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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Trottier and Bossy. What a tandem. What a fantastic piece Bossy wrote here. As Howie Meeker would have said, "Now that's hockey'. I hope he's surrounded by people who love and adore him, I'm sure he is.
  2. No no no, my sources from the research I did is the Ukraine is full of Nazi's Putin wants to rid of to liberate it's people said no sane person currently living on planet earth.
  3. Cynically all this will turn out to be is grandstanding at it's finest with no action. They'll pat themselves on their backs, twitter a few things out, finger wag here finger wag there, onto their next crusade full of empty words.
  4. Knowing the Jets will soon hear 'officially eliminated', worst thing now would be the Jets winning out the majority of their remaining games and then thinking, 'maybe we don't need much adjustment'.
  5. I have to agree with this as well. Where are the sane people who vote republican denouncing all of this with a strong collective voice? They're probably groups doing this already, just need more of them, active and loud.
  6. No I’m actually being serious. Where are they because of course I know their there and they’re sane but it seems they are being drowned out by the craziness and unfairly guilty by association. There are sane good people all over the political spectrum. That’s who I want to be associated with.
  7. Where are these sane republicans? They need to be louder to drown out the insane drivel spewing from people who support people like Boebert, Greene, Cotton, Gaetz, Hawley etc.
  8. This is obviously fantastic news but bigger picture, this highest court wields way too much power with little accountability. This is not a team with a common transparent purpose, it’s a group of individuals with individual agendas, good, bad and/or indifferent that sometimes match with one another and other times don’t. It would be nice if Justice Jackson brought that voice into the fray to really effect meaningful change in how this group operates.
  9. I’ll state the obvious. As supported by his own family who are probably in the best position to know, Paul Gosar is a very unwell man who requires pretty intense healthcare services from a variety of different disciplines.
  10. All while using 'judicial independence' as cover.
  11. A complete overhaul of the Justice system resulting in Justice truly being blind and expedient for all would be nice as well. These crooks at all levels within many legal disciplines who hide behind their legal garbs and their 'legal interpretations' need to be cast away.
  12. Yup time for some needed playing time for certain players development and/or show us what you got to end this frustrating season.
  13. I think you're being very kind. Anti-science is probably a more appropriate term for a significant portion (but not all) of the people highlighted in the red above who were extremely loud about how we are all being duped by science, by so called experts, by so called evidence when it came to this so called pandemic. All of this was not to not help us but to control our movements, roll over our individual rights, impinge on our freedoms to choose. One of the many go to slogans of theirs is they love to holler to the world MY INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS DON'T STOP AT YOUR FEARS, NO MORE MANDATES, FREEDOM. It would be interesting if these same people needed emergency surgery and the surgeon refused to appropriately prepare for their surgery because (see ALL CAPS above).
  14. Yea you’re right bad stuff but what about (insert Hunter Biden, Clinton, Biden links). The whole system is bad so for you to suggest others aren’t just as bad you’re just believing what you want to believe. Did I do this right?
  15. Yea but all media outlets are corrupt and bad, all political parties, all politicians can’t be trusted and anyone suggesting otherwise to what I just said here are gaslighting, are demonstrating their confirmation bias, are not paying attention as I provide links to made up **** that actually align with who I really am but I don’t come out and say who I really am and hide in cover behind my claims of hey I’m just a reasonable centrist following the real truths and anyone who doesn’t do what I do is a far left or far right nut job.
  16. Yup and whether you like them or not no matter who you are and what you want to be true.
  17. Ahhh my Christian image on my Twitter bio while I spew diarrhea everywhere suggests otherwise.
  18. I direct your attention to the word some in my post. Not sure if I’m the one not paying attention.
  19. ‘Neutrality, I’m a reasonable centrist, everyone is corrupt’ for some is the new cover for spewing out extremist views.
  20. Cleaning house of the management and coaching staff this off season doesn’t have to mean rebuild. We still have a good core to build around but needs an injection of different perspective and direction. The only true rebuild is branding a new identity. Any player not buying in and/or does not hold the right skill set for this new identity can go bye bye no matter what your name is.
  21. I use to think there’s got to be more to it then this but no it’s this simple and Garland and crew are no where to be seen.
  22. There are people on this actual board that mimic similar things like Tucker Carlson and certain GOP’er’s who spew absurd bizarre rhetoric regularly on Fox, Twitter etc. And when this drivel is called out all it does is embolden these people more because they truly believe they know what’s really going on as the actual truth is right in front of us. Suffocating.
  23. Like thirsty rabid dogs lapping water from a bowl. Easy targets.
  24. If true, weak lazy thinking not good enough, put some effort into it if you really want to strengthen the CFL.
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