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Everything posted by coach17

  1. Legs looks nervous every time he is out there. Needs to take some centering and breathing lessons. Taking something like Karate might help him. Until he learns to calm down he is a liability.
  2. Pretty sure Adams shoulder is still messed up, or got redinged. Was favouring, going through the motions and blocking with the right arm only after the first quarter. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him on the injury list next week.
  3. 2 different backs for Argos, could use a page out of that playbook and use Augustine too.
  4. Mental error by that left tackle, Jefferson made him pay
  5. Thats what we needed, pressure and tight one on one coversge
  6. Gotta get that mojo back, start mixing things up on D and O , being to predictable. Special teams gotta get it together
  7. Still early. Lets see how they handle getting punched in the mouth early
  8. Interesting, according to 3 down Boateng is being ruled out for CoVid , but hes still on the game sheet as starter.
  9. Aren’t the Olympics still on? Why isn’t Black covering figure skating? #Blackworstfootballcommentatorever
  10. I like the way Collaros reads the field , is able to buy time and feather a long pass in under the appropriate situation. He's for sure into the check down game when there is tight or overman coverage. I just really like his poise and command of the field. The only scary part is his concussion history.
  11. Mike Kelly, Jeff Reinboldt, Daryl Rogers, Gary Hoffman, and Tim Burke say hello!
  12. I think the magic number is 3, the tie breaker is not owned by anyone yet 1-1 and we don't play them again until the last game of the year to decide the season series.
  13. Langford going deep and stretching the field might just be the magic elixir this offence needs . All it takes is one successful or even near completion. When that happens it opens the intermediate stuff and gets the 7 or 8 out of the box making Harris way more effective too.
  14. Strevler again, might as well stay with the hot hand
  15. Poll is closed already? Did I miss a couple of days?
  16. Not sure if I’m out or not as have 3 strikes but I see others in the same boat putting up a player so I’ll go Streveler just in case.
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