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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. If anyone needed proof of how terrible Davis is......
  2. Fajardo is doing it with smoke and mirrors but Davis is flat-out bad.
  3. Wow. Davis is off to a rocky start and that has to shake his confidence and that of the team. Would love to see them stomp the Riders, but that doesn't look realistic so far.
  4. The Ticats have decent talent on their defence- it has been their quarterbacking that has been the problem. Reilly must be beat-up enough to affect his throwing and trigger his survival instincts.
  5. with the dearth of talent on the rosters of the Lions, RedBlacks, Argos and Alouettes Walters ought to be able to pick up some very nice draft picks and/or neg listers if he decides to wheel and deal.
  6. An embarrassment of riches. The scouting has improved greatly since the arrival of Rigmaiden. Walters has put together a helluva organization.
  7. Would it be acceptable to say that Hansen ought to be good at blitzing?
  8. Streveler really had me worried for the first couple of quarters- he had happy feet and looked almost panicked. He did have that nice pass to Matthews and it was great to see Matthews fighting for those extra yards. The turning point for Streveler appeared to be in the fourth quarter when the Bombers looked to be in control and then Streveler appeared to relax and just play the game instead of feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. His feet stopped dancing and his body language said that he was OK. The heartening thing was that the Esks had to know that the Bombers would rely on the Streveler-Harris one-two running punch but were unable to stop them despite having a very good D-line. The Edmonton linebackers were as suspect as I thought they would be. I didn't keep track but it looked like a big part of the game plan for the Bombers was to have Eli in there pushing people around. For me, this game showed that LaPolice is at the very least, a good OC. His plan used Streveler's strengths, and it sure looked like his past plans have had to compensate to Nichols' limitations as a quarterback. Jefferson dominated the line of scrimmage like few d-linemen have ever done and the Esks O-linemen are going to be waking up in the middle of nights for awhile screaming his name.
  9. One of the weirdest ways to win a game I've seen.
  10. Willie Jefferson for premier and prime minister!
  11. Would it be acceptable to say that Hansen is good at the blitz?
  12. Whooda thunk Hansen would be so effective?
  13. Am encouraged by the great improvement in Streveler's passing in that series.
  14. Aaaad...its in the bag. Serves the Esks right.
  15. Talent is nothing without discipline.
  16. YESSS!!! Poetic justice for a dumb-ass Eskie penalty to cost them the game.
  17. An FG will probably seal the deal, but a TD would be better.
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