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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Weak Democratic leadership along all lines of their hierarchy in how they have handled this buffoon and his enablers. Jumping onto twitter and other social media platforms to express your anger is the easiest thing to do with little actual impact. It's frustrating to watch as a citizen what a person with political capital can get away with and what line has to be crossed before any actual consequences are felt. I think there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes on capital hill and other political and legal arena's that if we were privy to our mouths would drop wide open. The whole system needs recalibrating. 'Going on lunch break'. Idiot.
  2. I like Kaitlan Collins, she's a professional but she needs to do better when it comes to reporting on these enablers.
  3. White House officials were shaken? Give me a break. Too late. Full court press on these enablers. No mercy.
  4. What greatly frustrates me is this is their breaking point? Way too late. As the Lincoln Project has said, you bought the Pony now take the ride.
  5. They say it much much better than I can:
  6. Hoping for minimal injuries obviously, maybe this is what had to happen to hold Trump, his enablers and their supporters accountable for their ongoing actions and words over Trump's tenure. Social media accounts held by these people will negate any type of walkback rhetoric from this buffoons happening right now as we experience this historic event. We are seeing it in real time on social media that some of these enablers seem to be realizing what they've done. Law and order needs to ensure they are punished to the full extent of the law as a clear deterrent. I wonder if James Comey is rethinking his op ed piece about arguing Trump should not be prosecuted after leaving office.
  7. Or IF it is a 22 year old professional hockey player wanting to play for a big market team for a bigger boat load of cash (American preferably) with greater exposure, fame and pressure then see you later, I'd rather someone who enjoys and wants to wear the Jet Jersey and recognize he can still make gobs of money comparatively speaking and live and work in a city that will generally revere him. Or, as you state, IF he is not on the same page as his agent, then yes, time for a new one that serves and aligns better with his specific wants and needs.
  8. John Kasich suggested on the Don Lemon show forming a new party might be in order. He might be onto something.
  9. Meanwhile Princess Ivanka is full court press on how giving she and Prince Jared are. If I was only allowed two picks off the long list of Trump Tenure criminals to live the rest of their lives in poverty, shame and disgrace it would be hands down Prince Jared and Princess Ivanka. What a couple of grifters and hucksters.
  10. I've never been much of a Kelly Moore fan but that's probably because I've never recovered from losing Kurt Keilbach call all the Jet games for me even when they were televised (i.e., turn TV play by play guy off, didn't care there was a bit of delay) putting me at the edge of my seat like I was at the game. Golden.
  11. Sure but only if access to healthcare professionals and resources are limited to these people and priority allocated to responsible individuals.
  12. For all the Trump Apologists and whataboutism people, if you shrug at who these people are as human beings and offer up a yea they're not the greatest people but (insert whataboutism rationalization and misdiagnosis of human behaviour) you're an all Trump DNA type of person, some known some hidden. Just own it all out loud.
  13. I know the US Senate is controlled by the GOP and ultimately that’s what drives the show but I just find Pelosi and Schumer frustrating. They stammer a lot and talk tough but with little effect. It will be interesting once the dust settles what people who know what they are talking about and what they have to say when they do a comprehensive review on these two and other Democratic leaders in taking on Trump and his administration.
  14. Now is the time to speak out? What a bar that has been set. Feck.
  15. Follow the money or it could simply be a pee pee tape. I’m hoping for the latter.
  16. I know it’s been said before but it needs to be said again, this lame duck period between November 4th and January 20th needs to be changed stat. Give the outgoing predident till the end of the week to pack their **** and get out.
  17. If only it was just nonsense. Back in the day it was criminal with consequences to pay to promote 'nonsense' of this nature and severity. For all the Trumpers and the ones that say they're not Trumpers but indeed are that frequent this site, you think you are being rationale and presenting the other side argument. You're not. You're really not, you may think you are but you're not. There is no other side when it comes to Trump and how he and his crew have enabled full on racism, sexual predation, religious zealots, white collar grifting huckster criminals, class warfare, misogyny, ageism, etc etc etc. 'What about' arguments, 'Yea but' arguments, 'The other side is just as bad but in different ways' argument to defend Trump and his hardened followers can at times be legitimate to varying degrees but is completely missing the point and isn't addressing the issue at hand. See sentence above. This is why we are seeing a lot of people from different backgrounds, different experiences and different political ideologies banding their arms together to defend sanity and attack this insanity. It's not a coincidence.
  18. This weird bravado than backtracking is getting old real fast.
  19. RIGGED!! VOTER FRAUD And even if we still win RIGGED because we won by a landslide not even close. Voters who usually don't vote voted and did it illegally. I have affidavits!
  20. Why didn’t that journalist call him on . . . Oh right sorry.
  21. Yea unfortunately I know, I was more referring to the agents who will be in charge of escorting him out com 12 o'clock. Oh and for the Trumpers who frequent this site, it's not to late to donate to his cause. Give what you can. It makes a difference.
  22. Oh yes. Pay per view. Instantly get murica and others out of debt. One of the things I would love to watch are the secret service agents looking at their watches and changing their demeanor (stoic to smiling) once the clock strikes 12.
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