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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And, what a stupid piece of 'journalism'.
  2. Most times (not always) they self identify. :-)
  3. Yea but it’s Corey Perry. Karma. Kidding not kidding.
  4. This Republican party is so divided into differing factions that it’s becoming more and more obvious why voter ‘integrity’ is their leading platform.
  5. Wow did not see this coming at this stage. I’m really really becoming to dislike this covid thing. I hope they isolate it, he’s okay and the rest of the players and team officials are unaffected.
  6. Of course Feinstein would say these things. That’s her MO. She regular shows her true colours. At this stage this is not a political party problem, it’s a people problem regardless of any banner one flies under. Throw Feinstein in with the others who drive and support the nonsense and absurdity that is wrapped around the neck of sanity.
  7. Yea I agree I really love that word. Oh, tmi?
  8. Just the word Regina is argument enough.
  9. And treat them like any other business and what that comes along with.
  10. Cool, let them beat each other into oblivion before playing us. 🙂
  11. You'd be a joy to sit beside in the stands.
  12. I’ll state the obvious, but the Jets never scoring the first goal in the Mtl series was key as evident by Peter DeBoer’s point of Montreal being uncomfortable trailing on the scoreboard, i.e reading between the lines their whole system of boring yet effective hockey when leading on the scoreboard breaks down.
  13. Hiding behind a faith he customizes for his personal gain and greasy motives with absolutely no intention of following its actual teachings is what’s really maddening here and some people buy this grift hook line and sinker.
  14. It sure is nice to see this thread.
  15. Another way someone said it on Twitter, stop threatening and just do it.
  16. I just like the way MS defended Winnipeg. That's what I want to hear from a player wearing our colours. 🙂
  17. This is a perfect example that supports the argument we need more mandatory requirements to run for office other than a beating heart with money.
  18. Yup Ducharme sat his team down and showed them tapes of the 95 New Jersey devils. Booooorrrrrrringgggg but effective.
  19. Even though a sweep maybe the Edm series took more out of the Jets than we thought.
  20. Yup going into this series things looked good. Totally different team now.
  21. Like they did with Leafs, they are killing us with their sticks and positioning.
  22. Hearing Cuthbert call the game, I just can’t shake my memories of him calling Bomber games and his grinding tone when we’re losing. I know Noeller he’s awesome.
  23. Bieska shades Perreault big time during the intermission about his big boy hits.
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