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Everything posted by AtlanticRiderFan

  1. Been listening to a lot of Halestorm lately.
  2. Picking Rogers, but if Holoman or Fraser picks him, I will change my pick.
  3. That's strange. Because we don't use paid attendance; we use real attendance based on who showed up. If it wasn't full, the attendance wouldn't have showed up as 33 427.
  4. I actually think they've been even for once. Haven't favoured one team.
  5. Totally agree. Let's see the Rider fans on this site defend any of that. What a bunch of disgusting clowns. Nothing to defend. It was a dirty play.
  6. I am laughing at the idiots who think that was a bad call. He grabbed him by the neck which is never ok in any sport. I'm not sure it was intentional, but come on.
  7. Would think that most Rider fans would plan ahead of time and buy tickets right away. If they don't plan on going, they're probably selling them via resale. Didn't know that. I assumed it was a dildo, like the sex toy. Pretty good double entendre.
  8. Everyone's picking Rogers, lol. I'm sticking with my pick though. I'll make a riskier move next week probably.
  9. They are WAY too expensive. It's the reason I didn't go the Grey Cup in Regina (Which while I have a good reason for not going, I'm still kicking myself hard for it). Maybe they wouldn't have to worry about the turnout if prices were reasonable. No reason to be charging over $500 for one game, even if it's championship.
  10. I honestly think the Canada's Team schtick is starting to die. Not only have I heard less mention of it, but Rod Pederson's twitter description no longer mentions it, which is saying something because he is one of the biggest Rider homers out there. (it used to for the longest time). If it is true, then it's for the better. Don't need special attention. I think it's doing more negative than positive and gives us a bad name. Still proud of our success (any fan of their team should be), but it certainly doesn't warrant us being "best fans in the league" or "Canada's Team" and I prepare myself for the time that they won't be as successful and will continue to support them.
  11. What is it with the Grey Cup sales the last couple years?! BC struggled to sell tickets last year (it wasn't until right before the game that they actually got to 50K) and now this one is half full. I remember when the Grey Cup sold almost right away upon beginning of sales to the general public. Strange.
  12. Yes they are. IMO, their season ended the moment Elimimian got injured. Lulay has been horrid, Harris has been shut down lately, and their defence is in pieces. I see them winning no more than 3 of their last games.
  13. Not sure if this needs its own thread, but just thought I'd point out that the temporary stands are ready for the Banjo Bowl. Looked at the seat map on ticketmaster and seats are being sold up to row ten in Sections Skyview South 2 to 5.
  14. Makes sense. Interesting thing is that here in New Brunswick, it seems to be a split between Montreal and Toronto. Interesting considering we are bilingual.
  15. Anymore details on what the capacities of the new arenas are? They would obviously be doing a lot of changes to the traffic flow there. To be honest I don't think it'd be all that much worse than where Mcmahon is now for traffic. There's some ****** up places down there but it all seems to be changing anyway because they know it's ****** up. ******* eh! **** **** balls ass ***** ***** **** .... just testing to see what gets past the filter... that's what we're all doing, right? EDIT: only 2 of my 7 words made it Fuckers
  16. Just disgusting. Hope he gets the maximum prison term. People like him don't belong in society.
  17. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break. Ok sorry, that was an exaggeration, but they still fill it up a decent bit. Anyhow, there aren't going to be that many Stamps fans in Regina. There will obviously be a few as always, but not "a big chunk". Yeah but when you go to a game in Calgary vs. the Bombers there's a ton of Bomber fans in there too, when the Lions are in town there's a ton of Lions fans. That's just what happens when you are in a city with a large population that has moved there from out of province. The Riders aren't some unique fanbase, especially when it comes to Calgary. Kind of like when the Habs play in Edmonton, it's a sea of red, and when the Maple Leafs play in Edmonton, it's a sea of blue. Not even remotely the same. You are trying to compare the two oldest Canadian NHL franchises to the Riders?! This is what makes other teams fan bases take issue with Rider fans. The gall to think they are somehow at the level of franchise as the Habs and Leafs is laughable. The Habs and the Leafs fill buildings with their fans across Canada because until NHL expansion there were only two Canadian NHL teams to cheer for. You were either a Habs or Leafs fans. Unlike the Riders, there presence across Canada transcends provincial boundaries. They truly were Canada's teams for generations. What the hell are you talking about? I'm making my comparison to what 17 said. I made no mention or comparison to the Roughriders. Maybe read what's going on before going off on a tangent. I used Edmonton as a comparison because a lot of people out of province moved there for work; many of whom don't cheer for the Oilers. Just like with Calgary.
  18. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break. Ok sorry, that was an exaggeration, but they still fill it up a decent bit. Anyhow, there aren't going to be that many Stamps fans in Regina. There will obviously be a few as always, but not "a big chunk". Yeah but when you go to a game in Calgary vs. the Bombers there's a ton of Bomber fans in there too, when the Lions are in town there's a ton of Lions fans. That's just what happens when you are in a city with a large population that has moved there from out of province. The Riders aren't some unique fanbase, especially when it comes to Calgary. Kind of like when the Habs play in Edmonton, it's a sea of red, and when the Maple Leafs play in Edmonton, it's a sea of blue.
  19. It's like the whole Connor McDavid thing all over again.
  20. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break. It's actually pretty basic Saskatchewan math... There's 30,000 people at a game... 3,000 are Rider fans... 50/50 split... not sure what's so hard to understand here? What? Huh? It's one of many jokes that people from Saskatchewan don't know to count or do math.
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