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Brandon Blue&Gold

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  1. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to JCon in The TV Thread   
    I'm finally caught up on Westworld. Just watched "Kiksuya" (SE02EP08).
    That may be my favourite episode of the series, so far. It hammered everything home. 
  2. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to do or die in US Politics   
    The thing that really burns me about this NK business:
    Used to work for the IRB - had access to Human Rights Watch, UN Internal Databases, and a variety of other sources.   The general public has very little understanding about just how bad this situation in NK is, and for how long.  

    Trump glad handing with Kim, is not only appalling on its own right - but is a complete insult to American allies, and anyone who believes in democratic values.
    The world's great destabilizer, at the moment is not Putin or Kim......but Donald Trump.
  3. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to do or die in US Politics   
    So, North Korea is now some kind of as a nuclear equal, so the US can provide security guarantees to N.K., and to cancel war games with South Korea that the North has protested for decades.   In return Kim merely “reaffirmed” the same commitment to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula that North Korea has repeatedly made since 1992 - a commitment ....which have been proven to be completely worthless.
    Kim Jong-un, probably the worst human rights abuser on the planet..... has now been provided a place on the world stage and gained a ton of legitimacy for his horrific regime
    In exchange for this Trump brags about how he was told  “They were willing to de-nuke,”  Yet the only person making actual concessions in this negotiation was Trump.   Think the South Koreans and Japanese are a little nervous?
    On top of that, we have to listen to Trump's verbal garbage, about how they trust each other, Kim's "great personality" and how NK loves their leader.  
    The Don, true to form.....also suggested to Kim that they could collaborate on some future real estate opportunities - perhaps The Don got his actual concession, there.
    Then you juxtaposition all this.....against Trump's bellowing, bullying, and belittling of pretty well all of America's traditional allies - who actual have aided them, in fighting for, and protecting freedoms and liberties.
    btw - where are all these Republican super patriots, who always demanding that America must stand against dictators and oppressive regimes, and protect US values? ( to say nothing of all free traders, in the House and Senate) What a bunch of crawfish.
  4. Haha
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to johnzo in US Politics   
    Trudeau's stance defending Canada's protectionist policies in its dairy market is somehow virtue signaling to the globalist open-borders elite? 
    You must be talking about those other kind of globalists, the ones who love tariffs...
  5. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Goalie in US Politics   
    You do know that all Trudeau said was basically Canada wont be bullied right? I mean, Harper and many others have come out with praise for Trudeau.. He is putting Canada first unless your idea of Canada first means us bending over and letting the Trumptards put it in our Butts. You should likely do some research instead of believing the bullshit narrative Trump and his team of idiots are pushing. Its one thing to be anti liberal but to me, your post comes off as being anti Canadian and believing the B.S. from that idiot Trump a bit too much. 
    This is a guy who is pissing off all his allies and making friends with dictators. Open your damn eyes and stop pushing your BS agenda.. If you are Canadian, then you should actually be praising Trudeau like everyone else is, including 75 percent of Americans cuz Trump thinks he can just walk in and bully us around... Canada first? Thats exactly what Trudeau is doing. 
  6. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Imagine being this stupid 
  7. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Fatty Liver in US Politics   
    Trudeau's popularity is going to absolutely soar, he needs to send Trump a thank-you basket!  Seriously the man is so deranged he's spent a lifetime being an abusive misogynistic bully and now he's applying these techniques to world politics because he knows no other way.  Shame on America for allowing this to happen.
  8. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in Wrestling   
    Bret Hart gave a recent interview where he said as athletic and great as so many WWE matches are they lack drama and story telling. 
    The main event of Doninion was a masterclass in professional wrestling. 
    Its how you combine the athletics and high spot centric wrestling of today with drama and story telling. 
    Winnipeg’s own Kenny Omega is now the IWGP Worlds Heavyweight Champion and undeniably the best wrestler in the world. 
    For anyone that saw Kenny wrestler in Winnipeg for $5 or $10, they must have thought this kid can be something. 
    When Kenny quit wwe and was ready to quit wrestling and I was the only one that knew he was coming home and booked AJ Styles for him, the match Kenny credits with restoring his love of wrestling.  
    He told me a year or so ago that he legitimately didn’t think they’d put that title on him...and now today when you realise generational talent can not be denied it’s place in history. 
    There will be people that say but when is he going to WWE.   Make no mistake, he’s the guy they want more than anyone else in the world. But he never has to go. And I’m not sure anything in wwe could ever compare to this success for him. 
    I could tell so many Kenny stories. And so many are flooding my mind. But I’ll just say this is a true story of a local kid that earned every thing he ever achieved. A Winnipeg boy that is the biggest star in the world, the best wrestler on the planet and comes home to shovel his parents drive way. 
    Congrats Kenny!
  9. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold got a reaction from Fatty Liver in US Politics   
    C'mon dude.  Conservatives (Republicans) love free trade and open borders hence why so many GOP senators/congressmen are giving Trump flak about his tariff stance.  Globalism is great for cheap goods and big corporate bottom lines which is another hallmark of the GOP/Conservatives.  And the arms industry?  Are you joking with that?  No one falls over themselves harder than the GOP to throw money at companies that supply their military because "We love our troops!". 
    It's one thing to keep your promises to your base, but Trump is President.  He has to work for all 300 million+ of his people, not just the 50 or so million that voted for him.  (To be fair Trump isn't the only leader to ever be guilty of this, but he could at least try to hide it a little)  And if you really can't see that numerous actions and statements made by Trump are racist to varying degrees then that's that I guess.
    I'm mostly concerned now that the giant world power directly below us and the source of most of our trade is led by a giant pissbaby who's biggest concern when it comes to us is how much he can screw us at the negotiating table so he can 100% win the trade talks.  No give and take but winner takes all, which is the only way Trump thinks negotiations work.  That's fine maybe for boardroom business deals but not for mutli-national treaties.  And since we're so much smaller we may have to capitulate since while we need the U.S, they don't necessarily need us. 
  10. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in US Politics   
    So you're saying Trump is a conservative and not a Republican?  I would dispute that. Trump is a Populist Protectionist that leans left on certain issues and hard right on others.  As for my original post disputing your points, granted Trump is fighting free trade and open borders but only as it pertains to opening the American borders.  He's bigly in favour of opening everyone else's borders though so I think we can split the difference there.  As for Globalism Trump still is at the whim of big corporate, otherwise he would have tariffed the hell out of the Chinese.  But since it was bad for business he didn't do it.  Instead he goes after us, Europe and Mexicans.  Easy targets that appeal to his base but will do very little in battling "globalism".  Trump even wants to get back in on the TPP at the advice of corporate interests.  Sounds like the same old same old to me.  And as for the Arms stuff no one loves the troops more than Trump!  He approved a big budget increase for them last year.  So again same old same old.  Aside from the mood swings and twitter temper tantrums (TTT tm B B&G lol) I guess i have to take it back, Trump is a shining example of Republican conservatism. 
    What desires did Trump offer that other candidates didn't back in 2016?  Bring back yer jobs?  MAGA?  Cause none of that is new.  Everyone's been promising that since the 50's ended.  What Trump had that the others didn't was a total lack of shame and the very impressive ability to bowl through any and all scandals revealed about him without anything sticking, so far.  As much as that disgusts me it does impress me to a degree.  But beyond that he brings nothing new to the table that I've seen.  So what am I missing? 
  11. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to JCon in US Politics   
    Politics is all about fanaticism. Which team do you cheer for? Dig in and root for your team. 
    The team that creates the most fervor gets the votes out. You win or you lose, nothing in between. 
  12. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    I agree.  I identify as conservative because that's how I have voted for years.  I've voted Liberal as well. 
    But Im socially liberal.  Gay marriage, Im all in.  Legalized pot?  Absolutely.  Legalize prostitution too, while you're at it.
    Be kind to the earth.  But don't sell out our economy or national interests for left wing special interest groups that dont believe the "sky is falling" like they claim.
    Small government.  But take care of people.  Social safety nets is what makes us a great people.  I want my income taxes low (I want them zero actually).  But Ill pay user fees and GST taxes. 
    Public, universal health care.  But work with the private sector to deliver some of it and make it more efficient. 
    I've never voted for a person or party that I agreed with 100%.  If someone does, I call BS....  I vote based on the things I do agree with and how important those things are to me.
    Im all for religion too.  But in a common sense way.  There is nothing wrong with being a part of a generous, helpful, supportive community that provides a nice set of ideals to live by.  But not at the expense of hurting other people or denying them their rights.
    So I dont know what that makes me.  I guess Im a Common Sense-evist. 
    One thing Im not is a white nationalist.  And is someone shares a racist view, thats a red line.  If we agree on 99 things but the 100th is you're a vile racist, you're out.  No endorsement.  I cant twist things to make that acceptable.
  13. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Goalie in US Politics   
    Why do Trump supporters always bring up which party people support? Why is that even relevant.. Me? I consider myself independent but i lean Green mainly.. .
    With that said i agree with some actual conservative views, i agree with liberal views on certain things and i agree with NDP views on things also.
    If someone is 100 percent conservative or in this case... 100 percent alt right.. They are a useless piece of garbage
  14. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in Training Camp 2018   
    Because that's been Lapos MO with this offense the entire time, not to mention that we now have some receivers who can go up and win some one on one battles, that gives qbs some hope too. 
    I just think it's ridiculous to write things off at this point. The entire team looks very solid except for the qbs behind Nichols who are unproven. If a rookie can't manage the game with this team then this team isn't as good as we think it is. 
  15. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    So you're saying Trump is a conservative and not a Republican?  I would dispute that. Trump is a Populist Protectionist that leans left on certain issues and hard right on others.  As for my original post disputing your points, granted Trump is fighting free trade and open borders but only as it pertains to opening the American borders.  He's bigly in favour of opening everyone else's borders though so I think we can split the difference there.  As for Globalism Trump still is at the whim of big corporate, otherwise he would have tariffed the hell out of the Chinese.  But since it was bad for business he didn't do it.  Instead he goes after us, Europe and Mexicans.  Easy targets that appeal to his base but will do very little in battling "globalism".  Trump even wants to get back in on the TPP at the advice of corporate interests.  Sounds like the same old same old to me.  And as for the Arms stuff no one loves the troops more than Trump!  He approved a big budget increase for them last year.  So again same old same old.  Aside from the mood swings and twitter temper tantrums (TTT tm B B&G lol) I guess i have to take it back, Trump is a shining example of Republican conservatism. 
    What desires did Trump offer that other candidates didn't back in 2016?  Bring back yer jobs?  MAGA?  Cause none of that is new.  Everyone's been promising that since the 50's ended.  What Trump had that the others didn't was a total lack of shame and the very impressive ability to bowl through any and all scandals revealed about him without anything sticking, so far.  As much as that disgusts me it does impress me to a degree.  But beyond that he brings nothing new to the table that I've seen.  So what am I missing? 
  16. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Mike in Training Camp 2018   
    I'd rather we not win a single game this year than welcome that ****ing loser back to this franchise.
  17. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Jacquie in Around the League: 2018 Season   
    Dunk’s original tweet and story said they had agreed to terms. We all know that “agreed to terms” is not the same as “signed”. 
  18. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    Guess he can always just subsidize those farmers more. Perhaps if they weren't artificially propping up the industry they wouldn't have an excess of product and nowhere to sell it. 
  19. Haha
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to Mark F in US Politics   
    LOL, Trump staff are just as stupid as he is.
    Good God.
  20. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    It's only seen as anti american cause it's black people. Lot of racist people still in the world. Let's be honest, kneeling during an anthem is a completely legit for of protest. It's not unpatriotic, it's using a forum that is available to try and get people thinking about an issue that matters to you. The US is so completely ****** right now because the political climate is such that there is no nuance. It's either with us or against us and god help anyone who is against us.....
  21. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to do or die in US Politics   
    Here is some help, Donald.
    God bless America, land that I love,
    Stand on top of her, and guide her,
    Through the night with fake news from above.
    From the Resort to the Golf course,
    To the rallies, white with foam,
    God bless America,
    My home sweet home.
  22. Haha
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    The authority on patriotism. 
  23. Like
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    the only people who can look at Trump and not hate him and what he stands for are people who are in no way shape or form impartial. If any other president did the **** this guy is doing there would be rioting in the streets. Can you imagine if Obama had had said even half the **** Trump as said?
  24. Agree
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    There are many people in this thread...  What you're doing is exactly what Trump and the White House are doing - making an insult about Ivanka equal to a racist remark about an Obama aid.  They are not equal.  The "I think both are bad" is a deflection technique and its actually pretty deplorable.  To reiterate, no one, anywhere, has said Samantha Bee's comment was appropriate.  But to equate an insult to a racist slur is nothing more than an effort to diminish racism.  And it's wrong.
    Sure they can.  Words have different meanings based on context.  Most people see the context here.  She wasn't using the C word because she's sexist.  I dont know Samantha Bee but from what I read, her being sexist would be absurd and laughable.  She used a vile insult.  She could have called her a B-word or a jerk or a prick.  She chose the most inflammatory version of that kind of insult.
    I mean...this is obvious.  She used it.  She was wrong (because she undermined her own valid point).  She apologized (much more sincerely than Roseanne).  Her network apologized.  It wouldnt be much of a story if the White House had provided tacit approval to the racist remark by Roseanne but got pissy over Bee's remark.
  25. Agree
    Brandon Blue&Gold reacted to blue_gold_84 in US Politics   
    Holy crapsicles... Chill out, man. I asked a sincere question and expected a thoughtful reply, not this defensive crap.
    If, by your logic, c_nt is a gendered insult, would that make pr_ck one, too...? I mean, both words are considered extremely vulgar, so would a man calling another man a pr_ck be considered sexist?
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