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Posts posted by USABomberfan

  1. Simply put, very hard to tell who's going where just yet in this league.


    I will say, it does look like BC may actually be the worst team in the league (without Lulay and Arceneaux) more so than Montreal.  Course I know they've had a history recently of being very bad on the road especially in the eastern time zone, but I think they really are in trouble this year.


    2011 was different, they did start 1-6 before going on their run, but most of those games they lost to start that year with were very close competitive games that just caught them unlucky breaks before they came into their own.  This year, they are really playing like a team in trouble.


    I figured the Argos would bounce back after last week's loss, and so they did.  I think Ottawa will be making a rumble felt in the East as well.


    Saskatchewan had to come back to reality today, no rain to help them out and a pissed off Ricky Ray and Toronto were gonna cause problems.  I wouldn't put much stock into today's game for them though, they'll likely bounce back again next week.


    It'll probably be a few weeks before things get better for Hamilton, but they got the personnel and coaching that once they start getting guys healthy they could make a run later on here.


    Edmonton is the biggest question mark I think.  Sure they're better than the 4-14 team they were last year, but I don't know, that team caught some lucky breaks last night, and if Collaros didn't go down, they might have lost, and still is crazy they almost did even with old noodle arm Lefevour in there.  I think they'll beat some good teams here, defense is good and they'll make a few surprises, but as happens with all teams in this league, luck doesn't carry a team to a Grey Cup.

  2. Bomber_fanaddict, on 05 Jul 2014 - 5:38 PM, said:


    Duressler47, on 05 Jul 2014 - 5:30 PM, said:


    Bomber_fanaddict, on 05 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said:

    Come on TO. Don't lose this game.


    Bahaha. Don't think you have much to worry about :lol:.

    Apparently not. Bombers tied for first in the ........WEST after two weeks? Who saw that coming!



    Better yet who woulda guessed it was both us and E-Town?

  3. iso_55, on 05 Jul 2014 - 01:48 AM, said:iso_55, on 05 Jul 2014 - 01:48 AM, said:


    USABomberfan, on 05 Jul 2014 - 01:36 AM, said:USABomberfan, on 05 Jul 2014 - 01:36 AM, said:

    Well I learned one thing, Lefevour's arm is more noodle than Max Hall's.

    If he had hit Tasker in stride it was 6 points. Yeah, noodle arm is an understatement.  



    I believe that was Koch, but yeah I know what play you're referring to.


    To be fair this Edmonton team reminds me an awful lot of the 2011 Bombers, a team whose defense is doing most of the work including generating some offense with turnovers.  And an offense that's inconsistent, but hits enough big plays in a game to get them the win.  I don't think they finish 10-8 though.

  4. Just got back from my 4th of July celebration and saw that score of the BC Montreal game.


    Wow, Kevin Glenn has gone over the cliff, anyone who was on his bandwagon had better get off cuz he's lost it.


    1 Td and 6 interceptions in 2 games.  That's putrid.


    On the flipside, looks like Dinwiddie took the suggestion of running Whitaker a little more, and it worked.


    I was right about Troy Smith not being the lone problem for the Als last week, and sure enough, if their team as a whole executes, well he wasn't great but he did a good enough job to get them a win.  Dinwiddie may be raw but looks like he somewhat did his homework.


    BC is gonna need Lulay back fast.  Granted it's not unfamiliar territory for them to start in a hole, I know 2011 they started 0-5, but if Lulay is a rust bucket coming back, they're going to need some serious magic this time around.

  5. Well, was a fun night watching the Bombers once again be the top CFL team to bring in the fun with their shootout football games, and give the viewers down south a real team to watch.  Now I'll take a wild stab in the dark as to what's going to happen with these other 3 games.


    It's the 4th of July here in the states today, and I'll be out celebrating and won't be able to catch the Als game, but I'm kinda glad of that.  From where I stand, this looks like an ugly low scoring game with little offense, a lot of QB sacks, turnovers, and turning into a defensive slugfest.  I think BC takes it, though it won't be any walk in the park.  The Als defense played very good against Calgary, pretty much just 1 big play all that first half and even into the 2nd half, didn't get away from them till late in that 4th quarter.  I don't think Glenn will put up very good numbers here either, but Ryan Dinwiddie's defective offense will be worse.


    15-10 Leos is what I got.


    I may catch the later part of the Tabbies and Eskies since it ends at 1 AM my time.  It won't be raining here, hopefully, but I think that Hamilton O-line continues to be bad.  Edmonton's D is very good and for their part, they seem to have Reilly protected more this year, giving a lot of time to get the ball to Stamps, Bowman, and Chambers and I suspect that spells trouble for the Hamilton defense.


    Think I'm gonna go with Edmonton 35 Hamilton 13 here.


    And fortunately we got a good game to end this week, Saskatchewan and Toronto.  I don't think Ricky Ray is gonna have 2 bad games in a row, just don't see it, though I think the biggest question for the Argos is whether or not Burke can get that D in somewhat running order.  I predict a shootout type of game here.


    Gonna say Argos win 37-33

  6. Funny I was howling about the same thing during the opening 2 quarters.   Think the Ottawa O kinda tanked on its own here, as opposed to Etch's adjustments or whatever.  They had some misfires and dropped balls that led to empty drives, but I will take that.


    We can't keep digging ourselves in holes like that though the rest of the way.

  7. It was great to hear that stadium be LOUD.  Wish I coulda been there to contribute.  It was no perfect game, but we showed we could win the close ones in addition to the blow outs.


    Demond Washington and Nic Grigsby get the POG award tonight.  Just hope we clean up the penalties.


    Gooooo Blue.

  8. Higgins... Dinwiddie... Popp it doesn't make a difference when the qb has time to set his throws and still ends up sailing the ball 5 feet above the receivers head..... 


    *If* Smith keeps it up he will be a coach killer.   



    What game were you watching? The game I saw he was just about murdered by Charleston Hughes and company every time he dropped back.

  9. Moving on past the debacles of our former East brethren, it's time to look ahead to Ottawa and their team.


    Well, this is a veteran team, put together of various personnel that we used to play in our previous years.  Certainly one that can't be taken lightly.  We saw the kind of fight they gave the Riders in preseason, and I certainly think they will be a bigger challenge this weekend.


    I don't expect our offense to go throwing up the deuces of 45 points this game, CFL rarely has a team put that kind of production up back to back weeks, but one of our biggest marks of progress was that those points weren't just hit and miss drives that either lived or died by the big play, they were our offense in general staying on schedule with productive drives and finishing them.


    We won't score a TD every time, but I'm glad to see our red zone percentage go up.


    Think this one will be much closer, but hopefully we pull it out at the end.


    Gooo Blue

  10. I don't know how you rip an offensive scheme apart when the quarterback showed the ability to miss every type of throw consistently.


    The only thing I'd rip is the decision to start Smith and keep him in there for 4 quarters.


    Those routes receivers were running were setting defenders up for picks and were long time developing.  Calgary was bringing all out blitzes and Smith most of the time had nowhere to go with the football thanks to no hot reads available and no plays to get a few mismatches out there with runningbacks or other players coming across the way for him to throw to.  That is most certainly a bad offensive scheme.

  11. Like I said, there is something foul going on in that Als organization, and Popp probably had better be out the door by year's end for their sakes.  Course, good old Rob W may be the biggest meddler with the team atm, but either way, those big cigars need to realize that a team going through growing pains needs continuity and stability to try and help them.  You probably aren't going to get a winning record out of this year's Als team, but firing OCs before the season even starts and putting up reeky offense schemes that can't adjust to blitzes are a huge recipe for disaster.


    It's true every year someone's gotta go to the basement while the other teams go on the rise, but I've seen basement teams at least show some competitiveness out of them at various times, like the 2011 Argos, and the 2012 Tiger Cats to some degree.  What's going on in Montreal right now is a huge organizational meltdown.

  12. Popp fired Rick Worman for whatever reason & dumped everything on Dinwiddie's lap which is unfair as I'm sure he was unprepared. Popp really wants to be the HC of that team & I think that he is the "De Facto" head coach undermining Tom Higgins. To me, it's becoming apparent that the only way to give stability & order to the Als is to fire Jim Popp. 


    I've been thinking the same thing.  Even though he's been out of coaching 7 years, Higgins is not one that makes bonehead moves, his teams have all had 500 or better records (except 2007), and 2 Grey Cup appearances, so yeah I'd have a hard time believing he'd be pulling weird stuff like that around here.  Popp on the other hand seems to love trying to pull the strings around there every chance he gets.  I will say this, over the years he's brought a lot of good talent to Montreal, but whenever someone that's been running a high profile and successful coaching campaign there steps away like Matthews or Trestman, the worst in Popp and someone higher up the food chain always comes out.  Wetenhall is responsible for this too, Anthony Calvillo retires, and they just go into cahoots thinking they're going to find a way to just keep doing things the way they were always done with coaching, instead of trying to address other areas of the team.

  13. I think Montreal has way more problems than Hamilton. The team couldn't or wouldn't adjust to the weather conditions & I refuse to believe that their OL was THAT BAD. I think most of those sacks are on Collaros for not getting rid of the ball quicker. He look terrified out there. Almost a deer in the headlights reaction to his first start with his new team. Troy Smith was horrible with just the wind to contend with at McMahon Stadium on Saturday. But I think Hamilton is still the better team.


    True enough.  I'm not gonna defend Smith per say, I've seen enough of him over the years to know he's been wildly inconsistent and likely will finish his football career as merely a college star, and not a pro star.  But I think you can pinpoint a lot of bad things within Montreal's offensive structure.  Just was looking at some of the highlights from that game again today and while I'm not an OC, those routes those receivers were running, as well as the underutilization and complete abandonment of the run game on the Als part just was all wrong.  Calgary brought the blitz once they saw it was working and with Charleston Hughes already causing enough trouble up there, the Als shoulda had some kind of hot read play to try and counteract the blitz.  That's on Dinwiddie and him being unqualified to OC, also on the Als organization for not having a viable backup plan with the whole Worman situation.

  14. I do have a backup copy just in case, but hopefully there is no trouble from the powers that be.  I did see some other full CFL games on there as well that look like they've been up for a while without being pulled, so that's a good sign.  The CFL in general doesn't seem to be to eager to pull the plug on either replays or even live streams of the games, as they probably relish some exposure to others, but who knows about TSN.  Hopefully they aren't poking around.

  15. Trying to analyze who's worse at this point, MTL or Ham.  I don't think we can find out till they play each other, but looking at their teams, would seem to break down like this.  If you want to go by worse O-line, I think that one is Hamilton's, though Montreal's really didn't look good either.  If you want to go by worse QBs though, Montreal has that one.


    Think Smith's biggest problem is he's just way too inconsistent.  It's been his story ever since entering the pros.  Believe it or not while he was in the NFL, he did have some memorable games, made the highlight reels a few times with his play, but his problem was never being able to play 2-3 good games or sometimes even quarters back to back.  Seems so far whenever he's taken the spotlight as far as the sole leader of a team, he just cannot thrive in that spot.


    But, also coming to his defense, I think Dinwiddie is an unqualified offensive coordinator.  Just because he played QB (mostly backup at that) does not make him an OC brain.  Plus Troy Smith's strengths and his are very very different.


    If I am Higgins though, I am seriously upset about the underutilization of Brandon Whitaker, and even bigger, Tyrell Sutton.  The latter is a punishing bruiser and should be getting at least 20-30 carries a game.  Certainly would help the Als move the chains a lot better.

  16. They say when it rains, it pours and in this case, quite literally.


    Pretty bad showing by the TigerCats O-line, saw it in preseason vs the Argos, and it showed up again tonight.  Kinda hard to tell how good your QB can be with all that plus this awful weather.


    That being said, I wasn't totally sold on Collaros.


    I think this Hamilton team is a little better than Montreal, but the East overall doesn't look very good this year.


    You might have thought handing us over to the West woulda restored the balance a little bit, but so far, all it seems to have done is added more fuel to the already more competitive conference.

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