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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. For those who are saying that O'Shea is a good coach, what the hell are you basing that on??
  2. A consistent voice at the top is great if it's a good and reasoned voice. I'm not convinced we have that
  3. The classless clown was under contract when he left for Edmonton, and didn't seem to provide any notice to the Stamps. Clearly CFL contracts dont mean much. Stamps probably got a little cheddar from the Eskimos.
  4. Nothing to be excited about imo. We are a rudderless ship. Terrible management and leadership on this team, and that's how you win in the CFL.
  5. Still cool to see the cup brought out by mounties
  6. Ottawa 7 mins away from doing in two years what we can't in 25. Fml
  7. Didn't seem to be the case in BC, Hamilton or Sask this year. Happens all the time. Look at Cato in Montreal, he got figured out and was exposed. Sask was terrible despite Smith showing som flashes but he go exposed and then had Glenn to shelter him a bit more. BC Jennings is still in the honeymoon phase, that often ends like ti did with Marve here. Guys might come in and have a bit of initial success but the ones that don't see that dip are rare indeed. That's not a rushing QB problem in the CFL, it's just a inexperienced QB problem in the CFL. This is a hard league on passers.
  8. People are fooling themselves thinking that the only reason Ottawa was better this year was because of Hank and the oline being healthy. That's not reasoning, that's excuse making. Drew Willy's winning % as a starter isn't comparable to Burris, and the receiving core and O line quality isn't even worth comparing. Might as well take a dump and compare the smell to a bowl of a flowers.
  9. Good post. Someone was saying O'Shea was a ST coach for 4 years before getting our HC job. I hadn't realized he had been coaching that long. Good grief, you'd think he would have picked up a lot more football smarts than what he has shown during his time here. Talk about a slow learner. Yikes! I actually dont think 4 years is long. Especially since his highest positino of authority was special teams coordinator. For 4 years. That`s it. And then he was handed the keys to our franchise. Just ridiculous lack of judgement by our BOD and Walters.
  10. Nobody is saying otherwise, but so does Hamilton have a great team, but they have been reduced to what? Without whom again? It all starts at QB. No doubt. So because Hamilton has burst into flames that some how proves what? Edmonton did fine without O'Reilly, Calgary did fine without Bo Levi, BC was no better or worse without Lulay. Would Winnipeg be better with Willy?? Of course. But the rest of the team, sans QB, it's not even close. Our team is garbage from coaching to players. And Ottawa had to start from 0, and they're 1 win away from a Grey Cup appearance. 2 wins and they'll do in 2 years what we can't do in 25. if that isn't making you're blood boil as a bomber fan you've probably -and rightfully- given up for your health. btw, Drew Willys winning % for games he's started isn't something to brag about it. It actually kind of sucks.
  11. This. They have a very talented team. It's easy to be petty and say they had an easier go on the injury front but they're a better football team from safety to halfback
  12. And yet, apparently, he still won more games.
  13. Well would Ottawa have been finishing first in the east if Toronto or Hamilton hadn't had the injuries they did? Ottawa's key to success this year was being the only team to stay healthy at qb and offensive line. Makes a huge ******* difference.Excuses and stats are for losers. Reasons not excuses. You'd have to be some kind of stupid not to recognize the huge advantage that being the healthiest team imparts. If you don't have to test the depth of your team it's an advantage. Calgary's season is impressive because they over came a lot of injuries, Edmonton over came a bunch of injuries that's impressive, Ottawa remained healthy and I ain't impressed by it. I think the summary of your post was 'everyone has injuries' yet somehow that's the reason Ottawa was good and we sucked. Brilliant.
  14. Well would Ottawa have been finishing first in the east if Toronto or Hamilton hadn't had the injuries they did? Ottawa's key to success this year was being the only team to stay healthy at qb and offensive line. Makes a huge ******* difference. Excuses and stats are for losers.
  15. I'm sorry but it is surprising and pathetic. This is a league where 6 of 9 teams make it to the playoffs and a number of those years 6 of 8. I mean, really.
  16. When I realized that it was official, that we are now at 25 years of no championships 100%, I kind of got angry for about 10 seconds. I thought of all the years this team has let me down. The Grey Cup in Montreal vs Calgary comes to mind. Losing the Riders in Toronto. Bumbling all the years of Khari and Milt and choking them away in the playoffs (Losing the Cup, then the west final, then the semi final). The embarrassment of the unfinished business campaign; the ugliest jerseys in pro sports for the last 3 (three?) years; the stadium debacle; and generally cheap management who would sooner clink plastic wine glasses at an Earls and celebrate money saved than doing things correctly. Then it quickly turned to numb apathy. I grew up watching this team because my Brother, Dad, and Grandfather watched this team and loved them with me. My Dad lives in Calgary across town from me and doesn't care anymore, my brothers is in Windsor and is a Lions fan, and my Grandfather has long since passed. There's no one else here in town who cares. Why do I? This team does nothing but find new and hillarious ways to crap on all of us. The newest one is to bring back the clownshow that brought us 2 years of more terrible football. Blame Willy being hurt all you want. This team stinks from safety to runningback and everything in between. But if you listen to some posters here, we should bring back the same crew of idiots who put this crap show together. It's like a beaten woman defending her abusive loser husband, scared of change because continuity and sticking by your man is some how perceived as admirable. It's not. It's short sighted, and gutless. This franchise is a pox on my recreational life. I spend many a nights/afternoons unwinding from work watching them and it's been the worst bargain of my life for the last 25 years. I'd have been better off converting to a Stamps fan when I moved her a long time ago, but I had too much pride in my hometown to do so. In short, #&^$ this team. See you next year, of course. #LifeOfaBomberFan
  17. .... ottawa went from zero to great in 1 off season.
  18. why do you think it takes 5 years to build a good team in a 9 team league? with such high roster turn over from every team year to year?
  19. we beat another bad team in BC and of course as soon as we faced a decent team like Ottawa (2nd year franchise lol @us) we lost. stunned if we win next week, frankly. this team is just appalling.
  20. signing him was yet another bad move by a bad team run by bad managers. at least hes gone.
  21. Extending oshea is actually being discussed? Jesus lol.
  22. man alive, you hate everyone not named willy amirite? nichols did enough for this team to win vs a VERY good edmonton team. our piece of garbage kicker left 10 on the board. should be a W. Nichols was great.
  23. 2-10 after our mirage hot start last year. 4-10 so far this year. so after our bullcrap start last season, we've played 20 games and lost 16 of them. awesome possum.
  24. So which was more likely? #1) still. I think what you meant to ask was "so, what was the answer"
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