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Everything posted by AtlanticRiderFan

  1. Really pissed off at my coaching too. I want to borrow the truck too. In the meantime, I'll trade you Brohm for Sunseri straight up. Deal.
  2. Yes please! Riderfans is terrible for spreading false rumours saying they hear something from a "reliable source" without actually giving a link. I take anything that they say with a grain of salt until they give a link to a real source.
  3. I think Taman needs to fire Chamblin this week to keep his job. He also deserves to be fired if he does, IMO.
  4. I have nothing more to say about this team without beating a dead horse. Just terrible.
  5. Lol, no problem. I would probably do the same thing in your shoes .
  6. OMG. Sunseri just fumbled the football. That ought to do it.
  7. Yet another possession with Sunseri. Does CC want to get fired or something?
  8. Careful. Taman might be reading . Your team is about as ****** as ours, Duressler. I wish it was. It's shittier.
  9. Intentional grounding penalty and then a sack, Lord, Sunseri is a tool, Get his ass off the field.
  10. This makes no sense. Smith is playing well. Something wrong we don't know about. CC confirmed in the interview that the interception was the reason for the pulling. All around terrible coaching. Good way to ruin your quarterback's development. They have got to let go of Sunseri. He had his chance last year, and blew it.
  11. Really pissed off at my coaching too. I want to borrow the truck too.
  12. Sneaky you! Picked before I had the chance to change .
  13. And your team is going to have no future, because Brady will deflate all your footballs and cost you draft picks.
  14. Somehow, I'm projected to finish 8-5 this year despite my QBs. Rest of offence is pretty solid on my team (Primary reason why my QBs are horrible. Autopick drafted all other positions but quarterback pretty well). Still want to try and snag a QB off someone though. I do not need all 3 of my RBs who have 2, 19, and 23 rankings.
  15. We have our GDT up already and it's still 2 days away from the game. LOL
  16. Alright, I'm keeping Rogers for now still. I'll change it though if Fraser ends up picking him.
  17. I think you need to look at my QB's before you can say that. Wow, what the actual ****, autopick? What makes it somehow pass over all of the good quarterbacks for the rest of the offence? Brutal.
  18. Even so, the Rider confidence must be near bottom and if Ottawa gets an early lead, then holds off Rider desperate stabs at rallying, it should be easy for Ottawa. No win vs Sask has been easy this year...... Except for Edmonton. But yeah, they have all been close games. I'm voting for Saskatchewan, the first time in several weeks. Riders still have one of the best offences in the league against a team with mediocre defence. Also given how little points Ottawa puts on the board, our defence may hold up for once. We match up well against Ottawa.
  19. ****! I forgot too. Not only was I looking forward to this, but I ended up with the crappiest quarterbacks. **** **** ****
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