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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Maybe next year’s reverse retros - Fanatics edition.
  2. Yea and no. It has produced more CFL talent than any other NCAA program, which makes sense since they are based in Canada. But they are nowhere near the top program in Canada. As of 2020 when this article was written, Calgary was #1 and Laval in their brief but storied history was #2, both with twice the alums as SFU. https://www.cfl.ca/2020/04/27/u-sports-ncaa-schools-dominate-draft-day/
  3. Not sure they even were as good as you say in each league. In NAIA they were a career 142-187-2 (.429) with only 12 winning seasons in 37 years. In the CIS (now USports) where they mainly played with disdain for the Canadian game’s competitive level and lack of full ride scholarships (according to this article from Bleacher Report: https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/243985-simon-fraser-to-leave-candian-interuniversity-sport-for-ncaa-dii.amp.html ) they went 16-47-2 (.262 winning percentage) with fewer winning seasons (2) than seasons with 0 wins (3) in 8 years overall in CanWest. They were often the weak sisters of the conference. As pointed out, they were simply outclassed in NCAA II (18-99, .154 in 12 losing seasons out of 12, only 4 wins total in their last 7 years). Travel supposedly was an issue with playing the USports western conference, but this last year they played in the Lone Star Conference - yes, that’s Texas. Lots of moving parts I don’t have the intel on, but Pooh-Poohing the CIS seems to have back-fired on them, and now they are a team without a league. As pointed out in another twitter link, they won’t be allowed back into USports unless every sport program at their school follows suit, so it looks like football is dead there for now, given that their other programs still have links to Pacific Northwest US conferences. Not sure I agree with that sentiment given what I have written above. They made their choice to thumb their noses at Canadian University football a long time ago, and are authors of their own misfortune by tying themselves to second tier US football. They were pretty non-competitive when they played CIS, and USports football has gotten along just fine without them since they bolted for the States again. Sad for their players, but I don’t have much sympathy for their program, which seems to have been sub-par for most of it’s existence, thinking it could progress and run with Division 1 NCAA but not really competing even in Div 2.
  4. Beat Flames, beat Preds, beat Sharks and they are in. Easy peasy.
  5. For Winnipeg to clinch: Finish 3-1-1 or better regardless of outcome against Calgary or Nashville. They can clinch as early as Saturday, with regulation wins over Calgary and Nashville, and a Nashville loss in any fashion to Carolina on Thursday. IF Winnipeg beats Calgary clean tonight, they need only one more win or a Flames regulation loss to eliminate the Flames. IF Winnipeg wins in OT/SO, then they eliminate Calgary with a combination of 3 points earned or Calgary points not earned. IF Calgary wins in OT/SO, Jets can still eliminate them by finishing 2-1-1 or better. IF Calgary wins clean, Winnipeg can still eliminate them by finishing 3-1.
  6. Huh, that’s funny. I guess I found a deep fake video then, showing the pretend CBC election coverage from 2011. At the 29 minute mark the doctored video shows polls closing, at the 59 minute mark the Cons are declared the winners, and at 1:50 the majority is declared by the CGI Mansbridge, with more than 2 hours of coverage still to come. They even managed to digitally remove Fake Peter’s tears. I guess it is true that you can’t trust anything you find online. Or maybe, just maybe, and hear me out on this, the problem isn’t media bias so much as it is your own, misrepresenting and “misremembering” things to feed your own slanted narrative with false confirmation bias, all so you can slam the side you don’t like and justify ignoring facts by claiming bias and giving you an excuse to make up your own “true” facts
  7. Hilarious watching Hannity trying to give him an escape by saying “I can’t imagine you’d do this (set up) and did you ever do that?” to lead into getting a denial on the record, Trump doesn’t bite and give him the “of course not” so Sean doubles down with “I know you, you’d never actually do that, right”, and Trump repeats his absolute right to do so, so Hannity panics and is “OK I want to move on” but the mouth is already on auto-pilot. Trump never says “I did it” but says everything else to lead to only one reasonable inference being left, thinking he’s avoided an admission while still exerting his dominance with “but I am allowed to because I’m special, do it’s fine if I did”. Hannity’s abrupt tone shift and attempt to back away when he realizes what is happening, how his effort to provide cover has backfired, and how he is now powerless to stop it, is priceless.
  8. That seems to be the most legitimate critique from the stuff that I have read.
  9. What exactly is the beef with LIV? What I understand is that they poached a bunch of PGA players with big cash paydays, and because it’s tied to a Saudi group the source of the money is questionable. Is that it? And is it really that big a deal? Why is the PGA (and Bob Irving) so bent out of shape about this competition?
  10. Flyers, Canucks, and Blues all eliminated from the playoffs today. And the Kings have punched their ticket to the post-season.
  11. ????????? We are the team in a playoff spot right now. Others are chasing us.
  12. If things play out perfectly, the Jets could eliminate the Flames on Wednesday, and could clinch as early as Thursday.
  13. So my wife knows one of the Bomber team doctors from her professional work with him. We ran into him last night at the hockey game, and in the course of chatting he mentioned that Zach Collaros has still not recovered from his ankle sprain, in fact there has been a regression. Doctors were hoping it would progress on its own, but they are all but certain now that he actually tore some ligaments and it will require a surgical intervention. The club is keeping things hush hush for now because they don’t want to submarine season ticket sales, especially because they are going to throw in an “early bird” Grey Cup multi-season ticket package deal, and they don’t want sales to fall off a cliff. Bottom line, they are likely to announce a surgery in the coming weeks, and he will be out of commission for at least the first two months of the season at best. April fools!
  14. Canucks ahead 4-3 with 4 and a half minutes left when Elias Peterson was called for a high stick against the Flames’ Walker Duehr. Huberdaeu ties it up on the PP a minute later. Only thing was Duehr lifted Petterson’s stick into his own face to create the penalty.
  15. Funny how some “fans” who were absent the first half of the year on the chat and surfaced full of gripes when the losing started have once again fallen silent tonight. Almost like they would rather have us be bad and be happier complaining than see us win.
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