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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Yup. Depends on what one is talking about I guess.
  2. Back in the day this would be scandalous. Now it’s, that’s it? That’s all he did? What about (insert name) and what they did? No resignation?
  3. ‘Bad exercise of freedom.’ Perfectly put.
  4. At least a warning like you shouldn’t drink or smoke if you’re pregnant sort of thing.
  5. Hey we’re just entertainment. Talk show hosts. No one takes us seriously. 76 million people say what?
  6. And I just got off the phone with the Goaltending Gods and they have yet to decide which Mike Smith shows up in the playoffs, the one where a lot of Oiler fans wanted him to retire already not too long ago or the one where all is forgotten everything good now, he's the best. I think just to push you over the edge in blocking me would be to end with Go Flames but I won't do that.
  7. Oilers suck. Sorry but haven't mentioned that to you specifically for a while. :-)
  8. I throw this in a World Politic thread discussion. 🙂
  9. On an unrelated note, Leafs, Oilers ousted in the first round please.
  10. I don't make light of this at all, but CTE.
  11. A truly moronic and incoherent 'yes but' argument.
  12. Sorry I wasn’t thinking of anyone specific here with my post. I’m just hyper sensitive on people minimizing bad behaviour with yea but arguments. It’s everywhere you look being used completely inappropriately imo. I really need to get off twitter or at least just watch cute videos of animals.
  13. Wasn’t directed at you my friend, just what I see around me sometimes. Just frustrating to me of how things can get greatly minimized by the yea but argument. It can make one’s head spin.
  14. Like this a both sides argument? Like this is a propaganda coming from both sides argument? Yup there’s lunatics everywhere you look, left, right, middle but sorry that’s no where near enough ‘detail’ to say yea but to justify, minimize, water down what is happening to Ukraine and it’s people.
  15. 22 thousand plus deaths which doesn’t include the Ukraine side?!?! MF. We just get so desensitized to this number when you’re not directly impacted. What a waste of human life due to lunatic and his ardent supporters.
  16. Well he does now. Thanks for that. Sloan, PP and their ilk can’t help themselves from stealing plays from the playbook of Trump and his Magats to froth up knuckle draggers here in our own back yard. Can’t even come up with their own stuff, and be original, have to copy the wingnuts in the US. Embarrassing to Canadians.
  17. If there is a God as the saying goes.
  18. To be a piece of **** is what he needs to add at the front or end of this sentence. Both work.
  19. I constantly hear a lot of chatter from people about the importance of freedom of speech. Absolutely however I don't hear as much chatter from these same people on the importance of being held accountable for the words that are spoken. Same thing when it comes to freedom to choose but little on consequences of those choices made. Same thing when it comes to individual rights but little on social responsibility. Fascinating.
  20. Ahhh love this. Eric Idle @EricIdle I won’t defend to the death your right to lie to me.
  21. It just feels that these lunatics did this just in case this coup attempt was successful so then they could lead the charge after the fact. Because it wasn't successful their fall back plan was to plead ignorance, minimalize what happened and continue to spew their nuttery.
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