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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Because its the last game. Play everyone you can. If you aren't gonna play brohm don't dress him.
  2. Yeah. I get it tonight but I hope they call someone up from the farm for next game vs Toronto if copp can't go
  3. Hating? Lol. Nope. Calling it like I see it. Yes dressing both Thor and Peluso is bad roster management. I get it today but... dressing your 2 worst players isn't good. Maurice is a great coach but has hid flaws too. His biggest one is he likes the face punching plugs too much and won't discipline the vets
  4. It's the last game. I think brohm is gone but give him a quarter just because
  5. Maurice disagrees as Burmi was on the 4th all 3rd. Only change they made. He hasn't been good.
  6. You have a crush on Burmi, he's been bad... I honestly don't know what you are watching.. I want burmi to be good, really do but he's been terrible so far. They could send all those guys through waivers and they would clear, that's how awful they have been.. Burmi included.
  7. Just want to add, I know Copp is banged up but... roster management has been a joke this year.. big time... Maurice seems to be getting a free pass but... When you are dressing both Thor and Peluso, that's a problem... Call up Armia or De Leo or whoever, there is absolutely no need ever to have both Thor and Peluso dressed at the same time. It makes us worse.... and the commentating today is just brutal Love Hughson but Mike Johnson, man, i'm pretty sure he's blown his load about 10 times talking about Montreal.
  8. No. Hutch was left high and dry on every goal... every one of them... The team in front of him, every one of them, I can't even pick out players cuz they have all been crap, actually except for Ehlers Scheif and Perreault, have been absolutely awful.. First line MIA Burmi Lowry Stafford being owned.. Playing 2 plugs like Thor and Peluso against Montreal is just brutal. Jets being owned, but Montreal aren't even playing that good, The JETS are just playing that bad. Montreal just has our number, Jets aren't allowed to hit the smurfs either cuz refs protect them. That penalty on BUFF WAS HORSECRAP and Gallagher took a dive. This is the worst game I've ever watched in the history of JETS 2.0 BY FAR.... can't even remember a game that closely resembles this total bag of crap LOL picking on rookies, yup Petan hasn't had a good game but he's just 1 of many... Rookies will get better.... I can think of a few guys who should be moose bound before Petan is In no particular order... Chiarot, Burmi,Thorburn,Peluso.. Seriously, both thor and peluso are frickin anchors on this team but really.. our 4th line hasn't even been that bad today
  9. I'll be cheering for Calgary... They are a very classy team and i hope to see them repeat. It wouldn't bother me if Toronto or Hamilton won tho, as much as i Hate Austin and that ticat fanbase and that team really, If Collaros didn't get hurt, they would probably be the obvious winners, they were on such a roll...
  10. Just 4 words to say to the JETS after 1..... WAKE THE **** UP!!!!
  11. Davis is a rookie, he shouldn't start but he should get at least a quarter if not more, just to see what he's all about in game time, see if he's worth keeping or not, All the QB's should get some reps for sure. Personally, I'd start Nichols, play him for a bit, play brohm a bit and then play davis the rest of the way. Maybe a quarter each for Brohm and Davis. Play some of the rookies who have been around on the PR all year.
  12. Damn it, Get Cold already.... Ottawa doesn't bother me at all but seeing Henry lift the Cup up here would piss me off, Dudes a huge whiner, Lawrence was pretty right in what he said, pretty brutal way to say it tho but.... he was right, Henry is a huge whiner and has been his whole career... Henry was out of the pocket it looked like so I'm not so sure what was wrong with that hit, I think what it proves to me is Ottawa knows they are doomed if Henry gets hurt so they get easily pissed at things.
  13. Nah.. Raffl would have started the year here, He wasn't injured when he was sent down, Petan will play this year with the Jets, not sure what sending him to the AHL does, there will be injuries and when there are, he should move up the line up. Dudes a rookie tho Copp out tonight Petan Centering Peluso and Thorburn.
  14. No s on savings.... daylight saving time. Just saying
  15. Petan should play. Habs are more speed and skill than bangers
  16. Mike Condon is starting. Tokarski is the AHL goalie called up due to Habs being priceless
  17. Let Chevy worry about it. That's what we should do.
  18. Jets dominated from what I saw. Score closer than it should have been
  19. Whittaker looks badly hurt. Not even showing it oh ok he's up. Bombers finally mmathematically eliminated finally
  20. I like the TD is worth 7 points idea... I hate the PI reviews and think they should just get rid of it all together, I also think there needs to be a maximum amount of time they are allowed to review a call, let's say 90 seconds for arguments sake cuz man some of those reviews take forever and ever.. that one vs Edmonton, Stoudemire fumble there out of bounds, esks player touched it, they reviewed that for like 5 minutes... Ridiculous.. make it 90 seconds max, if you can't decide by then, the ruling on the field stands.
  21. But personally unless your goalie is a Price,Rinne or Lundqvist or even Quick... Cost of Hutch plus Helle probably equals that 3.9 that pav is making... Just as good if not better too, gonna have to move on from Pav eventually...
  22. Hutch will get a raise but it won't be a massive one, 1.5 2 million per for 3 years would probably work for him, Jets are the team that gave him his chance, he seems like a high character guy... I'd sign him to a 3 year deal at between 1.5 and 2.5 million a year and go with Hutch Helle. Pav can be bought out or traded, think he'd probably bring you more back anyway cuz he's more proven... Your AHL goalies then become Comrie and Phillips i'd imagine.
  23. Just wait a couple years but Connor,Scheif,Ehlers are gonna be a dominating line. Scheif and Ehlers are already a dynamic duo of sorts, you throw Connor on the that line and look out..
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