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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. Yes! As a business owner I'd like my customers to have more money in their pockets. If businesses are relying on employees to work below the poverty line, that indicates a problem. Trickle down economics has been thoroughly disproven and we are realizing that a race to the bottom only helps the very few at the top. Recent policy by international agreements to raise the minimum corporate income tax demonstrates this. The London School of Economics, along with a number of studies have destroyed any credibility of trickle down economics. I'd provide links, but really, it will obviously be cast aside as academic hogwash. I'm sure your personal experience is much more valid than the opinion of distinguished economists. Justinflation, right? The issue with this is not that member on this forum are biased against your opinion, the issue is that you disregard highly credible information in favour of biased sources and personal anecdotes. It is hard to persuade someone when you disregard evidence and only offer personal experience and biased sources to back up your arguments.
  2. Could be revamping it, its not really clear. Having a position for a manager would indicate something different is in the works. Still wondering how the $500,000 has been spent and how much of that went into Obby's pockets or his campaign. Coulda, woulda, shoulda I guess. PC party is fortunately making some rumblings of increasing the minimum wage, currently scheduled to bump up to $12.35 an hour in October I believe. With Sask raising their minimum wage we will be the lowest in Canada.
  3. So it looks like Obby Khan has shut down Good Local. Timeline - Obby considers running in provincial politics, but unsure of what party - PC party gives his business $500,000 (More than all other businesses received from the program combined) - Obby declares he will run for PC party to replace Pallister - Obby wins election - Obby shuts down Good Local Would love to know how that money was spent. There have also been reports that Obby was using Good Local staff for his campaign in Fort Whyte.
  4. Possibly. It could also lead to the team willing to develop Canadians the most getting access to more developmental Canadians. Other Canadians that are already developed and past their rookie contracts are free to sign with another team after. I'm not a fan of the quirkiness of the new deal, but something which benefits teams that put effort into developing and playing Canadians could be good. And its likely something needed to push the deal through. Still wish there was no push to change the ratio at all and the negotiations from the start were just about finances, insurance, etc. I don't see much of a risk of tanking and fielding random CIS'ers. Not too many teams way out of playoff contention in the CFL the way we see in the NHL. And tanking for a 2nd round pick.... don't see that as likely.
  5. I'm guessing the decrease in popularity was also some of her own turning on her. The PC leadership was contentious, even with allegations of impropriety and unfair elections from within, and it recently emerged that she broke an election finance rule in her bid for leader. There was a pretty big Glover camp that was inflated by anti-vaxxers. I'm sure they don't feel all that positive towards Stefanson now, especially with all her missteps. Premier Heather Stefanson breached election finance rule in bid for PC leadership: commissioner | CBC News Another "oops" financial oversight moment.
  6. This is what needs to be done rather than cutting taxes on gas (Alberta). Use the funds that the ultra-rich are benefitting from to support increased prices rather than taking it out of public coffers and encouraging more use of a limited resource. Do not understand how people anyone outside the upper class celebrate less money going into public funds like education property tax rebate (Manitoba) and gas tax cut (Alberta) when there is no plan to replace the funds.
  7. They've been continuously flirting with changing towards more NFL rules in some fashion or another for a while now, so I think could be another attempt to push us in that direction. A change in the amount of Cdn/US players in the PA would also push the PA to have less say from Canadians in the future. If CFL leadership had been steadfast in never adopting NFL rules, this may not be as big of a concern.
  8. Talk about your privileged son's private school hockey championship when asked about the death of an indigenous woman basically at the hands of your government's incompetence and that might hit your approval rating. She also inherited a party that was incredibly unpopular and didn't do herself any favours out of the starting gates. Kenney was at least chosen by his constituents and they should have known what they were getting.
  9. This is what I thought I heard about Eli too and that the other guys basically had nothing to do with him after. But I also heard that he got the first shot and had a bad reaction and was not advised to have the second shot. Just going off hearsay.
  10. To be fair, that isn't 66 from this week alone, but rather 16 from this past week. The huge number is an increase from numbers underreported before. Of course the province also tampers with definitions of Covid infections/deaths to make things fit the message that Covid is over.
  11. Especially ironic because you were originally responding to someone who was pointing out a conversation with a rural person saying that Trudeau should be shot.
  12. You read that and your primary take is that Trudeau isn't popular in rural Canada? Wow
  13. Ticks are out now too, damn annoying little things. I usually get around 100 on me per year, fortunately I catch most before they bite. Believe it or not body hair helps a lot, not in deterring bites, but in being able to feel them crawling before they attach. They don't really bug me all that much other than the thought of Lyme disease and that is horrifying.
  14. Totally goes with the authoritarian-follower profile that the book describes. Looking to follow a strong leader, able to compartmentalize incompatible views, no critical thinking regarding their own views, angry and willing to accept attributions by those who cast themselves as a strong leader that will stick up for their interests (PP), willing to use violence to have their interests win out.
  15. Currently reading an interesting book - Authoritarian Nightmare about the rise of Trump and why people follow him. Very interesting stuff, especially the part about the psychology of his followers. Co-authored by Manitoba's own Bob Altemeyer, an expert on authoritarianism. Canada is at risk too.
  16. Curious to know if Charest stepped up and said the same thing when Trudeau was harassed last election and he wasn't running for PC leadership. He's right in condemning this and I'd like to see more people across the political spectrum call this out, I just hope he feels the same way when speaking out doesn't benefit him specifically by taking a shot at a rival.
  17. @the watcher this is mostly what I was referring to a ways back in the thread. Hostility like this, often based on conspiracies and misinformation, emboldened by many members of our opposition party. Like the US needed true Republicans to stamp out Trumpism and didn't, we need real conservatives to harshly criticize stuff like this and call it for what it is rather than use it for political gain.
  18. Couldn't agree more. Canada is in danger with the political situation in the south. It is disappointing to see a strong ally get torn apart from the inside out and a shame to see it spreading to Canada. Before WW2 we were much more under the British sphere of influence and while I still see us maintaining a strong connection to the US, I think it might be wiser for us to strengthen relations where sanity prevails. I'd be interested to see how European countries have shifted economically and politically in their relationship with the US in the past 5 years.
  19. Not sure if I posted it here already, but Sloan really reminds me of the guy from Handmaids Tale (the show) for multiple reasons.
  20. As posted above, the WEF conspiracy has entered the leadership race for the CPC. Pollievre has been engaging on dog whistle politics to appeal to those with wacky views. There's even been some that have been dumped from the party because of their ridiculous views. With my comment a while back, I was mostly referring to those protestors/creeps during the last election that would scream and disrupt loudly during the last election campaign. Trudeau was visibly frustrated with them. The subject was originally about Trudeau dropping an f-bomb as it was insinuated by the CPC that military aircraft were flying over the freedom convoy as a means of surveillance when it clearly wasn't. To me the criticism is an appeal to the wackos that believe in the deep-state conspiracy that often includes vaccine conspiracies, world government conspiracies, etc.
  21. I think there is quite a big difference between pointing out the extremes of another party's political policy and outright disinformation like Trudeau is party of a WEF attempt to make people zombies through vaccine mandates. A lot of the extremely vocal anti-Trudeau crowd are that way because they believe wild things that just don't have any basis. Many citizens, regardless of where they place their vote, may be against Trudeau. The ones that disrupt campaign stops and do not allow him to speak are something else entirely. Saying the Manitoba PCs are trying to privatize hydro at least has some basis in reality. They sold off MTS (look how that turned out) and have already sold off parts of hydro. Privatization is kind of their thing.
  22. I'm more specifically wondering whether any improved vaccine will be able to be thwarted as easily by the virus mutating. I remember reading that some virologists believe the virus won't continue to mutate at the pace we've seen and it will eventually reach a point of relative stability. If we're getting towards that with sub-variants rather than completely new variants, I wonder if that will make a new vaccine quite a bit more significant than what we currently have for both preventing hospitalization/deaths AND transmission. That would be pretty great.
  23. I'm curious to know if these subvariants all developing along the Omicron line will be well covered if/when an Omicron-specific vaccine is released. I would imagine that could be a game changer if it does.
  24. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be engaged in parliamentary debates when members opposite push conspiracies and misinformation. During the last election when Trudeau was subject to some really nasty abuse on campaign stops you could tell he was extremely frustrated. I'd imagine most politicians expect to encounter resistance and policy criticisms, but when you're being criticized based on conspiracy, that's gotta be another level. I know of nothing other than the story posted above, but his response seems to confirm that he said it. That is unfortunate as the CPC will love getting under his skin and will likely continue to resort to the same tactics in the future if that works.
  25. "But they'll leave Canada and ruin our economy and nobody will have jobs" 🙄
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