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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And people who have the decision making power, influence and authority to right this ship by taking specific actions are more focussed on sounding clever on Twitter, standing around looking honourable like they are still living in the 70’s and using these bad illegal behaviours to make gobs and gobs of money for them, their families and their donors.
  2. Yup as I scroll thru it making me more and more bitter. Sports and pictures of puppies is where it’s at.
  3. As we all stand around shrug our shoulders and grudgingly accept that yet again no consequences will come from bad (and often times illegal) behaviour such as this.
  4. Evans not flashy very business like kept it simple did what he had to do. Impresssive.
  5. I love how the camera picked up Boto telling the Argo players in rapid fire to shut up after taking a penalty to keep that drive alive. Lol. Need more of those shots to catch the interest of fans, not just the mic’d up stuff just more field level stuff. That’s good ****. Dinwiddie gets canned before Dickinson in Sasky my prediction.
  6. Acklin is a guy that would fit well into our O. Liked his game as a Tigercat and like his game as a Renegade.
  7. Depth, depth, depth. They have done a masterful job.
  8. Oh yes smarter and more attractive but I would respectfully submit she competes with him on the irritating factor but it’s definitely fixable. Oh I get that but man oh man it gets to the point of please just stop the pain.
  9. Imo she try’s too hard. Too over the top and contrived. She just needs to be more herself and focus more of her energy on football. On an unrelated note just as a fyi to the marketing folk and the CFL showing stupid Sleeman commercials over and over and over again ensures I will never ever buy that product.
  10. That sounds like he’s getting coached up and he’s executing.
  11. He will be orgasming if the Bombers start losing like he did with that country singer in the broadcast booth a while back.
  12. I will be so happy if we are able to stable that quick six horse on the sidelines with nothing to do. Years of seeing that f’ing horse run up and down the sidelines after scoring touchdowns on us was an extra kick in the nads.
  13. Yup control your emotions you’re losing act like this good play making is normal for you line up for the next play.
  14. Yup brings back bad memories of our lean years when we’d have leading tacklers in the league with losing records.
  15. That roughie fan with the Kermit the frog dummy is not sending out the vibes I’m comfortable with.
  16. As Garland and company sit back saying we’re watching all of this very closely. I’m tired of hearing the default reason they goto while patting us on our heads that the general public just does not know the complexities of building a solid case while in the same breath droning on about No one is above the love, Justice needed to be blind, fair and swift for all involved. The legal system is just another political arm while they hide behind the word independence.
  17. That’s a fantastic last line to end the video.
  18. That's exactly true and I would add easier just to keep saying look at those crazy people you better vote for us .
  19. Dementia, senility who knows but it's all about him hanging on to his legacy while his country implodes around him. It almost feels like they are conceding knowing the wing-nuts will be taking over soon so the old guards better ensure the history books reflect their positive legacy in trying to unite the country. Ironically a real selfish self absorbed thing to do.
  20. Going by how he has been following the playbook of Trump customized for Canada, When PP loses, queue 'the election was stolen, inconsistencies were found at some polling stations' strategy.
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