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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. It's getting tough for me to keep track of the elements that have fractured off the CPC. We have Bernier, Sloan, Western Independence Party, any others? I remember hearing one that was only going to run in ridings where the CPC didn't hold a seat or had a chance to. I don't know how all these parties view vote splitting.
  2. Its like an alien coming to earth and studying what is popular and connects with people the trying it themselves. I bet they were thinking it would go viral and show them to be the hip new Conservatives.
  3. Watch the first part of the 2019 season. Nichols was on and had a good arm with accurate balls, even deep balls. That's not the memory I had of him. I remember him as being decent with the short passes and playing ball control offense. The start of the 2019 season showed he had legit skills. Hopefully he can overcome the shoulder injury as he is just a shell of where he was at his best.
  4. You're missing the point. It's not about the picks being right or wrong, its about satisfying an audience.
  5. What about Wilder? His insistence on the crop top? Cause that makes it look pretty bush league out there. Penalize him every damn time.
  6. First week of the season and I am already super frustrated with the CFL music promotion BS. You gotta wonder how much they make to promote horrible acts and get broadcasters to talk about them.
  7. Odd choice for quotations. Hoping you're doing an oil change
  8. After this past July, an ice age sounds pretty great.
  9. Pretty sick of changing masking from required to recommended. Pretty obvious the people more likely the spread the disease - Covid deniers, anti-restriction types will definitely not wear a mask and will likely contribute to more spread and longer that regular, sane folk have to be more cautious. Taking away the provincial requirement also puts business owners in a bad place for deciding how they will approach things. I've already hear
  10. I've rewatched the first few games from 2019 and he was used as a deep threat as well as a short pass YAC guy. He actually did fairly well on some deep balls. Nichols was actually way more accurate with the deep balls in the first few games than I remember too. I haven't recently watched the second half of the 2019 season, but I do remember being disappointed by Lucky as he wasn't doing as well as the hopes I had for him after his early success.
  11. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/mask-analysis-pallister-manitoba-roussin-1.6128662 "I am just so damn sick of how our society has to suck up the consequences of the incompetence of leaders who lack insight, empathy and humility, and the caution that is the hallmark of all those things," tweeted Dr. Jillian Horton, a general internist and author in Winnipeg. "It doesn't make any sense," said Dr. Glen Drobot, who works in internal medicine at St. Boniface and Grace hospitals. "I fear we're going to be entering into a fourth wave that will be similar to the third wave." "Not every jurisdiction is, has got the same epidemiology, not every jurisdiction is in the same place. We're in a good place right now — and yahoo to that," Pallister said. Yahoo is right. Just like the yahoos when we somehow escaped the first three waves of Covid despite experts saying we would eventually get hit. Let's hope this is our government's final victory lap over Covid. They even suggested some unvaxxed will now want to get vaccinated because they are no longer protected by public health measures.
  12. Not only that, but the ability to transmit even while vaccinated will mean I'll be out for any entertainment, restaurants, etc. for quite a while yet. Had to know the trigger finger was itching though
  13. Agreed. I fear I will be telling my son about how the world used to be and he will never know the childhood I did. But hey, let's keep focused on "net-zero" for 2050 🙄
  14. He's got a little bit of that Trump blurring the lines between public funds / personal and private interest. I'm especially unhappy with the $150,000 of public funds spent on bill 64 propaganda promotion. I guess that's what called for when you have a "vocal minority" that oppose the bill. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/under-pressure-province-spends-in-defence-of-bill-64-574887232.html
  15. A part of me hopes that we see the surge in AB/SK earlier rather than later. PCs really needs something concrete, happening right now, to dissuade him from following the leader. So far, unless its happening in MB, we seem to think we're immune to what happens elsewhere. I don't have too much of a problem with loosening some restrictions for vaccinated individuals, but unvaxxed need to be prevented from ruining things for others. Especially for kids and immunocompromised.
  16. If I owned a bar, I'd definitely have a trough in the men's bathroom. Wonder if the trough was just a Winnipeg thing or was/is around in other places.
  17. Links added. Let me know if any of the links are incorrect or not working and I'll try to update them. I'll add any new ones I find or come in through this thread as well as updating the game in 40s to the full game if they are found.
  18. Wonder if there's any chance that some dumb shits finally get vaccinated when they see the prospect of another lockdown. Hoping this will cause MB to remain strong or get even stronger on privileges for vaccinated only. We have a really hard time learning from the mistakes of others though - not hopeful.
  19. I think it adds to the story of the season. Some of the struggles, blown leads makes the successes that much better. I know in the WF against Sask memories of blowing sure wins earlier in the season kept nagging on me. It made the eventual win that much more enjoyable. If anyone would like, I could share the links I have in the original post if that's cool with the mods.
  20. Not sure if I should create a new topic, so feel free to merge where appropriate. I am looking to complete my YouTube playlist of the games of the 2019 season and wondering if anyone can help, whether on YouTube or another source. Here's what I have: 1 - Wpg @ BC - Here 2 - BYE 3 - Edm @ Wpg - Here 4 - Wpg @ Ott - Here 5 - Tor @ Wpg - Here 6 - Ott @ Wpg - Here 7 - Wpg @ Ham - Here 8 - Wpg @ Tor - MISS Game in 40 9 - Cgy @ Wpg - Here 10 - BC @ Wpg -MISS 11 - Wpg @ Edm -MISS 12 - Wpg @ Ssk - MISS 13 - Ssk @ Wpg - MISS 14 - BYE 15 - Wpg @ Mtl - MISS Game in 40 16 - Ham @ Wpg - MISS 17 - Wpg @ Ssk - MISS 18 - Mtl @ Wpg - Here 19 - Wpg @ Cgy - Here 20 - Cgy @ Wpg - MISS WSF - Wpg @ Cgy - MISS - Game in 40 WF - Wpg @ Ssk - Here GC - Ham @ Wpg - Here (Thanks Bigblue204) I had more, but apparently they were taken down. Not really a fan of the CFL "Game in 40", but I may have to resort to including those. CFL really needs to capitalize on previous seasons/memorable moments. I'm sure there'd be people willing to pay for online access to full games/seasons. No spoilers, I hear the season finale has a surprise ending.
  21. For the most part really dumb people who seem to have zero ability to think logically - "quarantine the sick, not the health". But for the real loud ringleaders like this guy, I'm also concerned about mental instability.
  22. Tagging the Bombers in his post is a great way for word to get out. This guy is clearly a genius.
  23. All this talk about Nichols/Lapo has me absolutely pumped to play them this year. As a matter of fact, I'll go circle the date on my calendar right now....
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