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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. Saskatchewan, as a province, is the betamax of Canada.
  2. Me and the family are doing a road trip in the summer for a long weekend and catch a Bomber game. If the schedulers cooperate that is. Hopefully Canada Day or August long weekend has a game. Banjo Bowl would be cool but it's not warm enough for the beach, and I wanna show off Grand Beach to my family.
  3. I had a cop pass me some confetti, a blue and gold piece, for my eventual framed pic. I want to get my ticket in there, the confetti, some game pictures. As for swag I'd really like some nice blue stuff. Not sure but, the hat and shirt they have now isn't blowing my skirt up
  4. Reading about the Bombers flying home today with the Cup, and a parade for tomorrow bummed me out a little. Another reminder I`m far from home. Fleeting thought. Mostly I`m overjoyed.
  5. It all still feels unreal. I was up in section B and when they walked the Grey Cup down the aisle it was only 3 rows from me. It felt surreal, and also totally joyous. It was ours. Finally, it was ours.
  6. Hey, as another dude who also married way up in the looks department, I doff my hat at you.
  7. If anyone has my gold bombers toque plz return to Cranston lol
  8. I think what makes this year extra special, if that's possible cuz we won the ******* Cup, is that I was there too. 5 games I went to this year in person, and I'm 4-1 for 2019. The Edmonton game and Banjo Bowl were amazing, but the 2 wins in Calgary were the sweetest fruit.
  9. So happy for Jake he got to raise the trophy first!
  10. Good morning fellow Bomber fans. We are all fans of the Grey Cup Champs 😊
  11. WE DID IT! I LOVE YOU WINNIPEG! I can't believe how sweet it was. Being there made it extra special. So many wonderful Bombers fans.
  12. It's hard not to be confident right now. I am beaming. 30 more mins guys. Do this!
  13. Awesome pic! There's one scumbag that used to manage a futureshop here in Calgary, was from Winnipeg. He converted right away to being a STamps fan,. Long story short one time he tried to chase down a shop lifter and got pepper sprayed. Good times.
  14. I would truly love to have some beverages around Grand Beach right now to start the day. Some real Manitoba ****. I'll have to settle for doing family errands in deep south Calgary 😂
  15. My point was banks was suspended for ped use 2 years ago. All seems forgotten. Harris is public enemy #1
  16. Let's go Blue! Today is the day our drought ends. It really us vs the league/country. Everyone who loves and praises speedy B has decided Harris is irredeemable. Bc lions radio called the Bombers small town for trying to petition league for Irving to call the radio PBP. All the experts are picking Hamilton. The league wants an eastern champion, no doubt. ******* league itself in CFL.ca sim took a 1990 shot at us. **** the league and everyone else. Shut them up today.
  17. Completely sick with anticipation. Tick tock.
  18. 24 hours to battle. I feel anxious, confident, and a whole lot of nerves. It just feels like this is our time and everything has lined up for us to get this done.
  19. Make Cranston great again Side note, saw Jason Kenney at riderville tonight. God that prick is short.
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