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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I'm OK with this because it means he will be two time zones away from calling the Bomber-Stamps game. A small mercy but appreciated.
  2. Also, on the TSN pre-playoff report, it was reported that Streveler not only has a cracked bone in his ankle but torn ligaments as well. Should be about as mobile as the Golden Boy on the legislature dome.
  3. That is out of our hands and in those of the Bomber coaches. One win in the playoffs is not enough anymore.
  4. It has to be difficult to get the Esks cranked up for this game. They have been circling the drain for the past three months and their coach is probably a dead man walking.
  5. Gray's status is a complete puzzlement to me. Still, the coaches have to be aware that they are getting close to the end of their leashes and have to be aware that these sort of decisions may decide their futures. As usual, we shall see.
  6. For all the bravado, many here are afraid to hope that our hearts will not be broken again. In times past, when the team was crap and we all knew it, there was a sort of quiet resignation because we knew what would happen. This year, many of us dared to hope, and then the footyball gods scowled on us. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
  7. Welcome to our occasionally fractious journey. To paraphrase Charlie Brown:" We need all the friends we can get."
  8. Almost as bad as Ella Fitzgerald marrying Darth Vader.
  9. Way back, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, my late wife and I were season ticket holders (east side) and when the cold weather hit, we concocted something we called Bomber Coffee- coffee and dark rum in a thermos. Late in the game, we would crack it open and forestall frostbite (at least we thought it did). Funny enough, we never had the contents of the thermos checked.
  10. The cold and snow have to favour the Bombers but will probably make for a sloppy, error-filled game. A Big Blue win will make it all worthwhile.
  11. Ah, the good old days...*sniff*. Enough to make a grown man cry. In a manly way, of course.
  12. I would take Rogers' unavailability with a grain of salt. The game is a .30 meter.
  13. I knew an Aussie who served there. The unit refused to go out on patrol or bivouac with Americans, as they were stupid, careless, racist, arrogant and often stoned. They were dumb enough to go on patrol with lit cigarettes in their mouths, day or night and call to each other. The Aussies would not bed down until an hour after sunset, and move out before dawn. Only half the unit would sleep at a time. They had little respect for the Yanks had very few casualties compared to them. The Aussies saw some horrific torturing by the US troops.
  14. That's what happens when a guy doesn't pay his penis tax. And its a good thing.
  15. Fenner played well on occasion but got lit up more than one game. His day has come and gone.
  16. If he did, it would be following a very common script: a premier athlete who is aging but fears losing that competitive edge and everything that comes with it, turns to PEDs to extend or enhance his/her career.
  17. According to 1290 radio this morning, Streveler was still walking with a very pronounced limp today, and the speculation was that he would probably dress on Sunday but very unlikely to play.
  18. Starting to be some weird things going on here.
  19. It will be interesting to see how Royce rolls. And whether we need Moe linebackers.
  20. What concerns me is that he sort of interned under LaPolice, and O'Shea who have not been ideal mentors.
  21. Job losses in the petroleum industry was predicted almost 20 years ago and little was done to offset it. The economy was mismanaged for decades and the chickens finally came home to roost. Kenney is expecting to have someone wave a wand and restore the good days.
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