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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. 2019 Was The Deadliest Year For Hate Crimes On Record, New FBI Data Shows The overall number of hate crimes also rose to a 10-year high, even as fewer law enforcement agencies bothered to report their statistics. By Christopher Mathias, HuffPost US More people were killed in hate crimes last year in America than in any year since 1992, when the FBI first started recording such killings, new data shows. Fifty-one people lost their lives to hate crimes in 2019, according to annual statistics the FBI released on Monday. That’s a 112% increase over the year before.
  2. The GOP ought to die out in a few years, given that so few of them have gonads and thus unable to reproduce. Not a bad thing, though.
  3. We have never needed a WTF emoji as much as we do now.
  4. "All that is necesssary for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent". I guess that takes the pressure off most Republicans to speak out.
  5. When I was taking my psych training, we learnt of patient of CG. Jung's. This patient was convinced that he was dead, obviously delusional and resistant to therapy. After much work, the patient conceded that the dead do not bleed, so Jung pricked the patient's finger and a drop of blood appeared. The patient was stunned. He turned to Jung and said," I was wrong. The dead do bleed." Appropos of that: DEADLY DENIALISM: South Dakota Nurse: Dying COVID Patients Think It’s Fake -CNN A South Dakota nurse whose tweets went viral over the weekend says the hardest part of her job is convincing some critically ill patients that they really do have COVID-19. “Their last dying words are, ‘This can’t be happening, it’s not real,” Jodi Doering said on CNN. “Even after positive results come back, they don’t believe it.”
  6. The muted outrage from the premier would a helluva more effective if the Steinbach MLA and MP stood up on their hind legs and vigorously condemned the gathering, leaders therof and the thinking behind it. The organizers should be charged with the indicable offence of conspiracy to commit negligent homicide if one of the attendees gets dies, or committing bodily harm if one of them becomes seriously ill. You get better results if you use a kind word and a gun than just a kind word.
  7. No progress at all. Holding steady in infections means really losing ground.
  8. A sociologist has said that Trump's followers no longer behave as a social movement or political party. They are behaving as a religion, which does not alllow for any proof that contradicts the dogma. Relgions can also justify heinous acts without remorse or question.
  9. And Moderna's vaccine does not have to be kept at -75 degrees. This is a BIG deal. This idiot ought to be charged with consiracy to commit negligent homicide.
  10. But there are people who are/were Trump supporters getting rich on this white elephant. That is the important thing (to them).
  11. We will know by December 1st how devastated or hopeful we can be. We are getting closer and closer to a f;ashpoint.
  12. Trump Throws Twitter Tantrum As Long-Shot Attempts To Stay In Power Fade Away The outgoing president retweeted a supporter who called his opponents "anti-American and anti-Christian" following an underwhelming protest in Washington. The week ended with judges in several states rejecting President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the election results and the coronavirus pandemic surging, but Trump himself took to Twitter Sunday for one of his now-familiar rants. Trump admitted defeat to President-elect Joe Biden in one tweet, falsely claimed the election was rigged in another and retweeted a supporter who called Trump’s opponents “anti-American and anti-Christian” ― all before 10 a.m. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/trump-throws-twitter-tantrum-as-longshot-attempts-to-stay-in-power-fade-away_n_5fb1557dc5b68baab0fd4c40?ri18n=true
  13. Bill Barr denounced for pushing executions even after the administration was voted out A group of Democratic lawmakers on Friday demanded the Trump administration halt federal executions—a practice it brought back after a 17-year hiatus—citing the threat of "irrevocable injustice." "While you will remain in office for a few more weeks, going forward with executions in the weeks before the new administration takes office would be a grave injustice," the lawmakers wrote to Attorney General William Barr. www.alternet.org
  14. Behind The Scenes At The White House An opinion columnist at The Hill has predicted that after pardoning people in his inner circle, "Trump will resign from the presidency before his term officially ends, and he will be pardoned by Vice President Pence, when Pence becomes president." Columnist Brent Budowsky explains, "A presidential pardon by Pence would not offer protection from cases originating in states, but those cases will be far more manageable if they are not sunk into a morass of federal cases that only a federal pardon can protect him from." Without a federal pardon, Budowsky continues, Trump will almost certainly spend his coming years stuck in federal cases that not only threaten his freedom, but also his ability to secure lucrative multibillion-dollar business deals capitalizing off of his presidency and media savvy.
  15. Well, Manitoba has its share of fundamentalist nuts, but the climate in Florida is warmer.
  16. Apparently stoopidity is contagious.
  17. Yesterday Brianna Keilor on CNN roasted the Trumpettes for coming to news conferences with impressively big binders of papers which are never opened and have been proven to contain nothing but blank pages.
  18. Beauty is only skin deep, but stoopid goes clear through.
  19. Living proof that you can fool a lot of the people all of the time.
  20. Being dead is not a problem- dying slowly and painfully is.
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