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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. I don't think this is incompetence. This is things going according to plan. Run public organizations into to ground to lay the foundation for privatization.
  2. I've been doing some reading on this and I cannot imagine how my next vehicle wouldn't be electric. Add in the $5000 credit from the feds and it makes it an easy choice. Hopefully the prairie provinces step up to the plate and add to this once supply improves as well. Some of the calculations you missed are the lower costs for maintaining an electric. No oil changes, brakes last longer, less moving parts. I've read a few different opinions, but basically servicing will cost more since there are not many mechanics that are certified for electric, but the vehicle will need to be serviced less often. The cost for servicing an electric is expected to come down as they become more widely adopted and more mechanics become certified to service them. I've always preferred plain vehicles without much tech (I actually prefer manual windows and locks too). Not too keen on all the tech they pack into the electric cars, but I guess that's likely true of new ICE vehicles usually. Just seems like more that could go wrong / planned obsolescence.
  3. I thought losing smell and taste was a thing of past Covid strains only? Guess I am incorrect.
  4. Playing devil's advocate - you could also say that taking pleasure in eating factory farmed meat is wrong. Eating produce from places in the world where farm workers are subject to extreme conditions and unfair pay as well. When I've hunted, I've enjoyed being outside, I've enjoyed tracking or setting up. I've felt bad killing an animal and given thanks in my own way, but I don't think someone can hold their head high if they actively support industrial agriculture just because they aren't doing the killing themselves.
  5. I've had Tim Horton's food before and can't believe they are still in operation. Not sure if people realize there are other options out there or if 'bland' is a distinct taste profile.
  6. I've posted similar before, but I know Don Plett and his family and know many people who are close to him. The guy is slimy and doesn't deserve to have any power in this country. No surprise at all that he supports Pollievre.
  7. $20 for ODD settlement. No proof of purchase (but you can get more if you somehow still have proof): Optical Disc Drives Price Fixing Class Action (oddclassaction.com)
  8. I believe I can get my 4th dose now and finally my son is eligible to start getting vaccinated! I will likely delay my 4th dose until he is fully vaccinated. I am fortunately able to avoid risky situations (and delay my return to society) until he can finally be protected. Hopefully they will be rolling out the upgraded boosters by fall.
  9. Words of support? Yes. Thoughts and prayers? Likely. Real funding for programs that would address poverty and violent crime? No chance.
  10. Another reason to make sure the Rogers/Shaw merger doesn't happen.
  11. I don't think it matters whether it is out of starvation or not. If you're referring to economic benefit for being able to sell what you kill, that is definitely not allowed, but maybe you're referring to saving money buying meat. Hunting often isn't cheap either. I've only hunted for food and I don't know anyone who does it purely for fun. Maybe there's a selection bias there. I also think hunting for food is usually more ethical than buying food from grocery stores.
  12. If you're talking about this happening in Canada/US there are quite a few differences between the countries why I think no guns shouldn't happen here. The biggest is that a much larger percentage of people use firearms to obtain food in Can/US. That being said, I'm still in favour of stronger gun laws and think gun culture is nuts.
  13. I was also referring to the allegations of impropriety that came from Glover after the result and her refusing to accept the result. It was pretty clear who the mainstays of the party wanted in charge and, as brutal as Stefanson has been, I'm thankful for any impropriety that may have occurred to keep Glover out of the premier's chair.
  14. Seems a lot like the last Manitoba PC leadership debacle.
  15. You know where else Brad Wall's strategic advice has been sought? - Brad Wall Hydro Report Brings Privatization Failures to Manitoba (policyfix.ca) I sure hope LeBreton is right and Canadians are still more reasonable than the loudest, most obnoxious ones try to convince otherwise. If our elections weren't basically Conservatives vs. all the other parties, they would have no chance. They are despised by many and only have a chance because they can unite the regressive members of society. They're having a hard time keeping it all under one tent and still having a chance to be the official opposition. Probably the best thing for the long term health of the party would be to come out strong against the ridiculous alt-right misinformation fueled elements and hope to stamp that out, but instead we get Maga Bergen and PP to steer the party forward (backward?).
  16. Its too easy to embrace misinformation and encourage hate while still separating yourself when things like this happen. They go hand-in-hand. Many of these extremist views have be given far too much credibility lately.
  17. I would argue that they have changed provincial politics. Manitoba quickly caved to them for example, not to mention the preferential treatment they received when they occupied Winnipeg. PP also took credit along with them for removal of some of the federal vax mandates that were removed, but I'm not sure they played as big a role in federal decisions as they did in provincial decisions.
  18. All powerful Trudeau that controls global inflation and crypto prices 😁
  19. Again, I'm not sure he actually believes that bitcoin is a hedge against inflation. He holds crypto and promoting it is just another avenue for personal gains and the lunatic convoy people love crypto, so might as well promote it. Fortunately with the fall of bitcoin, he's got all sorts of egg over his face and personal financial loss as well. Somehow his supporters will ignore it and see him as an economic genius that will free the country from Trudeau's idiot financial policies. I can only hope you're right, but I thought the same thing with Trump. I assume most moderate conservatives will still embrace him if he's the leader rather than Liberals.
  20. I still don't buy that PP is dumb. Sees a bunch of idiots that are easy to manipulate to make personal gains. That's not dumb, that's selfish and narcissistic. Same thing with most of the Trumpist GOP in the US. MTG a few others might legitimately be idiots, the rest are just using them.
  21. That's the thing though - the history of gun rights in the US goes back to a time when the guns we have today did not exist. It is hard to do a mass shooting with an inaccurate muzzle loader. Everything around the debate has changed, yet the pro-gun argument remains the same.
  22. Honestly surprised a big deal is being made of this story. Not that I don't think it is offensive, but it just seems like a general rural redneck expression that got non-rural attention to me. I don't think it is uncommon to make fun of turbans or people from a different cultural group in rural areas. I don't think it is uncommon to discuss wanting death to Trudeau/Singh. Maybe its just that I grew up in southeast MB and got well acquainted by the intolerance that this doesn't seem to be a huge outlier to me.
  23. Had a friend that got a nursing job in the HSC ER in the past year. Didn't last a week. He said it was continually dangerously understaffed and extremely stressful. He's also told me that they have had to switch nurses from other departments into ER nurses there and many of them are public health nurses, pretty much the exact opposite path in nursing as an ER nurse. Can you imagine needing ER care and the nurse responsible for you was working behind a desk the last 10 years and didn't sign up for the job? 😒 Not a surprise nurses are leaving the profession from burnout. If only we had private health care to come to the rescue. (sarcasm)
  24. When I was playing soccer in the southern US I was shocked how few people were actually walking period. Even when I was trying to go for walks, I found the walking infrastructure to be really poor. Small sample size, but I've always taken proper walking infrastructure for granted. I'd like to see stats on walking in general between US/Can. Life in the US, our closest neighbour/ally, and some really stark differences. Hoping we are not headed in that direction, but social media seems to making some dangerous shifts in both countries. It breeds intolerance, tribalism and enhances the power of intentional and unintentional misinformation.
  25. Mostly agree with you, but as a consumer we do have some power too. Some things are unavoidable and we don't have much choice, but we can certainly abstain from buying some things or choosing more ethical alternatives as well. Frequently it will cost more to follow ethical purchasing guidelines, but it definitely isn't impossible for many things. Not to mention supporting an economy of second-hand goods or sharing purchases for some items to buy less. Consumers, as a group, can also put pressure on companies regarding ethical violations. We've seen this with palm oil plantations and forced Uighur labour among other issues. Not exactly what I'm talking about, but these guys are somewhat related and best thing I could think of for a proactive resource atm - Corporate Knights | The Voice for Clean Capitalism.
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