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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. You may have a point there. Adams certainly could have used less zip on that pass.
  2. So, curious to see how Castillo does. Last week he was sneaking every kick just through the uprights (except for the bad miss), but since they went through he avoided the Mourtada scorn. But he has not been drilling them straight though on any kick, all have a hook to them so far. Will be interesting to monitor that since Ali is still around. Not sold on him yet.
  3. Kongbo with an opportunity to be a full-time player today. Making a strong early impression.
  4. Castillo with the miss. Bring back Mourtada, at least he can kick the converts straight.
  5. Re-configured o-line looked pretty decent on that short drive.
  6. Whoops! Team’s so intimidated by us they just hand us the ball.
  7. Since we moved to the West in 2014, we are 4-2 in Montreal. Going back to 2011 we are 8-2 there.
  8. Never ceases to amaze me what fans here get offended by. Bombers do the same thing by including a playoff ticket in the season ticket package. It’s good business to get fans to invest, and then offer a discount off of a season ticket package if the game doesn’t come to pass.
  9. Apparently a sellout at BMO Field tonight. Two caveats - 1) it is a socially distanced sellout, so I think they capped sales at 15,000, and 2) it is against Hamilton, so many of the seats sold could be to Tiger Cat fans. But every little bit helps in trying to encourage attendance in Toronto.
  10. I might argue the Edmonton game where they dropped a potential pick-6 interception in the 4th quarter had some luck to it, but that is neither here nor there. This team should be ready, but removing starters in favour of back-ups does open a door for our opposition. And in 2001 when we operated that way we allowed Calgary to sneak into the playoffs, and have them the perception that they could compete with us. Anyway, if everyone is not worried about it then OK, I will not go doom and gloom. And I look forward to tomorrow’s GDT free of angst or complaints if we struggle. 😁
  11. I know all these changes make sense, and I know it is a good thing to see how our back-ups can do (especially McGuire who could use some substantial reps), but it still eats away at me a bit that we are taking our foot off the gas here and running a “pre-season” game of sorts. I guess it is flashbacks of 2001 and how badly that approach backfired that year. Anyone else feel that way?
  12. Let’s not encourage Dascow to come back into the fray. They were trolling comments, they will not change our opinion nor will our arguments change his/hers. Nor will it likely sway other minds.
  13. There was a story in December 2020 in the Sun saying he planned to call one more season after the Grey Cup win and then go. The pandemic pushed his time frame back one year. This has been something planned for quite a while now.
  14. In the US it seems all to easy - if you are black you are a threat and if you are white you are not. This may seem comically simplistic and patently absurd as a statement, but since the advent of phone cameras and police body cams it has proven to be shockingly accurate.
  15. And I believe that Rittenhouse will be acquitted, and that under the laws of the USA he will have a defence that will be accepted. And that to my mind is the problem. In most democratic nations just showing up with a semi-automatic rifle to any public gathering if you are not military or police would be a crime, and if you used that weapon to kill someone, you would not be perceived as defending against a threat, YOU would be the threat. The USA is an embarrassment that this kind of logic does not apply but “stand your ground” is considered good law.
  16. And got a lucky bounce off his defenceman’s skate.
  17. Bob used to pair on the road with Neil Lumsden as a colour guy for Ticats broadcasts, and with an ex-Montreal player (name escapes me, almost want to say Pat Woodcock) for Alouette broadcasts, and they were excellent. Especially Lumsden. I would heartily endorse that kind of “balanced” broadcast.
  18. Sad but likely true. So we should push for TSN to do their patented extended in-booth “interview” with Bob in the 3rd quarter where they ask him to do some play-by-play. Just tell Suitor he is Keith Urban and they’ll be all over that.
  19. Jets deserved some better puck luck. Tough loss and frustrating shootout and overtime, but if they bring forth this kind of performance nightly then I will be happy because they will win the large majority of the time with that level of effort.
  20. Shhh, don’t ruin the “Suitor is a Rider-biased hack all the time” narrative this board has spun over the years.
  21. I don’t mind Friesen trying to think outside the box here and get Irving a much deserved final call. Plus, every other game has two separate radio calls (home team and away team) so would actually be normal.
  22. Hey, lay off Kelly. He doesn’t come to your job at McDonald’s and tell you how to salt the fries, does he? 🤣 What was the other insult he threw out at a listener, something about mom’s basement?
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