


    Yes, this team needs to be better, but they will win some more games.  The opportunities to win were there. 


    This is NOT the 2013 team.


    This pretty much summed up all my thoughts regarding this game.  The first 3 weeks here, we were able to catch breaks and make everything go our way when we needed to.  Last night, we couldn't but that happens to everyone in this league.  Seen good teams, even ones who've won or made it to the Grey Cup before come out and have nights like the one we had last night.  The final score I believe made the game look worse than it was, but If this team simply makes some plays where they turn the momentum around, this game turns out differently.  Plus some weeks the WRs will be making crazy catches with everything thrown at them, other weeks they just won't be on it, like they were last night.  Same with the QBs, even good ones, some nights they're in the zone hitting everything that moves, other nights their throws just don't go in sync.  That's everyone who's ever played QB.


    I was afraid Bellefeuille would take heat for this game.  And I'll concede he didn't call that good of a game last night, but you could have games where you make all the right play calls in the world, but if the team doesn't execute, you don't win.  And last night, I don't think it was all the play selection being bad, it was just failure to execute on our part.  Certain sequences such as that overthrow to that wide open Feoli-Gudino, the dropped shovel pass by Cotton, etc.  I think Dunnigan had it right when he was saying, this team was just too uptight in this game.  We were playing loose and with no pressure on ourselves vs Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal.  Think we may have put a little unnecessarily on ourselves in this game.


    We'll have win streaks, like our 3-0 start, and losing streaks like last night, possibly this weekend in BC Place, and a few other times along the way.  But this team will get at least 7 wins, I am more than willing to bet, and that's a long way ahead of last year for sure.

  9. TBURGESS, on 18 Jul 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:

     After watching the replay, Mike's right about the ball being knocked down, not past Stamps.  Still think that it would be called a penalty 90+% of the time and that it wouldn't be called a penalty a few years ago.


    Which is why the official who threw the flag on that should be fired.


    This is proving my point that making such hits a penalty is a disgrace to football.


    If I were O'Shea, a former linebacker who know doubt has laid people out on that field and laid a good many jarring hits on the ball carriers, I'd be getting furious at Commissioner Cohon and calling him a **** for turning football into a pansies sport by having these flags thrown.


    It's a disgrace to good defenses everywhere.

  10. Let's remember Greaves is still out and with the rough go we've had at O-line, going up against that defensive front was rough.


    I don't know that I would just throw the book at too many people just yet, I'd let O'Shea look at the game film and wisely make his choices.


    My take:


    1.  Don't throw Drew Willy under the bus, he had a bad one, but like we talked about at the beginning of the year, you have gotta stay patient with him through these kinds of games.  He had a bad one today, he'll be back with more good ones starting next week or soon after.


    2.  Maybe look at the O-line a bit to see if there needs to be a slight repositioning there, but again carefully before rolling heads.


    3.  I did see someone else mention maybe bench Grigsby.  I'm split on that one, because while I've liked what he did over the first 3 weeks, he wasn't on his game tonight and possibly Paris Cotton would shake things up a bit.



    At the end of the day though, it was one of those nights we just didn't catch any breaks.  Nick Moore's fumble stifled our momentum to get back in it in the 3rd quarter, a frustrating play, but unfortunately happened to us.  And the close play where Bowman got ruled down before that ball came out.  Just wasn't our night tonight, and while I'm mad as hell we only put up 3 points on that board, such games have happened to even good teams before, so let's let the season play out before we go calling for drastic moves.


    TBH, being 3-0 already was exceeding expectations, so I gotta give the coaching staff and players, considering the mess they've had to build this from, a pass for at least a few of the losses, even more so because you can't win them all in this league.  Wasn't expecting more than 6 wins coming into this year, so take it how you will, I fully expect O'Shea gets em back up to play again next week.

  11. Game was frustrating to say the least.  Not the best called game play wise, but it was just one of those nights where I think even with good play calls the execution just wasn't going our way.  In two down football especially, such games come.


    Edmonton's D and Reilly's legs have carried the way for them so far, but it won't be long before the roof falls in on them too, as it does with everyone in this league.


    For us, we just gotta do what every other team does, put this game behind us and just get back to making a better game plan for next week.

  12. This is extremely bizarre.


    First, what little I saw of him playing last year, he seemed to be just fine on the field with no indication he had suffered anything, and while I couldn't count for all his injuries, I don't recall seeing him taking all that much hard hits if any.


    What I hate about this is that people blame the league or other players for their decision to play a contact sport.  What angers me even more is that there just seems to be this underlying belief that injuries can be eliminated from sports, and that's just bull.  I mean you sign up to play football, whether it's peewee league, high school, college, or pro of any kind, you better have a health plan and possibly a backup plan because you are always at risk to get hit.  Nobody wants to see injuries, though many people such as myself want good hard physical play, but you gotta know that there's the risk of that.  And when you decide to play through an injury such as a concussion, that's you doing that.  I agree the heightened awareness of concussions needs to be implemented, but it should not be bringing this crackdown nonsense into the league that we're seeing.  That stuff has made for bad football down there in the NFL, and it should not be brought into the CFL.

  13. Why is everyone getting on our O's case instead of our D's?  Willy did get pressured some but not as bad as what some of the nuts here are saying, plus you can't expect 30 plus points to be put on the scoreboard every game.


    Etcheverry is the one who needs to be called out here, letting Troy Smith, that inaccurate passer everyone talked about, rack up 300 plus yards and some big plays against his D.


    I sure hope he picks his cover corner wisely and maybe has the safety watching Adarius Bowman, that guy has been the Eskimos lone offensive source so far.  I expect Reilly to keep heaving bombs that direction more this week and we gotta be ready for them.

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