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White Out

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Everything posted by White Out

  1. I was too pumped in the stands and happy/excited
  2. Shared some manly tears with my Dad over the phone I am so happy I could die. BACK TO BACK!
  3. On a delay now, I have to stop eating here until the game is over, God bless the Bombers and please let us win
  4. This is such an inopportune time for the mop of the league to have their worst game of the year
  5. Man this is so opposite my feelings 2019 halftime lol I need to chill out. Lots of ball.
  6. If we do lose, which I think is now likely, our ******* garbage offense can wear the antlers
  7. I'm shocked at how poor our offensive line is doing so far, and that does not bode well a long-term
  8. I'm feeling so nervous about Hamilton being the hometown in the last three grey cups won by the host team. Let's go!!
  9. Good luck to us all. We've ate a lot of **** for nearly 30 years. Let's repeat.
  10. Every Grey Cup we play in is really special. I really enjoy each and every one, and remember them all very clearly. The anticipation and the hope. Even the ones where going into it I knew we were ******. Like against BC and against SSK with no Glenn. I'm feeling hopeful.
  11. I'm not a pig Rider fan so I won't celebrate an injury.
  12. Remember when I wanted to fire O'Shea ? Lol. **** me right?
  13. I ride and die with Matt Dunigan as my favourite QB. Zach winning us 2 cups would likely change that.
  14. Animals on rider fans cheering for career ending injuries. It goes without saying but should be repeated: rider fans are classless pigs.
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