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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Are you misunderstanding my use of the word promise? Does potential work better? We traded Laine and Roslovic for him. We've been trying to get him signed to a long-term contract this entire time. He was obviously meant to be a franchise player.
  2. There's no question he's a giant cuck, but that was the promise when we drafted him and the hope that LA still has for him. @GCn20 is right though, we did come away with a lot more depth than we previously had which was a huge issue for us. We still need more pieces to make a patchwork top-6, but if we can finally get some buy-in from players and roll all 4 lines, we could become a more balanced team that scores throughout the line-up.
  3. A lot of us have been there for nearly 20 years. If it goes back up, that’s where we’ll be. I’d personally advocate for more spaces to talk Bombers and CFL, not less.
  4. 1. Before putting Nichols in, MOS was absolutely on the hot seat. You can have faith in a person, but at a certain point, a change would have had to have been made. Thankfully, we never got to that point. 2. Everyone here believes we have the best roster in the league (at least, over the past 3-4 seasons). That does not mean every decision that has been made is the right one. Criticism is allowed and, at times, justified. No coach is perfect and MOS’ game day roster decisions happen to be his weak spot.
  5. Just like Thomas didn't make the team for making one sack, Pigrome didn't lose his spot because of one failed sneak. Definitely more to it.
  6. MOS said in his media availability something along the lines of Prukop accepting new role, making it his whole job, preparing for it, etc, etc. I wonder if the flip side of that comment is that Pigrome wasn't making the role his job in that same way.
  7. I don't know if I accept those answers. We watch a few snaps of a preseason game and "declare" certain guys are better then guys the coaching staff has seen for a couple years? I wasn't as impressed with Salima as some of you, certainly not enough to say he's better than McCrae when they're two different types of runner. Mohammad has been here a week, it's still possible he get in once he gets his feet wet. I have no problems with him needing to prove himself in the room before he gets on the field. I have a problem with the team's roster management, no question. But when we find better players, they get on the field. But it can't just be one flashy play in a preseason game like a sack or big run, it needs to be how they play every snap. Everyone loves to tout FIFO as our teams success, but this part of how it works too.
  8. At this point I’d be surprised if the Jets do anything else. They don’t make moves they’re not forced into. Theyll try to be competitive next season and see if they can convince Helle and Scheif to stay.
  9. It does improve the depth though. I wouldn't mind a more balanced line-up. But yeah, with Scheifele's future also in flux, we do not have anything down the middle.
  10. Many catches. PLD is the best player in the trade. He's now under contract for 8 years, whereas all the other pieces need contracts and could easily want out and we're right back where we've started. We've moved down from the 2nd overall pick, to the 3rd, to the 11th. When we got PLD, he was going to be the centerpiece that we could build a team around. We don't have that guy now.
  11. Seems like Week 5 at the earliest at this point of the week. Definitely going beyond the 3-4 weeks projection we were given.
  12. DT reporting that Kramdi is practicing in place of Darby - speculating there may be a ratio change somewhere.
  13. Meh. Most are just content with saying A, B, and C all happened. Only a couple people are trying to argue this black and white scenario where one or the other happened.
  14. Yeah he’s definitely said a couple times that he’s be open to coming back to the CFL. And obviously none of us have any idea as to what his intentions are: which is why it makes no sense to me why some of you think he’d like to be a half-time starter with Zach as opposed to leading his own team. It makes zero sense to me.
  15. Unless Zach retires, Strevy would go be a starter somewhere else. Wishful thinking to think he'd come be a back-up when 6 teams would be trying to outbid each other to bring him in as a starter.
  16. I don't blame Prukop for the throw. I do think it was a huge mistake for Buck to have that play call in at that point in the game. Brady was just getting rolling. Should have let him grind it out.
  17. No way another team lets Strevy come back to Winnipeg. Not nearly enough arms to go around.
  18. Nope, it’s just that both things can be true.
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