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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. I've checked and Charest has condemned the idiot, but PP tweeted on the same day: Thanks to hundreds in Calgary who took time out of their Saturday to join us. They're voting to take back control of their lives from Trudeau & his out-of-touch bossy Liberal govt. Chip in to help us collect more votes in these last days of the campaign: http://Pierre4PM.ca/donate Trudeau has tried to play this up as an attack on women and hinted at a connection to attacks on minorities. I think that's trying to win political points off this. I think it is very clearly a segment of population that has been fed BS that a political party and individuals within the party are to blame for all the problems in their lives. I think Trudeau would have been harassed the exact same way as Freeland in this situation. I've talked to my parents about this and they don't recall Canada ever being like this, with people outright harassing individual politicians continually. It is disgusting.
  2. Has PP said anything about this? That is a voice that really needs to come out and condemn this type of behaviour, strongly, rather than stoke the outrage for personal gain. People shouldn't be comforted that these type of views are supported by politicians.
  3. I wasn't talking about economic stimulus funds. I'm talking about costs to healthcare and economy from people getting sick, needing treatment, missing work, etc.
  4. Covid was politicized in the US and regarding Covid restrictions and getting vaccinated became a political choice more than a health choice (remember the whole Trump refusing to wear a mask thing, ugh). Politicians aligned themselves according to how they could proper. We've seen the same in Canada (and still are), but to a smaller degree. Disregarding the health impacts, the mismanagement and politicization of the pandemic has cost the US economy much more than the impact we've seen in Canada.
  5. I don't find it a perfect match for what is happening in the states either, but it is the clearest example I can think of in seeing a type of mass-following of what from the outside seems obviously flawed, and in the case of the US, just outright stupid and lacking any logic. @Mark FI've posted it somewhere on these forms before, but I found Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and his Followers to be a good read. It more looks at the psychology of the followers and how they can champion a guy like Trump and hold the views they do. Previously I didn't know how anyone in their right mind could be a support Trump. Turns out that I just had to modify my definition of "right mind". One of the authors was a U of M psych prof and his son was an MLA.
  6. There is a prominent political party in this country that has just recently accepted climate change (begrudgingly) and a new one that objects to that and completely denies it. There are still many around saying we need to exploit O&G more than we currently are. I'm certain most people on the planet have actually witnessed a change in the climate without looking at data, just a real shame for future generation that things weren't averted when they could have been.
  7. Do you have a source for the salaries you quoted above? I'm just curious if that is a true raise in addition to COLA or not. Otherwise anything within 1-3% is basically keeping up with inflation. You also can't rebuild or even maintain an education system when you get rid of a huge source of funding without a plan to replace Completely irresponsible attempt to rid the richest in society of a tax burden. Then some pretty shoddy legislation such as bill 64 makes things even worse and actually works against systemic solutions (increasing gaps related to poverty, etc). Interestingly, even the most proudly Conservative of my teaching friends were staunchly against the attempted changes.
  8. The exact same thing I said to a friend when I heard of the plan for Florida to allow military veterans to be teachers. (Veterans can now serve as teachers in FL under new program (americanmilitarynews.com) The right is realizing that a well-educated society with critical thinking skills goes against their goals. In addition to defunding education, the MB PC's have also tried to tie funding to the demands of industry. Obedient workers over critical minds. Lots of attempted political interference in both grade school and post-secondary education.
  9. 3 levels of government put up total of $550M for Phase 2 of North End sewage plant upgrades | CBC News Some good news, though it looks like sewage dumping into the river won't even begin to be addressed until stage 3 and then it won't even be stopped completely.
  10. So much this! They constantly criticize and send blame to the Feds to win political points at home so they can mask their own cuts and attribute blame elsewhere. I'm more familiar with the education sector than healthcare and in education this is also an issue. Especially in MB where we've basically abandoned our provincial source of income (education property tax) in order to win political points from property owners while going years without a plan how to fund education.
  11. Again I would assert that he isn't dumb. He's just identified his path to power and is executing a plan. His followers are generally the morons who's only grasp of politics is to repeat catch phrases - "Justinflation" "Lock her up!", oh wait, wrong self-serving populist.
  12. Pollievre actually, coincidence? - Poilievre makes Peterborough County campaign stop | ThePeterboroughExaminer.com
  13. I almost wonder if the constant unfair targeting of Trudeau by the right helps the party. There are legitimate criticisms, but most of the criticisms from PP & Co. are ridiculous, inaccurate and beyond the control of Trudeau (Justinflation for example). I know it makes me more sympathetic and has me thinking along the lines of "whatever we can do to stop PP from getting power". The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Perhaps some apathetic voters will see the danger of Trumpism coming to Canada and will increase voter turnout?
  14. Sadness, complete sadness. That there are people this deluded and this empowered in their delusions is a tragedy. That there are people in power that encourage this and say they need to be listened to is sickening. Hopefully they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for assaulting law enforcement as they would be if their skin was a different colour. That or given the help they need for whatever is malfunctioning in their heads so they can become productive members of society that aren't prone to behaviour such as this. This is very concerning to me when I think how this will progress (regress?) in time.
  15. You do realize that beyond the subsidies that we've provided for O&G, this same government literally bought a pipeline that has been losing a ton of public money? Trudeau has also advocated for Keystone XL when cancelled by Biden. What exactly are you saying the feds should do? Abandon climate change goals and put even more public funds towards O&G? You're also aware that the 30% reduction on fertilizers isn't actually a 30% reduction on fertilizers? It is a reduction on emissions from fertilizers, working towards efficiency rather than banning. I can't see how any investment in O&G would be anything other than a net loss in the long term for our economy, beyond being completely environmentally irresponsible. The problem we've had in the country is that we've dug in to a declining industry for political reasons for too long. Kenney's energy war room has been a disastrous use of public funds. The sooner we realize digging in on O&G isn't the answer, the better.
  16. Its political, same as it was for prioritizing other First Nations. Not saying that it shouldn't have been done, but the primary reason was political. I still remember Pallister criticizing the federal roll-out because Manitoba would be penalized due to our high population of Indigenous people.
  17. I'd say "as time goes on those who hate Trudeau get louder and more extreme". Maybe PP is fooling some new recruits into believing Trudeau is to blame for for all their problems, but I'd say and hope its more just making the existing ones more prominent and convinced.
  18. So, if we reject a progressive agenda in every way, then we can satisfy the nutjobs so they won't destroy our country? I think the best thing for Canada long term is that PP wins the leadership and gets absolutely destroyed in the election. Show that group of clowns that there is no place in Canada for that type of politics and perhaps we can put that to bed for a few decades. The stuff I'm seeing in the US right now, which seems absurdity bordering on satire, seems like the logical path if PP gets any power federally. I saw this as well since my family is in the area. It was/is? at Centre of Canada park. When I passed in the morning it was only a few vehicles, but it grew considerably by the time I came back in the late afternoon. I was really tempted to join in with my truck and push the "Freedom" message to its full extent. One side of my truck covered with abortion-rights slogans and the other covered with anti-private property slogans. Maybe throw in some LGBTQ+ rights slogans on the hood and back of the truck. See how those arguments go over with the freedom-loving crowd.
  19. My bank isn't one of the supported ones unfortunately. I believe this still wouldn't work for me because I've now been officially preventing from accessing my account. Should be resolved now that they gave me the information for taxes over the phone. Took about an hour, but should be good to go finally.
  20. I have been denied access to my account. They initially took away access because of the security issues they had. It took months to contact them and get a response and then months for my request to have my account unlocked. When my claim was finally filed, the agent told me to contact them every week to get an update on my account. Getting in contact with them proved very difficult and when I finally was able to contact my new case manager there was a lot of issues on her behalf. Basically I was expected to carry all my previous tax records around with me to complete their security screen each time they called. I carried it around for weeks, waiting for them to return my call. When I finally was able to get my account unlocked, I was unable to access it due to not having my taxes paid. I required information from my account to do my taxes.... I cannot imagine how someone would be able to jump through all their hoops with a 9-5 job. They basically require you to always be ready to answer your phone and have documentation with you. /rant over. Apparently contact with the CRA and any branch of the feds is a trigger of mine. So many issues over the past year or two.
  21. Didn't mean to come down high and mighty as I do it myself when I don't catch it. I just think it is ridiculous how obsessed the F-Trudeau crowd is with his looks, likely because they lack the ability to understand politics and policy. PP "policies" are easy to critique so there's really no need to discuss his looks.
  22. Is there precedence for this happening? Wondering if there's any chance it could happen.
  23. I think commenting on his looks and basing an opinion of leadership qualities based on looks is pretty low. There's a lot to substantially not like him for, but looks... meh.
  24. Is the hidden message in your allegory that you are Ukraine and the bear is Russia? You would have put up an unexpectedly strong fight against the bear?
  25. Planning NEW treatment plants with the intention to dump sewage into waterbodies seems so backwards. 😒 As communities grow in size, developers need to be footing the bill for proper sewage treatment. Raising a stink over wastewater – Winnipeg Free Press
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