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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. Demski needs to secure the God damn football
  2. The inner emotionally abused pessimist Bomber fan in me is expecting a loss today. Let's get the W so I can buy my ticket for the 5th!
  3. Don't look now but stamps fans are starting to believe they're the **** again
  4. Well I did it. Because I cancelled my Hamilton trip I had no qualms spending 180 dollars for a return flight to Winnipeg for the west final. Can't wait! I hope all the Christmas lights will be up downtown that will def take me down memory lane
  5. Some dipshit on rider fans called the bombers mediocre. What a province of inbred ******* hillbilly morons.
  6. oh man. i am so ******* tempted to book a flight to winnipeg for the west final
  7. I'm behind so I can't read the new posts. But c'mon osh. Ali's gotta go.
  8. Seriously what's going on with Zach?
  9. That's it. I'm getting a #42 jersey
  10. That's more like it. Also. Hope Harris ok. ****.
  11. Zach and the line are having an off night
  12. Tsn streaming always has garbage fps. It's the worst of all apps by far. Email a complaint like I did
  13. Kicking is 100% 90% in between the ears. Do we really think Mourtada would be here if he was missing everything in practice?
  14. after i hurt my neck in a car wreck as a teenager, the only hope i had of playing as a blue bomber as place kicker. i practiced and got really good at it in high school. something tells me, though, that Bombers aren't interested in a 40 year old out of shape dude who has never played professional sports
  15. ok realistically cuz i dont know the ins and outs of a covid world right now what are our options for kicking right now besides what we have in house? im assuming it has to be someone already in canada? if so, can it really be any worse to find a recently graduated U sports kicker and try them while we look for a long term solution? i say this with zero humour or bragging but ive hit field goals more reliably than this guy. granted in high school but still.
  16. I remember one of the door knobs on a Calgary site whining that the bombers faced all the backup quarterbacks including Calgary. Who are they kidding, Mitchell is a washed-up shell of himself. Meier should be the starter
  17. A rider loss has to make our chance to win the west north of 90 right? Barring a totap collapse?
  18. I love this team, I'm so proud to be a Bomber fan. What a game.
  19. Stop kicking field goals. Gamble on 3rd down every time or punt of its really long.
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