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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Cotton will probably have to compete at camp with the other american RB's. I don't think he's a lock to make this team.
  2. Perreault really enjoys it here and has said that on multiple occasions. He actually loves it here. I could easily see him signing here and for reasonable money. probably around 4 y ears at 4 4.5 a year max. He won't get 5 million a year anywere i don't think.
  3. Don't forget that SJ Green apparently makes close to 300,000 a year also.
  4. Yes but ideally he plays the wing. Ideally most of your guys can step in and play center in a pinch if need be.
  5. Boston isn't very good, they are playing above their heads and going to come back to reality. Last time the JETS played Boston was first game of the year and the Jets owned them. I suspect no different this time around. Jets are actually a better overall team than Boston. Regardless of what points say.
  6. It's kind of sickening seeing these media goofs praise the Riders yet crap on the bombers. I don't get it at all. The media love for SASK is bordering on ridiculous.
  7. I think Perreault is the better value signing especially with guys like Ehlers and Connor who are LW's. You look at future lines and you could have Ehlers Perreault Connor as your LW's as early as next season
  8. Vaughn Martin is interesting but.... I'd suspect he's gonna have to drop some weight for sure, He's a big guy, not sure he has the stamina to keep up in the faster paced CFL.
  9. I consider myself to be a "hardcore" fan of the team and as a hardcore fan of the team, I want the Royal Blues back for sure... With that being said, some of the casual fans i know, they could care less about what Jersey the team wears, they care more about if the team is winning or not. That's the bottom line really with casual fans.. they don't care much about anything other than, are they winning? and if so, the bombers could wear a puke green jersey with orange and yellow and pink and grey stripes and the jersey could have a picture of a piece of crap floating in a toilet bowl and people wouldn't care. Maybe that's going to far haha but... you get the point. They don't care about the Jersey color.
  10. Making the Net bigger by 2 inches or so wouldn't be that bad, it's subtle change that would make probably a big difference and barely be noticed but first, I'd definitely look at shrinking the goalies equipment, And I think during the WORLD CUP OF HOCKEY, it is rumored that we will see smaller goalie equipment. But then again, you look at some of the scores around the league the last few days 6-1, 8-1, 9-2...
  11. Theres more to the Titus suspension than just that, I'd imagine at least but that was dumb by Titus, you don't do that when you are supposed to be saying bye to a guy like Bryan. That's probably what got him in trouble, not that he grabbed vince, but because it was done during the bryan farewell. Speaking of Bryan, turns out he's pretty badly injured, 10 plus concussions he said, has had seizures, has brain scarring or something, apparently in time he will be healed but... for all the talk about how he was cleared by certain doctors and for all the crap that Vince and WWE took for not clearing him, I think i'm on WWE's side now. Bryan said all this on ESPN last night with the COACH, interesting segment.
  12. Ticats lose a former bomber in B Stew to BC and go out and sign Former Bomber Washington.
  13. Said it before but as a former goaltender myself and still an occasional one at times in "beer" leagues, lol, The goalies equipment size has gotten out of control, i bought my stuff about 10 years ago, it still fits since i was pretty much the size i was then now but... some of these guys are going insane with the size of their equipment. I guess you can look at it this way.. You look at a guy like Ryan Miller for example, he's what? 6'1 or 6'2 maybe and maybe 170 pounds, You then look at a good like Rinne or let's even use Hellebuyck, Taller and heavier, yet in the net, Miller looks the same size as Rinne or Helle. That shouldn't be the case, the bigger goalies like Helle, Rinne etc, shouldn't look the same size as the smaller ones like Miller, Miller is a good example cuz if you see him without his equipment on, 170 pounds might be pushing it. They need to make the goalie equipment more form fitting, by that i mean, a goalie who is 6'5 should not look the same as a goalie who is 6'1.
  14. Riders signing all the former Esks. Wonder if these Alberta reporters will crap on them like they are doing the bombers
  15. I think myers is more likely to be traded than trouba is
  16. Myers Enstrom For Hamonic De Haan and a 1st. That's an interesting trade right there. Isles might do it. I'm almost convinced enstrom is traded and soon. Just a gut feeling. Makes 2 much for what he does Throw in Ladd and I'd still do it. Myers Toby Ladd for Hamonic De Haan and a 1st. When Chevy makes trades they are blockbusters
  17. Capicotti would be ridiculous lol. Capicotti Shologan? ? Westerman. That's 3 Canadians.
  18. Doubt receiver or LB are positions they are looking at now. DB? Meh. They can find those guys. Volny? Why. A DE would be nice tho. I'll bet that they are done for now tho
  19. You might but they won't. It's just how it is. No point in even talking about it. I doubt they trade any prospects either until they see what they actually are. Why are you always trying to trade petan? Guy has potential to be very good.
  20. Doubt it. We still lack LHD prospects. Some think Laine will actually be the better overall player.
  21. You know. I can see it now. Jets make a run but end up missing the playoffs. They are scheduled to pick at let's say pick 8. Jets win the draft lottery . The top 3 picks are all decided this year via lottery balls. Every team who misses the playoffs has a chance to pick top 3. Slim for some. Not so much for others. I've learned something a bit with the draft gods. They don't like teams who tank on purpose. Leafs. Blue Jackets. Etc. Only the oilers but they aren't doing it on purpose
  22. I'd imagine most playoff bound teams would be interested in Ladd. He does have 2 cups
  23. I doubt it actually. Jets are draft and development. Don't see them trading firsts for a while. Why trade a potential who knows? 1st overall pick. Jets are good but they aren't ready to compete with the real contenders for a bit. Unless that LHD is a guarantee and on a good contract and young... it won't happen. Teams don't trade top 2 d men very often.
  24. He definitely hinted at that mentioning he needs to sign the rfas. Ladd will be traded soon I think. Week or so. Unless and this is a big unless.... unless Ladd is willing to come down with his ask. Don't think he is. Also.... need to mention him... again. Armia... what a game. So much talent. If or when he learns how to finish ... look out. Guy Def has top 6 potential. My guess.. he replaces Stafford in a year or 2 and joins the top 6. Really solid player getting better and better every game
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