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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The defendants in the Goergia vote scandal are likely aware that they have no real defence. Their strategy, like Trump, is to delay, delay, delay until after the next US election in the hope that Trump or another GOP president will overturn or commute their convictions before they do a lot of time.
  2. Russia has been funneling money to right-wing organizations and individuals in the US, Canada, and other countries through third parties for decades.
  3. Historians have commented that FDR was looking for an excuse to get the US into the war on the side of Britain and its allies. There was a strong fascist leaning during the 30's led by Charles Lindbergh and the Dupont family, and a coup against FDR was averted only by the Marine Corps commander rejecting the cabal's advances and reporting them. Entering the war and opposing the Nazis was expected to squelch pro-fascist sentiment and it did/
  4. SBU found a person who guided today’s attack on Sumy. She’s a Russian national from Ufa, got a residence permit, her family lives in Sumy. Her name is Yelena Antsibor. What kind of person you have to be to guide an attack on a country that let you and your family in?
  5. We have a short-yardage QB already. What we could use is a short-yardage QB who is also a threat to run or pass.
  6. But it still comes down to the concept that if you play sloppy in "nothing" games, you tend to play sloppy in the big games.
  7. Huckabee slammed for 'calling for civil war' and saying elections may be decided by 'bullets' if Trump loses -David BadashandThe New Civil Rights MovementSeptember 06, 2023 Former Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee on Wednesday appeared to issue a threat of violence, according to some critics, if legal issues prevent Donald Trump from winning the 2024 presidential election. Huckabee, a political commentator, ordained Baptist minister, twice-failed Republican presidential candidate, anti-LGBTQ activist, and the father of current Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on his Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) show Wednesday that future elections will be decided by “bullets” not “ballots” if Trump – who is facing 91 criminal felony charges in four indictments across three jurisdictions – does not win back the White House due to legal entanglements. “Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in third world dictatorships, banana republics, and communist regimes?” Huckabee, a far-right wing religious extremist, asked his audience. “Well, it’s simple. The people in power use their police agencies to arrest their opponents for made up crimes in an attempt to discredit them, bankrupt them, imprison them, exile them, or all of the above.” “And if you’re not paying attention,” Huckabee continued, “you may not realize that Joe Biden is using exactly those tactics to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024. Here’s the problem: if these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning, or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.” Critics blasted Huckabee. “Personally, I think my governor should denounce these remarks made by her father, a former governor of the same state, in defense of her former boss’s attempt to overthrow American democracy,” said columnist Alan Elrod, co-founder, president, and CEO of The Pulaski Institution. “Republicans politicians continue to push the narrative that if they lose, violence is the only option. When will the media start making a bigger deal about this?” observed marketing executive Tim Fullerton. READ MORE: ‘Loves to Read’: Why Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt is Praising ‘Ivy League Trained’ Ron DeSantis’ Climate Change Denialism Well-known anti-gun activist Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime was murdered during the Parkland school mass shooting, slammed Huckabee as “a domestic terrorist who has gotten away with using religion for too many years while pushing hate and violence. His most recent comments should be taken seriously and result in his arrest.” “Mike Huckabee is the worst of us,” declared author John Pavlovitz.
  8. To make things interesting, Trump in sworn testimony, stated that any corporate dealings like over valuing properties and lying to creditors (both illegal) was done when Eric Trump was allegedly running the business. So, in essence Trump has thrown his son under the bus.
  9. I think it is hesitation and uncertainty we are seeing with him returning kicks.
  10. The majority of Cubans are OK with the current, admittedly authoritarian, regime. They live longer, have lower infant/maternal morbidity and mortality than Americans, few ghettos and violent crimes and can access medical care within 24 hours. When Castro came to power, the mafia was on the verge of establishing a dictatorship and drugs as well as underage prostitution were appearing openly on the streets of Havana. Castro was hugely popular, at least at first, but became hardened after the CIA tried several times to kill him and created the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion. The embargo by the US as punishment drove Castro into the arms of Russia. When Castro came to power, he nationalized many of the huge private and corporate estates and farms, so that alienated much of the rich, who left for Florida and have been simmering since. That said, the young people long to have the fantasy American lifestyle of what they think the youth of America have.
  11. I think the lack of retalliation on Robertson by our O-line was probably due to the expectation that he would be ejected, fined and suspended for an appropriate time by the league. The Bombers were behind at the time and needed to keep their cool and not take a reaction penaty.
  12. Adult children of alcoholic parent(s): Guess at what normal behaviour is Lie when it would be just as easy to tell the truth Judge themselves without mercy Have difficulty having fun Take themselves very seriously Have difficulty with intimate relationships (trust) Overreact to changes over which they have no control Constantly seek approval and affirmation Feel that they're different from other people Are super responsible or super irresponsible Are extremely loyal, even in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved Are impulsive May tend to lock themselves in a course of action without giving serious consideration to alternative behaviours or possible consequences. Their impulsivity or riigid thinking can lead to confusion, self-loathing, and loss of control over their environment. In addition, the person spends an excessive amount of energy cleaning up the mess. Moreover, there are a set of behviours that arise in men who have grown up without an appropriate father figure. I can post those if requested.
  13. Proud Boys are a neo-fascist group which is predominantly white supremist, but do not discount the desire for power to motivate people to align themselves with groups hostile to them, There was an African Nazi contingent in WW2 and people of Jewish background there as well.
  14. “Dark” right-wing network recruits MAGA “army” to replace 50K federal workers Trump plans to purge Anetwork of conservative groups is gearing up for the potential reelection of Donald Trump, actively enlisting an "army" of Americans to come to Washington with a mission to disassemble the federal government and substitute it with a vision that aligns more closely with their own beliefs and ideas, according to The Associated Press. Organized by the Heritage Foundation, the sweeping new initiative called Project 2025, offers a policy agenda, transition plan, a playbook for the first 180 days and a personnel database for the next GOP president to access from the very beginning to take control, reform, and eliminate what Republicans criticize as the "deep state" bureaucracy. Their plan includes the possibility of firing as many as 50,000 federal employees. Democracy experts view Project 2025 as an authoritarian attempt to seize power by filling the federal government, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, with unwavering Trump supporters, which could potentially erode the country's system of checks and balances.
  15. Putin Just Offered His Most Deranged Take on War Against Ukraine - via Reuters Russia’s Vladimir Putin claims the West deliberately installed an “ethnic Jew” as the president of Ukraine in order to “conceal the antihuman essence” of the country. Despite a neo-Nazi paramilitary unit fighting on behalf of Russia in Ukraine and many ordinary Russians currently mourning the death of a Wagner commander famous for his SS insignia tattoos, Putin went all in on his bonkers take. In an interview with a state TV reporter on Tuesday, he cited ordinary citizens of Israel as proof of his claim. “This makes the situation the utmost revolting, that an ethnic Jew is covering for the glorification of Nazism and those who once led the Holocaust in Ukraine, and this is the destruction of one and a half million people. And this is best understood by ordinary citizens of Israel. Look what they’re saying on the internet,” he said, without elaborating.
  16. You may well be right, but perhaps a slice of bread instead of a whole loaf may be better than nothing.
  17. 'Police violence is flourishing' — and would figure prominently in new right-wing authoritarian state: columnist Critics of former President Donald Trump, from progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) to right-wing Never Trump conservatives like attorney George Conway and the Washington Post's Max Boot, have been warning that if Trump wins the 2024 election, his second administration will do everything it can to destroy the United States' system of checks and balances. In his September 5 newsletter, liberal Philadelphia Inquirer opinion columnist Will Bunch takes their warnings a step further — arguing that if a full-fledged authoritarian state does take over the U.S., "violent reactionary policing" will play a prominent role in it. "If you remember the late John Singleton's classic 1991 film 'Boyz n the Hood,' you can't forget the constant, buzzing presence of police helicopters over South Central L.A., reminding the youthful protagonists they are always under watch in a modern police state," Bunch writes. "Three decades have passed, and for all the talk about changing the police, the only real change is that cops have gone high-tech." After George Floyd's murder in June 2020, Bunch laments, the U.S. "decided to double down on repressive law enforcement instead of cleaning up its act." "Increasingly, cops are enforcing right-wing politics," Bunch observes. "In Telford, a Philadelphia exurb, an online activist was stunned to get a letter from the local police chief threatening to arrest her for 'maliciously harassing' the right-wing extremist group Moms for Liberty. This comes on the heels of a widely publicized raid of a small-town Kansas newspaper that had investigated prominent locals, including the new police chief, and an incident in St. Louis in which a member of a jail monitoring board raced to the facility after an inmate died ― only to be arrested by the cops." The columnist adds that "police violence is flourishing" in the U.S., noting examples that range from police in Ohio shooting an unarmed pregnant woman to the fatal shooting of motorist Eddie Irizarry in Philadelphia. "Police killings in 2022 set a recent record high, although the pace has diminished slightly this year," Bunch warns. "It feels important to see out-of-control, violent or politicized policing in the proper context — not as a random story that occasionally intrudes on the nonstop news of Donald Trump's 50-50 chance of becoming 47th president despite his indictments, but as a subplot of the same narrative. The powerful, ultra-conservative police unions mostly endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020, and that ridiculous phalanx of motorcycle cops at his Atlanta arrest was a visual reminder that the police support him more than ever — despite his growing rap sheet."
  18. A perfect scenario for the installation of an authoritarian government and/or civil war.
  19. If this doesn't scare US voters, nothing will. But probably it will not.
  20. Ford has shown some nice touch on his passes, so I may be mistaken about him having only running as an asset.
  21. Ford is a one-trick pony. AS soon as a good defensive coach figures out how to neutralize him, his effectiveness will drop like a stone in a well. Run-first QBs usually do not have longevity.
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