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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. I love seeing this. Only halftime, take nothing lightly.
  2. Lawler not taking anything for granted in his halftime interview. Expects more from the Lions this half, but sees the Bombers as a 3 phase team. Love the focus tonight coming off the bye.
  3. I’ve seen way too much CFL to call a game at the half. I’ll say this, BC is going to be sore right now and how long before they are physically beaten down? Harris going to be a bigger factor in the second half and he seems motivated.
  4. That’s how good we are right now. Can go into victory formation at the half. 😄
  5. And Grant blows a tire. We want Nelson!!!!!!!!!!🤣
  6. I remember when roughing the passer meant hurting them or taking a dirty shot, not tackling a quarter second too late after the ball is out, but here we are. Could see the call go either way and couldn’t really argue against either decision.
  7. With Lucky gone, do you now double cover Burnham the rest of the night?
  8. Either you praise all 50/50 balls as letting your receiver go get it, or you dump on them all as wing and a prayer passing. Shouldn’t matter If it is Collaros, Reilly, Fajardo, or whoever (and this is not a shot at you, bustamente). Personally, not a fan but kudos to Lawler for his body position
  9. Welcome to 2021 Wolitarsky. Where ya been all year?
  10. Collaros overthrowing the deep balls so far. Mourtada again kicks it dead straight, this time gets the angle right.
  11. Collaros should not throw that pass to the middle again with the receiver standing still. That’s an INT next time.
  12. Few things irk me more than a defensive back who throws a body check instead of wrapping up on a tackle.
  13. Grant with the strutter step. Who now will point to the blocking scheme?
  14. Black and Suitor together. Maybe everyone who wants to complain about that should just link to the CJOB radio link now.
  15. Every time I see a young player contract these days I look back on what we paid Scheifele, Ehlers, and Hellebuyck on early contracts and my smile gets bigger.
  16. Niners fan since Walsh, Montana, Craig, Rathman, Clark and Lott, all the way through Young, Rice, Taylor, Garcia, and Gore. Don’t talk much about T.O. or Deion.
  17. And no one has scored more points than the Bombers over that time. LaPo sucks! Nichols sucks!
  18. He is deadly accurate on the post pattern.
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