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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Gotta answer back with points, though or its wasted.
  2. Gotta stop 'em short this time. One more TD and we're boned.
  3. I wonder if many Bomber players still have optimism for the season. If they do not, then they lose an edge.
  4. Only on last play was there pressure on Mitchell. If the Bombers have any hope at all, Collaros needs to direct a long drive, even if no points.
  5. Well, that did not look good on the Bomber defence.
  6. So far, Stamps targeting his area
  7. Ok- showtime. Calgary's first drive will be critical.
  8. I'm not expecting a classic game tonight as the Stamps will probably be sitting a lot of starters if they get ahead. I guess we can use this game as an audition for Collaros. I do not believe that he will figure prominently in the Argos' plans for 2020. He might just be at Bomber training camp.
  9. Knight seems to be well suited for the CFL and definitely has the fire in the belly. Runs like a deer, but I could not find any definitive statements about his arm strength. Maybe next year we will get a chance to see him in action.
  10. I had the same thought when Willy was release-traded. It was one of the first hints that we had that O'Shea's stubbornness would be a detriment. It also occurs to me that if Walters did this, it would been dumb on his part to extend O'Shea.
  11. All of these changes have to make a difficult task (beating the Stamps) a lot harder. Don't know what to think of this- desperation or wise repositioning?
  12. In a presser yesterday, O'Shea was even more cryptic than usual and said that he would not be giving out any info on the starting lineup at all. I am certain that Dickenson and the Stamps are in full panic mode now as a result.
  13. If nothing else, it looks like the weather will be decent for the last home game of the season.
  14. Or is exposed to a strong gust of wind.
  15. Considering how little Wolitarsky has been used, particularly in the last half of the season, who would even know if he was absent? A talented, physical receiver who has been ignored and wasted. He ought to have been as prominent as Wieneke for the Als.
  16. Don't think that will change much. Harris pretty much tanked the whole season anyways.
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